Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Cassio.9507


I’m sure in IRL your AP doesn’t even equal that of Brad Pitt or Bill Gates and I’m sure you’re not busting your hump to keep up with them so why have that mentality here? Just play the game as it comes and do what you like. No need to be kitten about every item, title, and AP point. Your mentality is souring this game for you not the stream of content.

I challenge you to skip a LS installment once. Just once. You might find it liberating.

Would half a year of skipped LS “installments” in between February and August suffice? Also don’t bring in a real life factor into this. You know as little about my life as I do about yours. Games is where we flee to for a break from everything else, no matter how hectic our lives are (or superficial judged by your interpretation of “real life achievement points”).

I have no problem what-so-ever skipping the entire game, it’s just that I’d prefer not to. The current LS model is stimulating an unhealthy gaming mentality that’s not even rewarding enough when it comes to fun factor. This is not something the pre-LS-GW2 did. Post LS your participation in the game is much more forced, if you don’t wanna miss out on the gradual continuation of the (supposed to be) main story of the game.

This is the effect temporary content has on the gamers. It introduces a stress factor that wouldn’t be there if the content was permanent.

All of you who say that we should just ignore the LS completely and focus on the other aspects of the game, you are aware that LS is the only way the game has progressed this last year right? You’re basically saying we should just focus on new toons/alts and enjoy the core game over and over again.

(edited by Cassio.9507)

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: DONO.8760


Yea…I’ve not played since mid September due to the onslaught of rushed temp content. She started out great, but has taken a turn for the worse. The game I love is becoming nothing more than a fond memory…

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


OP I cant agree more.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Squee Squashington.5189

Squee Squashington.5189

I really hope someone of creative authority gets a chance to read this thread. I typically consider myself a completionist and acheivement hunter with any of the games that I’ve played, and while I am not a dev or expert, I really think the direction of this game’s design is heading down a turbulent path.

I’ve seen my fair share of homeless quaggan ads all over the internet trying to bring in new players to GW2. Which is awesome, and while there is a learning curve for people coming from other MMO’s let alone those who’ve never played one before, I truly empathize for these people who level up a bit and try to brave their way through Tower of Nightmares or similar content. Where even myself at 80 in half soldier exotic/ascended gear am having a hard enough time trying to survive let alone revive, coach, or carry other players. So much content has gotten to the point where it’s either fluff or “face-to-keyboard.”

It’s not just the Living story either. Maybe my experiences differ compared to higher population servers, but world bosses are quite a struggle for low to medium turnouts. I can appreciate wanting to drive more players into fractals and dungeons. I can appreciate not wanting people to be just idling/auto-attacking in order to collect their loot. As a mesmer, my clones get pooed on before they even reach the boss on Ele/Maw anyway, so I’m forced to auto-attack which was what you didn’t even want me doing in the first place..

Chain reviving people is just as monotonous as wiping and corpse running in any other MMO (which as you recall was nerfed in dungeons because you didn’t want players ruining the encounters by graveyard zerging bosses that they were having trouble with).

Many paths in dungeons could still be balanced better. There’s plenty of groups who are split between asking “LFM HEAVY’S ONLY OR DIAF” and “Lfg any path.. new.. please don’t hurt me.” Eccentric? Maybe, but you get my point.

The direction with GW2’s game/content design caters to the highly competitive. The insatiable. People have posted in this thread, “You have the option of choosing whether or not to do the content.” but in reality, it’s try hard or don’t bother trying.
Advertise to the newbies, cater to the elite. There’s no sense of accomplishment in drudging through content. I can’t tell you the best way for you to make money, but I can tell you as a long time fan of rpg’s and mmorpg’s, the only thing worse than being burned out on playing a game is wanting to love a game and not wanting to play it.

The Almighty Squee


Legendary Defender of Casuals

(edited by Squee Squashington.5189)

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Shades.4572


urg I lost what I type up…so short version

Yes, So getting burnt out. Why? the direction the LS is going focus on zerg events all the time and ties achv to them. Which is a bad idea. example:

  • Teq: content awesome and great but the follow up stinks. No server really runs Teq anymore, besudes maybe once on the weekend or TTS
  • Clockwork: Invasions was awesome just because they were profitable and worth it to farm. Unfortunately it kill the Pavilion, why would you give us 2 big pve farmable things at the same time, the zerg will always go for the most profitable
  • Tower of Nightmare: after the first 5 days no one runs the events in Kessex Hills, and unless you have helpful guild mates have fun finding a party to help you kill the Krait witches.
  • Nightmare Within: you NEED the zerg for the achvs, since you cant solo your way past the champs and to the top since you HAVE to defeat them. again the zergs stop running this after the first couple days since it’s not worth farming
  • Blood and Madness: zerg was required for killing those champs in the maze. but it wasnt worth farming in the maze for the zerg stopped after 1 week. so goo luck to those that want to farm the candy corn or to those that didn’t get on the first week.

I’m not saying zerging is bad but if keep adding zerg activity to the LS they need to either not tie them to advancing/achievements or make them worth it to farm so it doesn’t go dead after the first couple days. As it stands now if we want to do the LS content then we are “forced” to rush it, since it is dependent on zergs.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I am getting completely burned out and have reduced my gaming frequency. I play on GW2 much less than before.

I like doing fractals so I don’t mind these achievements, but I got burned out from doing the tower ones. I will probably stop chasing achievement points, which is sad, but I can’t do this anymore.

Just give us an expansion already and stop with 2-weeks achievements. Even 1-month long releases would be better than 2-weeks long!

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: UrMom.4205


For me I enjoy the frequent content, as I play a lot and if content only comes out every month it gets a tad boring. They could maybe do the meta achievement for each living story over the course of a month, but have the story broken into two chapters, one in the first two weeks and then the other in the other two weeks. Players would still get a full month to do the content and the meta but there would still be new stuff coming out every two weeks.

One thing that I personally think is hurting the content is the developer live streams. The balance preview streams are fine, it’s the content play through streams that i’m talking about. New content comes out, the devs do a play through stream showing off the new dungeon or new instance, etc. well then everyone in the stream knows exactly what to expect and what to do. There is no exploration or discovery. Everyone gets in there and already knows the general scheme of the thing and just replicates what they saw in the stream. I personally won’t watch any content preview stream anymore. I only watch wvw and balance streams.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i just look at it this way, i play when i want and when i am in the mood, not in the mood simply means no GW2.
also, because i never liked the whole LS crap and dungeons are getting more and more filed with elitism i simply play the core game, as long as they don’t ruin the core game i am fine with it.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Cassio.9507


I am getting completely burned out and have reduced my gaming frequency. I play on GW2 much less than before.

I like doing fractals so I don’t mind these achievements, but I got burned out from doing the tower ones. I will probably stop chasing achievement points, which is sad, but I can’t do this anymore.

Just give us an expansion already and stop with 2-weeks achievements. Even 1-month long releases would be better than 2-weeks long!

Exactly my feeling.

As it is right now they’re wasting extremely well made aesthetics/settings on mostly empty content kinda. As it’s been for me, the last 2-3months, is I enjoy the content for ~30-45mins, then I spend 4-5x that time, in a brainless zerg, finishing off the achievements for meta.

If you don’t have the content to sustain the fun factor long enough, then simply forcing more participation through demanding achievements is not the way to go about it. I totally understand that making this content takes time and effort, but I’d be happy if the achievements simply reflected this by being toned down (and not temporary!).

Also it sometimes puzzles me how content is wasted sometimes. All might not agree w/ me here, but consider if the Nightmare tower had been a 5man instance instead. Gradually leading to the top, w/ demanding bosses on each floor along the way. Consider if these bosses had drops everyone craved, so proper incentive to do them over and over again was there. They’ve already made the tower, it’s just there as another location to “zerg w/ randoms” or stealth your way to the lotto chest at the top.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: joneb.5679


Its not even the actual content, its the achievement system which is becoming more demanding just. When you are asked to complete 15 achievements in one story, 11 in another and 7 in another crossing over and running consecutively and when time is limited to you its just a pain unless you turn off and decide not to even try. The latter solution then begs the question what the point of this amount of achievement grind if many people are turned off.

I use forums to give my opinions but I mostly avoid discussing over
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


if the had made the story more important rather the achievements then we would not have this problem, it would’ve bin better if the “rewards” were things you can get later on trough a heap of karma or such.
we have zergs that ruin a whole part of the game just because of both the loot and the achievements, players get mad when you killed a veteran/champion on your own just because it’s in a daily/LS and all i see is ppl whining that you can do the LS in a day.

it’s partly Anet’s fault, partly the rusher/zerg/farmer’s fault.

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Antares.2586


A bigger update, each 4 weeks instead of 2, would be good for the game and the community. Not only focused on achievements, but with more depth in stories and characters.

The actual rhythm is just too fast for many players. Also it endorses a fast consumer attitude and does have an effect on community bad behavior.

(edited by Antares.2586)

Anyone else feeling close to burned out?

in Living World

Posted by: Pandepix.7680


I just started playing and for me, having to update every two weeks is annoying. I have several low level characters that I’m working on so I’m more focused on my story and when my friends who have level 80 characters want to do the LS events, it’s almost impossible for me to keep up. The Tower of Nightmares was ridiculously hard, even with a huge zerg. Most of the time, I find myself running around in Queensdale, doing the champ train to level up and usually I don’t even get drops that I can use for the character that I’m on. Also, the fact that I don’t have the best internet doesn’t help when I have to wait 2+ hours just for it to update.

I get on once every couple days to play, but it seems like every time I do, there’s some kind of update or patch.

(edited by Pandepix.7680)