Beyond Season 2, and Expansions:

Beyond Season 2, and Expansions:

in Living World

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


So I mentioned this in a topic a while ago but one thing that I stated before that I think the devs should use for the form of expansions is use expansions to add new continents to the game such as Cantha and Elona (maybe not even the entire thing but pieces of them such as Ishtan for Elona and Kaineng for Cantha slowly expanding outwards via LS).

This I feel would be a good way to cover expansions, by adding new continental regions the devs can go back to them over the period of living story and add new content within them while the rest of the world continually gets new regions to explore.

As for some ideas for what could happen after what is very likely going to be a Sylvari and Mordremoth heavy expansion, lets look at some possibilities:

The Tengu, and how can we make them interesting:

I’m gonna be honest here, I don’t like this race at all when it comes to its lore, if you take away the fact they are bird men they are a low tech carbon copy of the Charr with a bit more honor and that in a way makes them akin to the Norn.

Simply put, the Tengu have no lore or story that other races in Tyria don’t already fill in some way or form aside from their irrational xenophobia.

So how can we make them interesting:

Que Season 3/Expansion 1: The Invasion of the Jade Dragon Empire.

Cantha Invades! Not as old friends greeting us with open arms, but as a tyrant, aryanist human empire that has come to reclaim the resources of Tyria for its own struggle against the Deep Sea Dragon.

The Tengu wall is breached not from the front but from the back and the Tengu are forcefully exposed to the Tyrian threat for the first time as Cantha, their oldest enemy, tries to claim their homeland.

The Largos come to their unexpected aid (leading to future potential for their race to join the playable races) and the other races of Tyria help them fend off the Canthans, the Tengu now join the races of Tyria in their traditional quest to defeat the forces of the dragons and in turn, help turn the tide against this encroaching Canthan Threat.

The Tengu personal story aside and thus that much needed character development for the Tengu now completed, the Canthan invasion spreads not just to the Tyrian mainland, but to Elona too, and we are given a brief glimpse of Ishtan, now a vassal state to the undead armies of Palawa Joko, whom we are in need of aid to defeat the Canthans, who are phobic of the dead since the influences of Shiro Tagachi.

Queen Jennah makes an unholy alliance with Joko himself in return for the future assistance (fighting Krally) mutually given by the humans of Tyria (which could lead the undead of Elona to become a playable race too, the enemy of my enemy, etc.)

The Undead and Human forces combined drive away the expansionist Canthans back to the former Zaishen Isles, what remains of them, where they create an expansionist fortress to prepare for an assault on the Canthan mainland and Kaineng City.

Kaineng becomes a battleground, and the Imperial forces battle with the Tyrian and Elonan Undead driving their way through the streets to the Tyrant Emperor. The Emperor, whom may appear like a ruthless figure, is actually being manipulated by the machinations of (plot twist) the Mursaat, who used Cantha to attempt to re-instate themselves as the rulers of Tyria, and to get resources to fight the dragons.

This cleared up misunderstanding allows Jennah to reason with the Emperor, and possibly even the Mursaat (leading to yet another future playable race, the anti-villains) whom have vast knowledge of the dragons already.

The three nations combine and converge at the Zaishen Isles for the all encroaching threat of the Deep Sea Dragon, and unite together to fight against its almighty tidal fury creating a formidable army to strike against it.

The endless waves of troops die in the many but all hope is nigh lost when the dragon appears all but unsinkable.

Finally, the Emperor does the right thing and to atone for his past crime gives his own life to use as a weapon to injure the dragon with a wound deep enough to be exploited as a weakness.

The other heroes of Tyria use the injury to cripple the Dragon and finally kill it overpowering it at last, the three nations reunite for the first time in a very long time with the mutual agreement to defeat the Dragons.

But with Palawa Joko as the head of Elona still reigning corruptly, and the Ministry of Purity still ruling over Cantha’s aryanistic ideals, it will be a while before these foreign powers could offer genuine support to fight the Dragons again.

That would be my own personal idea for a third season/first expansion, the idea of adding “fragments” of the world rather than the entire Jade sea or Vabbi region, we get bits of them and thus casually expand into new continents over the course of the game taking us far beyond the simple game map we already have to new places never seen before in GW2.


Beyond Season 2, and Expansions:

in Living World

Posted by: Flash.6912


I just hope there is no season 3 and just expansion onry!

R.I.P Kumu <3

Beyond Season 2, and Expansions:

in Living World

Posted by: serapheles.5409


I know that a lot of people are interested in Cantha, but, while I’ll admit to being curious to what’s happening there, I would much prefer we hit up areas on the map we can see but have not been to (such as the Janthir area) before going to another continent, and I hope we go to our neighbor Elona before Cantha.

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