Aetherblade farming during invasions

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: GrayFox.2601



Now that that chapter of the living story is over, I think this is a fair question to ask.

Why was aetherblade farming during invasions never nerfed?

This was not a bug, but I consider it an exploit because it negatively impacted players actually trying to succeed at the event (if enough people were farming, the event failed because there weren’t enough people to fight the minions) and gave an unfair advantage to those that participated in it (40-60 champ boxes per event for farmers vs. 5-10 for non-farmers). I base those last two stats on what I got personally and what farmers often bragged about getting. This gives them a huge head start in MF and t7 mats if they waited to open the boxes until the update.

I understand why the players would take advantage of it. Nothing is more simple to understand than greed. But what I don’t understand is ArenaNet ignoring it.

GW2 has nerfed exploits far less profitable or damaging than this on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. We are used to it by now and, unlike some of the more unpopular or random nerfs we sometimes see, this one was even expected by the majority of the map chats I read as soon as it started to become an issue.

So why was this one ignored?

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Really people got 40-60 boxes? Are you sure that’s accurate, it sounds a little extreme. If the player mob was large enough you’d probably get 2 camps at a time, you’d only probably get 6 champs before the captain showed up and then probably another 4-6. Usually the farming was so intense you’d only be able to farm 1 or 2 aether groups before the aethers were picked clean.

“I base those last two stats on what I got personally and what farmers often bragged about getting”

Well here might be your problem both seem like very unreliable sources, the former is clearly biased and the later is clearly looking to troll / stroke-ego.

Unless I missed something, and I was farming pretty hard around the end there. So maybe my farm – skills isn’t as good as I image it to be.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I think ANet could have improved the invasions by making it so that any Molten/Aetherblade/Twisted mob kill advances the bar, rather than tying it to event completion. This means that people who prefer to farm Champs during events, or after the event is over, can do so because that would reduce the bar and progress the invasion anyway, so those who want to complete the invasion don’t have to beg the farmers to devote more attention to the Twisted portals.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

It’s not a brag… you can get 40 some odd bags.

What I wonder is why the Aetherblades do NOT go away once their overall bar reaches zero? There are easily 2-3 Aetherblade farms still left after that, which cuts into at least 10 minutes of the overall event.

If this is how Tequatl is going to go, too, no one will ever kill Tequatl because all everyone cares about is farming champ bags, and not getting to the end boss.

Please, please get rid of the aetherblades once their overall bar goes down?

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It’s not a brag… you can get 40 some odd bags.

What I wonder is why the Aetherblades do NOT go away once their overall bar reaches zero? There are easily 2-3 Aetherblade farms still left after that, which cuts into at least 10 minutes of the overall event.

If this is how Tequatl is going to go, too, no one will ever kill Tequatl because all everyone cares about is farming champ bags, and not getting to the end boss.

Please, please get rid of the aetherblades once their overall bar goes down?

If champs spawn during the new Teq, will they drop anything? See Jormag.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685


Now that that chapter of the living story is over, I think this is a fair question to ask.

Why was aetherblade farming during invasions never nerfed?

This was not a bug, but I consider it an exploit because it negatively impacted players actually trying to succeed at the event (if enough people were farming, the event failed because there weren’t enough people to fight the minions) and gave an unfair advantage to those that participated in it (40-60 champ boxes per event for farmers vs. 5-10 for non-farmers). I base those last two stats on what I got personally and what farmers often bragged about getting. This gives them a huge head start in MF and t7 mats if they waited to open the boxes until the update.

I understand why the players would take advantage of it. Nothing is more simple to understand than greed. But what I don’t understand is ArenaNet ignoring it.

GW2 has nerfed exploits far less profitable or damaging than this on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. We are used to it by now and, unlike some of the more unpopular or random nerfs we sometimes see, this one was even expected by the majority of the map chats I read as soon as it started to become an issue.

So why was this one ignored?

Bad argument. You’re assuming that if farming was not as profitable, those players would have helped you win the event. It’s very likely they would have not even participated — champ farming in Frostgorge instead. You’d be fighting minions by yourself anyway.

The champ farming did not cause you to lose the event. There event simply isn’t compelling enough for people to want to win it.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Sammieh.7605



Bad argument. You’re assuming that if farming was not as profitable, those players would have helped you win the event. It’s very likely they would have not even participated — champ farming in Frostgorge instead. You’d be fighting minions by yourself anyway.

The champ farming did not cause you to lose the event. There event simply isn’t compelling enough for people to want to win it.

I must strongly disagree… The events are actually significantly easier with less people doing them, seeing as how they scale quite hard to the number of players.
I recall one particular instance where I cleared a complete aetherblade event, including champ captain, with just one other random player aside from myself. Having those zergs running around upscales the events so hard that they take much more time. Thus indeed impeding the progress of the total event.
TLDR: Yes, the farmers wouldn’t bother coming, but that would aid the event progress rather than hindering it.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Balgus.3468


I thought like this at first too until I saw what the reward was for completing the thing. I’d rather farm champs than do the living story only to get a tonic, etc. The quest rewards are just too lack luster. Now if they were guaranteed to drop ascended mats or exotics or larger amounts of gold as opposed to Champs who only drops chests that are on the off chance hopefully going to drop an exotic, t7 mat, then I probably would have tried to finish the quest, but as it stands, not even worth the effort. Jumping puzzles are almost equally rewarding some times.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809


Bad argument. You’re assuming that if farming was not as profitable, those players would have helped you win the event. It’s very likely they would have not even participated — champ farming in Frostgorge instead. You’d be fighting minions by yourself anyway.

The champ farming did not cause you to lose the event. There event simply isn’t compelling enough for people to want to win it.

I must strongly disagree… The events are actually significantly easier with less people doing them, seeing as how they scale quite hard to the number of players.
I recall one particular instance where I cleared a complete aetherblade event, including champ captain, with just one other random player aside from myself. Having those zergs running around upscales the events so hard that they take much more time. Thus indeed impeding the progress of the total event.
TLDR: Yes, the farmers wouldn’t bother coming, but that would aid the event progress rather than hindering it.

My only issue with your argument is that the farmers were not running around everywhere, upscaling all the events. They would stick to an aetherblade event and farm it until gone and then move on to the next one.

In theory, this would mean less people doing the minion or molten events and thus they would be scaled way down and easier. So smaller groups of people wanting to complete the event should have been able to do so more easily.

While the smaller groups who wanted to complete the event finished the minion/molten events, the aetherblade events would get polished off by the farmers.

Like you mention, if all these farmers had dispersed and helped with all the other events, the events themselves would have scaled up and the invasion would have probably actually taken longer.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419



Bad argument. You’re assuming that if farming was not as profitable, those players would have helped you win the event. It’s very likely they would have not even participated — champ farming in Frostgorge instead. You’d be fighting minions by yourself anyway.

The champ farming did not cause you to lose the event. There event simply isn’t compelling enough for people to want to win it.

I must strongly disagree… The events are actually significantly easier with less people doing them, seeing as how they scale quite hard to the number of players.
I recall one particular instance where I cleared a complete aetherblade event, including champ captain, with just one other random player aside from myself. Having those zergs running around upscales the events so hard that they take much more time. Thus indeed impeding the progress of the total event.
TLDR: Yes, the farmers wouldn’t bother coming, but that would aid the event progress rather than hindering it.

My only issue with your argument is that the farmers were not running around everywhere, upscaling all the events. They would stick to an aetherblade event and farm it until gone and then move on to the next one.

In theory, this would mean less people doing the minion or molten events and thus they would be scaled way down and easier. So smaller groups of people wanting to complete the event should have been able to do so more easily.

While the smaller groups who wanted to complete the event finished the minion/molten events, the aetherblade events would get polished off by the farmers.

Like you mention, if all these farmers had dispersed and helped with all the other events, the events themselves would have scaled up and the invasion would have probably actually taken longer.

At the announcement of an event beginning, I’ve ported directly into events multiple times. Sometimes there’s a Champion, sometimes several vets and a bunch of regulars, sometimes a few regulars and one vet. Since you claim to know exactly how ANet’s scaling works, how do you explain such differences in mob density and composition when you’re the first player at an event?

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: sazberryftw.3809


Really people got 40-60 boxes? Are you sure that’s accurate, it sounds a little extreme.

40-60 boxes is tame. My guild mates had 100+.

| Lithia |

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


First off they did nerf the event after about 3 days. Since that nerf you can only reasonably get about 40 boxes.

40 boxes in an hour is a pretty sad farm. Combined with the other loot you get makes it an average farm worth about 6g/hr. That is pretty much on par with world events, daily dungeon runs and other champ farms.

There really isn’t anything unbalanced about it, it is just slightly more fun than the other farms.

Aetherblade farming during invasions

in Living World

Posted by: Firefly.5982


And yet another one of these threads.

1. Aether Blade Farm WAS nerfed. You probably missed it, because you didn’t want to see it, because it would make your argument invalid. The amount of champs spawning has been DRASTICALLY reduced. You now need HUGE numbers to make champs spawn and most of the time it spawns 1 instead of 2. So much for ’No Nerf" LOL

2. Farming Aetherblades has NEVER stopped any of the maps I was in from finishing the event. Not if everybody did it right. LOL! Guess what – it’s not just the farmers who can mess up the success of an invasion…I have farmed every single invasion I played and I only ever failed about 4 times. So. This argument is just SO invalid.