Anet, thank you for Reset Progress Features

Anet, thank you for Reset Progress Features

in Living World

Posted by: Eirdyne.9843


I just want to thank you Anet and Staff.

Thank you for the wonderful green portals right in the middle of the combat area.

Thank you for the six pointed quest start in Living Story Missions to make it absolutely certain we may actually click them and reset all our progress. This is so helpful!

Thank you for making sure this green reset portal have no ‘saved progress’ feature so it cannot actual do anything, but remove any progress along the way.This was pure genius. I’m sure this will be the move novel feature in the innovation for years to come…

Thank you for placing the portal right next to the NPCs so in the heat of battle when I go to turn in something I can certain I will reset my progress because these missions are so fun I never want to see the rest of your Living Story!

Thank you for the “click no to not progress” when playing with friends! That’s the most convenient feature I’ve ever experienced.

Thank Anet for making Living Story have these wonderful reset and no save feature always near by! It’s a real sign of your care. I dearly appreciate all of the hard work I’m sure that went into these features.

Sincerest Ire,
All my beloved resets

Anet, thank you for Reset Progress Features

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


Uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about exactly, but you seem very sarcastic in this post and passively hostile. That’s not the best way to get your message across.

If I understand your complaint properly (and I’m not sure I do), you seem to be complaining about having the living story instances marked by the quest star. Now, I can understand this being annoying going from open world to instance if you accidentally press the wrong button. To be fair, though, there is a confirmation window for those that make certain you can’t accidentally enter it if you click no. I don’t think even pressing F will auto-accept for that.

You seem to be talking about the reverse, though: the green star appearing in instances and getting kicked out to the open world. The only time I’ve seen something like that was when I was in something like the home instance, where I called for an instance but there’s no story going on there. Thus, no monsters are trying to kill me and it’s always right there by the entrance of the instance. There’s also the exit button present in the lower right. I have never seen the green star appear in the middle of the story, nor left an instance accidentally before I wanted to leave (unless I accidentally close the client, but that’s something else entirely).

As for the “no save” function, short of the boss battle levels, the instances are generally short enough that you don’t have to do that much backtracking to catch up. This may be inconvenient if you were just about to finish the instance, but it’s a pretty small gripe to make. It’s not as if you need to restart at level 2 or back in your home city when doing an instance in Orr.

The Living World uses the same system it did for the Personal Story, and that aspect hasn’t really changed since launch. You most likely have done at least some of the personal story by now, or else you got to level 80 without caring about plot and just hacking your way through whatever red creature seemed most difficult. If you haven’t played the personal story at all, I recommend you go back to your race’s home instance and play chapter 1. You might find you actually like it.

Anet, thank you for Reset Progress Features

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


Actually I do know whereof the OP speaks. I’ve been helping a couple of people with LS recently. I have them start the instance so I’m just there to explain and aid, they get control. In at least one (Glint’s Lair?) every time I turned around there was another green star offering to let me exit the instance. I avoided hitting F and moved away from the star, so I never mistakenly hit it, but the guy I was helping commented he saw the stars too.

I can see how it would be frustrating to accidentally hit one, though it seemed a bit of caution was all it took for me to avoid that happening even once, let alone repeatedly.

Anet, thank you for Reset Progress Features

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I haven’t seen anything like this. Could someone post some screenshots so we’re all on the same page?

Anet, thank you for Reset Progress Features

in Living World

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


It’s a real sign of your care.

That was your first mistake. They don’t care.

Nor should they.

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