Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


Who is to say the next cast would be any better, though?

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

i disagree op i like all them they have their points but they seem likeable to me. sad fact i think of people in real life they remind me of. only part of the original ls that i liked and thought anet portayed them well. i still think we are getting canach as well and hes a silvari. id hate to new partners at this time

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: TazzDeMazz.4716


How can you not like Taimi? My favorite character of the entire lot.

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


This is a joke topic, right?

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I like the Biconics. Far more than I do Destiny’s Edge or even the Order mentors. Although I will agree with you that we need a Sylvari in there. (Canach please!)

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: RoxBuryNine.4210


Braham and Rox are ok, barely. Kasmeer is a bimbo. Marjory is bland. Taimi is annoying. They all talk too much.

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

These characters will be front and center for the next several months. This is their story.


Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: Sundar.1735


As much as I disliked Trahaerne, Destiny’s Edge and the Pact were far more interesting than the current lot. Marjory and Kasmeer’s love story is way overplayed, just like it was towards the end of Season 1. I almost can’t stand them anymore.

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


These characters will be front and center for the next several months. This is their story.

And that’s the the problem, it’s their story my poor character get’s dragged along for the ride. Just like in LS Season 1 and about half of their own personal story they play second fiddle. If this is going to be their story I need a reason to care about them as a whole group.

I agree with most of OP’s comments. Marjory and Kasmeer are such an annoying couple because of the way they interact with each other it seems too artificial and that the characters don’t really treat each other like human beings but it’s more of a juvenile romance. This is a shame considering that there aren’t many same sex couples in video games as such being some of the first to do so their relationship should be handled with great care and not treated like a sort of edgy gimmick.

Rox and Taimi are probably the most promising of the bunch at least to me. I’m waiting to see if they will actually get fleshed out some more they have potential. Rox could use a new outfit, seriously that’s Tier 1 leather armor =/ Rox seems intelligent enough if she matured she’d probably be the ideal group leader because I think she’s the most level headed of the bunch, Marjory and Kasmeer are too distracted with each other. Taimi having studied Scarlet has the potential to be the instrument to undo what she has done or follow in her footsteps I’m fine with either as long as she surpasses Scarlet, this shouldn’t be difficult.

Braham is the only male in this group and wouldn’t you know it, he’s a big stack of meat with eyes. I want to like him but the writers are making it difficult to do so. He needs a personality he needs to interact with his mother more, at this rate his legend will be over shadowed by her own.

Can we have a new cast of characters, please?

in Living World

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


And here’s why…
I like them.

There, I have done what every single other angry forum-poster here has done and shoved my opinion in everyone’s face.
Now, I will continue with the ongoing forum traditions of ignoring and discounting anyone whose opinion runs contrary to mine while simultaneously insulting them…

-Disclaimer: To those who are wondering, yes this is sarcasm and should not be taken as a personal affront to the OP (who I would like to believe is just poking fun at another thread that got seriously derailed…) In no way shape or form am I saying people shouldn’t give their opinions. However, the nauseating amount of hyperbole, bile, venom, vitriol and toxicity that gets spewed on these forums lately is pitiable, since I truly do wonder if a large portion of gamers these days can ever really enjoy anything in the games they play without angrily wailing and foaming at the mouth about every single tiny displeasure or perceived slight.
The amount of people yelling for ‘better story writing’ and ‘better character development’ is amusing, since I’ll bet that the vast majority know less then nothing about writing for such a medium as an MMO, or video games in general.

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’

(edited by ShinjoNaomi.1896)