Caithe's Remorse trinket availability?
The Trinket is purchasable from the vendor , it requires that you have completed the mastery achievement for the relevant LS episode.
This is the same rule for all the trinkets that come from the mastery achievements. (otherwise it would allow players to bypass the harder part of the Luminescent collection).
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
Its the reward for completing the Mastery achievement for all 3 of the Point of No Return story missions.
Once you get the Mastery achievement you can buy more from the crest vendor (in case you have multiple characters who might want to use it, I imagine). Before that, though, it won’t show up on the vendor. You have to do the Mastery achievement.
All of the previous Mastery achievement trinkets are the same way, as well. They only show up on the vendor after you get them the first time.
You have to earn it via the achievements first before it’ll show up in the vendor.
Which is annoying since the achievements themselves are annoying and their own rewards mostly rubbish/not worth the trouble otherwise.
Too bad they aren’t available from venders unless we do the achievments. Need Wynne’s Locket and Caithe’s Remorse to finish the Luminescent Collection, but a couple of the achievments related to Centaur Boss and Shadow of the Dragon fights still elude me. Not even with friends helping! Oh well…
A bit off topic but I noticed recently that Jurah’s jewel is also available at laurel merchants once.