Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Yea, it’s not as quality as the main HoT maps but as an addon via Living Story, I found it a nice piece of gameplay. It reminds me of how concepts were expanded on when Dry Top and Silverwastes were added.

The map itself feels very HOT’ish but without a number of the annoyances. The local map currency is actaully naturally acquired. The rubies kinda suck though. Also, who knew having something as simple as a ley-line loop to be amusing? The map design is pretty simplistic and straightforward, but the few things it does use are pretty effective. That glowing red sky and distortions really do make for some atmosphere.

Anyhow, I hope to look forward to what’s in store in the future.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: anninke.7469


Yep, the ley-line loop is totally awesome! I sometimes spend minutes just going round-n-round and making “wheeeeeee” noises in RL to my boyfriend’s amusement (luckily he’s just as weird as I am)

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Yep, the ley-line loop is totally awesome!

AKA Mister Toad’s Wild Ride.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: WhiteKnight.6759


Yep, the ley-line loop is totally awesome! I sometimes spend minutes just going round-n-round and making “wheeeeeee” noises in RL to my boyfriend’s amusement (luckily he’s just as weird as I am)

If I ever find someone as weird as me, I’m going to marry them.

On topic: Bloodstone Fen is a great map…and it’s addictive too.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I like how many of the trash mobs have unique strategies that set them apart from one another. It’s night and day compared to the trash mobs in core tyria.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: hardy.7469


I do like the map. Those stone throwers are a bit overly annoying in their distance and accuracy, but I do like how they used the ley lines and wind drafts to get around quickly in the air.
It makes being on the ground in the forest area or in the hole/cave that much more special since you spend so much more time in the air.

Also I hope they keep the air combat moves, possible even expand it to maybe be weapon based (reconfigure water weapons maybe?).

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: Hesacon.8735


The developers who designed the map should get a bonus. A map bonus. My only issue is the blood rubies use an inventory space and can’t be material deposited.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: Ssargon.6981


…On topic: Bloodstone Fen is a great map…and it’s addictive too.

That’s a symptom of bloodstone and/or magic addiction. In time, there will undoubtedly be a detox clinic set up in Tyria but for now, you may want to limit your exposure. If you’re seeing ghosts, though, it may be too late.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: otto.5684


Defiantly a great map with much better accessibility than HoT maps and the stupid long meta events.

And air combat

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: vicious.5683


I love gliding (biggest reason why I bought HOT) and naturally I love this map.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: Mickey Frogeater.1470

Mickey Frogeater.1470

Let’s hope we get to see more Zones in the Maguuma Jungle. We still haven’t seen The Wilds, Sage Lands or Tangle Root yet despite encountering the other Zones in the Maguuma Jungle.

Silverwood became Verdant Brink and western Silverwastes and Mamnoon Lagoon became eastern Silverwastes.

Half of Aurora Glade is in Brisban Wildlands with the other half being part of Dry Top along with Ettin’s Back(while the Dry Top Zone from GW1 doesn’t appear).

The Falls is part of Auric Basin and the Reed Bog is part of Tangled Depths.

Bloodstone Fen is still called Bloodstone Fen though it now has a lot of red crystals due to the events of Season 3.

The Wilds, Sage Lands and Tangle Root were the 3 most magical of the Maguuma Jungle Zones found in Guild Wars Prophecies! They need to appear.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: Quince.6037


I think this map has been fantastic. Wish it was bigger but that’s just because its so fun to be in. I’m wondering if Rotscale is still in Majesty’s Rest guarding the dead nobles or if he was somehow conscripted by Zhaitan at some point

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: trunks.1659


I hate it. It’s boring. The mobs on the ground are non-threatening, and the mobs when you’re in the air are too threatening. Being turned into a Moa while gliding is just about the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a game. The hand-fired heat-seeking missiles are nearly as bad. There’s nothing fun about having your 12k HP pelted down in 5 seconds while you hang stupidly in the air. At least with Pocket Raptors you knew what you were walking into and could get around them. Now you just spam 4 and 5 and hope you hit it at the right moment to avoid one of the Death-Pebbles™.

There’s just nothing compelling about the new gliding skills. (Why are they designing skills for when you’re flying that only work in a single map instead of fixing or designing new skills for the professions we chose to play?) I land ASAP — except on Hablion, because the constant unavoidable Torment spam, while a nice simulation of what it’s like to PvP these days, is stupid.

The Jades event is just terrible. It’s the very definition of a mindless zerg: it’s certain to fail if you have too few people, it requires everybody to all rush to the same small area, and yet the only way to die is to get shot down by the trash mobs’ anti-aircraft missiles. The Jade Armor even helpfully tosses you out of the only small area where you can take serious damage if you’re bad enough to stand in it. The invisible boss (now you can be blinded by the spell effects hitting BOTH sides of the boss!) takes it to a new level of carebear because you can just ride the wind and pewpew without any danger whatsoever.

There’s a reason that the best open world content in this game is map events that force you to split into semi-organized groups. It heightens player involvement and individual responsibility for the event’s success and it lessens the eye-bleeding impact of 10,000,000 spell effects hitting a single mob.
