Adnul Irongut
Methinks ANet are looking into it, but if you want to beat him as he is now you can out-cheat his face by eating health regen food. Mango pie I think was the suggested item. I’m going to have to make me some! (Prior to this I didn’t even realize there was health regen food) :P
Mango Pie + Rejuvenation Booster = owned Adnul. I knew those boosters in my bank would come in handy some day!
NVM! I see they fixed the food buff. I give up this is just silly its fine for something to be hard but this is taking my fun away I think I will go play another game a few days this one guy has ruined this event for me.
(edited by Wickedchick.4526)
Beaten him first try, no food. Perhaps i was just lucky, or perhaps all those hours of polymock in GW1 paid off.
Beaten him first try, no food. Perhaps i was just lucky, or perhaps all those hours of polymock in GW1 paid off.
Can you beat him consistently? Play him 10 times using the same technique and see if it works. If it does, do share.
i have to say i hope Adnul gets hit by a herd of Dolyak coming out of the bar. ;p
This guy is bugged as hell, he uses abilities when he isn’t supposed to and is almost impossible to beat, 100% based on RNG.
I got close few times but no dice, been trying for hours, got all others and need him to progress…
I agree with the guys above that there might be something to do about this encounter, but I don’t agree on what.
My suggestion would be either to increase the reward in achievement points or rework the mini-game so that there actually is some strategy and planning behind it.
If it is actually supposed to be like a rock-paper-scissors sort of thing, however, I’d go with the reward increase.
Does the mango pie actually work? I see all my buffs disappear when the mini game starts. And Irongut still feels really buggy. He still keeps his buff even after it is suppose to wear off and in some cases has it right at the beginning of the match, even though there is no buff icon.
Making the most RNG dependent encounter I have ever seen needed for a meta achievement… It’s just literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen implemented into any game ever. Please never EVER do anything like this again, EVER. RNG is NOT, I REPEAT, NOT FUN.
Just use Bluff whenever you can. Don’t ever Burp or Drink until you cannot Bluff. He will drink himself to death; he never uses Bluff.
There is definitely something wrong with the game. The tooltip says drinking costs 10% health and water gives 20% health, which is true for the NPC, but it’s the other way around for the player (drinking costs 20% and water gives 10%).
Mango pie doesn`t work, buff vanishes as soon as you enter instance, and can`t be activated in it. He`s constantly preventing bluff , sometimes as soon as first attempt, then constantly from then , then he uses his signature skill every 3 turns , it`s ridiculous
This is a prime example of what`s happening, hasn`t even used signature skill as no icon up , yet still getting interrupted , which prevents use of bluff , 5 times 3 of which in one minute, and first one was on very first skill selection !
This is ridiculous. I was able to beat the others fairly easily, but this guy belches all the time and his health barely goes down. He also keeps his special move up constantly after the first few rounds, making this fight literally impossible.
(edited by Shostie.6435)
There is definitely something wrong with the game. The tooltip says drinking costs 10% health and water gives 20% health, which is true for the NPC, but it’s the other way around for the player (drinking costs 20% and water gives 10%).
Anet can we get a fix for this? Drink water is supposed to heal 20%. Health is 10,000. 20% of 10,000 is 2,000. When I use drink water I only receive 1,000 health. Conversely, drinking says 10% of health, but when I use it, I lose 2,000 health. This must be part of why the game is so frustrating.
I have a feeling Anet is yet again play testing some mystical version where it works perfectly, but they are delivering the bugged, crap version to the players without realizing it.
This part of the event is extremely frustrating and a huge time sink. I hope that this is changed.
This guy is freaking impossible, he keeps spamming his special skill while we can only use it once, why is there no proper cooldown for him? Also his health is insane and he pretty much never bluffs -_-
This Adnul Irongut………… is a pain! 5 plus hours and still have not beaten him. If Anet thinks this is fun———- I think they must have been drinking A LOT! I rather do a JP and I HATE JPs.
its really aweful. I also got burped at twice in less then 3 rounds. the spamming of specialmove is also anoying alone but combined with that cheat like burp spamming.
I just managed it…. Here is how, but it does require alot of luck and a few tries:
use the boast special strait away
use bluff always until u can’t
use belch before water whenever possible
make very sure you click the icon on every turn…. easy to miss.
good luck
didnĀ“t work you jsut had luck
Supposedly this was fixed? Sorry, but it certainly was not. I just spent three hours on a Saturday night banging my head against the wall trying to do this content (and it is just for a single step in getting the overall achievement). I’d have rather gone out to a movie or something. Here’s what’s wrong as I see it:
1. He has too much health, and takes too little damage from drinking.
2. He still spams his special over and over, and on top of it he still gets to punish you way too often.
3. As everyone else has noted, the player’s damage from drinking and points restored by healing are backwards…should be 10%/20%, respectively, as described.
Until this is fixed, I’m not trying this anymore. It is an utter waste of my time and has really soured me on this event. Are these things never tested (and by testing, it means played many times, not just a few)?
By the way…I noticed something…if he doesn’t have his signature move active, and you do Belch followed up by Drink Water, he almost always then activates his special…when you’ve just spent two of the three items you can use to (probably) avoid losing health. Then when he hits his signature move…you are left with drinking for three straight turns. This happened a lot in the three hours I was trying this exceptionally, staggeringly disappointing mini-game.
Just want to add to the chorus of how frustrating this encounter is. This is the definition of a design that is hard just for the sake of being hard, not because it challenges players to get better. There’s no pattern to learn or strategy to employ, your options are so limited with just the one special. You just have to get lucky. He almost always detects your bluffs, he has a ton of HP, his heals are huge, he usually blocks your heals, and once he pops his special you have one (!) turn to bluff before it’s up again. After a couple hours of trying I can say this is the first thing in the game that made me wish I had cheated while the exploit was available. That’s not a feeling I think people should have when facing content. I hope this gets adjusted.