About "Historical" Living World

About "Historical" Living World

in Living World

Posted by: Feralnex.4071


Hello everybody,
Just want to ask A-net If there will be chance to participate in Historical Living World like Flame & Frost, Wintersday, Halloween, Southsun etc. because not everybody had chance to enjoy them. There was many threads about It but I have never seen answer from A-net (or I missed It ;s). So I just want to hear answer, that is all.

About "Historical" Living World

in Living World

Posted by: JamuThatsWho.8369


I agree, an NPC capable of allowing players to enter instanced versions of the game world in order to experience the Living Story is something I’d love to see. I usually manage to get a few achievements but nothing is complete due to leveling, trying alts, crafting, exploring etc. and I’d love to complete the achievements I’ve missed.

About "Historical" Living World

in Living World

Posted by: Feralnex.4071


Same here, I just want to have chance to get Achievements and Minipets from this Historical Living Worlds. Now we have to wait for answer or wait for Halloween (First Living World I think) and check if there will be chance to get same achievements and minipets (and new one) from last year ; p

About "Historical" Living World

in Living World

Posted by: Kunst.8167


I hope people will never be able to get older achievements and rewards… If you really like the Living Story, you shouldn’t be interested in being rewarded.

And I think if the activites will be very close from last year’s Halloween, the rewards will be different.

About "Historical" Living World

in Living World

Posted by: Illi.3647


There was a confirmation somewhere that they are indeed working on systems that´d let players to enjoy previous stories. No unique rewards and achieves I think, just to know what the story was about.
Also, Halloween and Wintersday are annual events, they will come this year too

About "Historical" Living World

in Living World

Posted by: Kaleston.5671


I’d personally would be happy if there were some cinematic videos made describing what has happened in the world, when some bigger chunk of living story is finished. I think playing events back is sort of pointless, because you already see, what has happened.

What I mean, I’d do something very similar to what WoodenPotatoes did in his youtube channel, but maybe in a bit more fashion manner. For example something like introduction cinematic videos after character creation, that would describe event etc.