Abbadon hates dance
i did not know that would happen, i didn’t play gw1 though as i waited for my party member to enter with me. since i ended up in that place first i started dancing and BAM!.. knocked down immediately . it was a great little secret.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
in the first game when you did the mission to kill him if you dance before combat starts he kills everyone lol.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
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If it’s indeed abaddon that smites you down. Does this mean he’s still alive?
He’s “Lord of the Everlasting Depths”, not “Lord of the Dance”.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
If that still works! Then his influence is still around! Abaddon confirmed!
lol, i’m kidding, but the sad thing is, I hope it’s true.
I know it doesn’t make sense…but that voice at the end sounds awfully deep for Forgotten. Is it possible he somehow passed the egg along?
Best part for me was on my necro I equipped Unholy Sanctuary and just kept dancing, even after the “smite”.
Was fun to give the dead god another insult :p