Chalice of Tears, huh?
Depending on how he did the JP, I’m sure there will be Mesmer ports for those that find it too difficult or don’t want to do it.
Yea, mesmers will have ports up for sure. They may not be able to port you to the end but there will definitely be ports up. And thank goodness for that because even though I main mesmer I’m not the best at JQ and do sometimes rely on other mesmers letting me use their portals
this jumping puzzle is not time gated though
you can practice as long as you want and not just during 1 event…
and for people who are more used to jps ~ 95% of the existing jps are a cakewalk by now so they get something for them too ..i think thats fair
And for everyone who already plans on just taking a mesmer portal now…
Try it first! … come on what do you play the game for if you just skip content right to the end…
And if you are not that good at jp yet it is the perfect time to try and get better
I think all the Mesmers who port others should stop that and instead go help others do the jp the correct way
Give advice for harder parts and hints for where the best way to jump is
Tell when a speedbuff is useful and when pressing w—>spacebar and when pressing spacebar—>w is better
But seeing how 90% of people and mostly new players just skip every daily jp because of the mesmers that always port (some of them only hoping for gold donations) and they dont even start trying just makes me sad…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
It’s fine, it’s just another JP I’ll never do.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I think it’s a massive exaggeration to say 90% of people use mesmer portals. Every time a jumping puzzle is the daily I see loads of people doing it themselves, even when there are mesmers portalling people.
I love doing the puzzles. I’m not good at it but I enjoy the challenge and I always get there eventually. But I completely understand that some people literally cannot do it. Not that they don’t want to or they’re too lazy to try, they physically cannot complete the actions required or they live thousands of miles and a couple of continents from the servers in an area with unreliable internet and it’s a very rare day when what they see on screen is not several seconds behind the game.
I know of at least one person who is unable to press two buttons at the same time. She can jump forward if she can activate auto-run and then jump, but needs time to go from one button to the other so it only works if there is space for a run-up first.
So personally I think it’s great that there are alternatives for people to choose from. Everything from doing the puzzle entirely alone so you have to figure everything out yourself to following people to having a friend help you and give instructions, to having them literally carry you through the tricky parts to portalling straight to the end. It means everyone can decide for themselves which method suits them best.
My only request would be to be careful with speed boosts. Ideally don’t apply them to other people unless they ask (or offer and apply it only to people who accept), but at least a warning would be helpful. Many times I’ve had to give up on a puzzle and come back later because someone I couldn’t identify was randomly spamming boosts and there was no way to know when I was going to be hit, meaning there was no way to know how far I’d jump and I kept over-shooting the platform and dying, especially if I suddenly got a boost just as I jumped.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Just FYI, I love jumping puzzles, but I’m not happy about the super hard ones. I’ve never been able to finish Mad King’s Clock Tower or Winter Wonderland and have given up. I’ve finished the rest, but Skipping Stones drove me to the edge of madness. I was actually ok though with the aetherblade one.
I actually like all the JPs you mention… they add a different flavor of JP to the game. Especially the Mad King and Winter JPs… instead of the slow, pixel-perfect approach to every other JP, they are a “hesitate and you’re dead” Super Meatboy-like rush.
I love JP’s and I’m definitely looking forward to the Chalice of Tears. I’m one of those people who always ignores Mesmer ports and just do the JP myself, even the hard ones. Mad King Clock Tower and Winter Wonderland are a cakewalk to me after 3 years.
There is only one exception when it comes to using a Mesmer portal, and that’s Professor Portmatt’s Lab. But that isn’t even a jumping puzzle, technically speaking. They should’ve named it a mini dungeon instead of a jumping puzzle.
and for people who are more used to jps ~ 95% of the existing jps are a cakewalk by now so they get something for them too ..i think thats fair…
*I think all the Mesmers who port others should stop that and instead go help others do the jp the correct way…
But seeing how 90% of people and mostly new players just skip every daily jp because of the mesmers that always port (some of them only hoping for gold donations) and they dont even start trying just makes me sad…
I’m one of those who most of the JP’s are easy now. I even finished Clocktower last Halloween. I welcome the challenge. However, I have plenty of guildmates who are jumping impaired. They will tell you so. Yet, they want to get to the top to for both achievements and to see the view. I’m happy to help them get there with portals.
I think the mesmers that help with daily JP’s may be doing it as a way to make money which is perfectly fine IMO. We all have our ways of coming about gold. Mine is flipping on the TP. So I have no problem with them doing this.
I agree with Danikat, I see many people ignoring portals and doing the JP’s themselves. I’m one of those. I like JP’s. So 90% is probably an exaggeration.
I like JPs. I can do most JPs. I cannot do timed-jump JPs, however. (Exception: the lava one in Caledon, since that is in shorter sections that are timed). This is due to my movement control setup, which I cannot easily change because it is ingrained instinct after years of MMO play. Basically, I can do most every needed movement in this game quite well, so long as I can occasionally lift my mouse and recenter it on my mouse pad. Long strings of timed side to side jumps means I run out of room and the split second it takes to correct my mouse position makes me fail.
So I hope that however “metal” the Chalice of Tears is, it does not include long sections of geyser hops or melting platforms I have to jink back and forth between, or even platforms that while stable are death to stand on for more than half a second. Or if it does, I hope mesmers can help bypass those particular sections.
So I hope that however “metal” the Chalice of Tears is, it does not include long sections of geyser hops or melting platforms I have to jink back and forth between, or even platforms that while stable are death to stand on for more than half a second. Or if it does, I hope mesmers can help bypass those particular sections.
Based on the “making of” video or whatever it was called, it sounds like the JP will have that. Chances are I’ll be doing it on my Mesmer so I don’t have to start over if I mess up.
this jumping puzzle is not time gated though
you can practice as long as you want and not just during 1 event…and for people who are more used to jps ~ 95% of the existing jps are a cakewalk by now so they get something for them too ..i think thats fair
And for everyone who already plans on just taking a mesmer portal now…
Try it first! … come on what do you play the game for if you just skip content right to the end…
And if you are not that good at jp yet it is the perfect time to try and get betterI think all the Mesmers who port others should stop that and instead go help others do the jp the correct way
Give advice for harder parts and hints for where the best way to jump is
Tell when a speedbuff is useful and when pressing w—>spacebar and when pressing spacebar—>w is betterBut seeing how 90% of people and mostly new players just skip every daily jp because of the mesmers that always port (some of them only hoping for gold donations) and they dont even start trying just makes me sad…
100% this
I also love jps and done all of them without a mesmer. In fact, I did them all on a norn, even the first clocktower.
I’m fine with those things.
I like to do the JP’s too, I run a large norn with ad infinitum wings on when I do JP. the harder I can make it on myself makes it all the more easy to do in the future. 99% of my guild cringes at aether jp goggles and other places that are difficult to jump to. but because i’ve trained myself enough on them in the hardest conditions I can make for myself, I can now just take 15 seconds and do the puzzle. the only time I ever take a portal from a Mesmer is if I am on a severely limited time schedule, which isn’t very often.
My favorite JPs in the game are the ones I can’t do, notably Wintersday and Halloween. (I panic when the jumping is timed). My second favorite is the one in Silverwastes — I had a lot of trouble learning it, but it’s one of the more ‘relaxing’ things I can do in the game now.
I expect the new one will… actually I have no expectations. I reserve judgment until I’ve tried it out.
Just FYI, I love jumping puzzles, but I’m not happy about the super hard ones. I’ve never been able to finish Mad King’s Clock Tower or Winter Wonderland and have given up. I’ve finished the rest, but Skipping Stones drove me to the edge of madness. I was actually ok though with the aetherblade one.
Why? Its all about those moving parts. Those three adding moving parts and a race against the clock for two of them was agonizing.
The aetherblade one was very hard, but nothing moving so dramatically that it was comparable even to skipping stones.
So here’s hoping no moving parts to this one!!!
I detest jumping in this game. I’m so bad at jumping that I when GW2 first came out I thought that Vistas WERE the jumping puzzles lol. That said, I wouldn’t care about them being in-game if Anet didn’t gate other things behind them. JP have nothing to do with the game in general. They are essentially a “mini-game” like Adventures, etc. so it mystifies me why I must complete them to accomplish other things in the game.
it mystifies me why I must complete them to accomplish other things in the game.
It mystifies me, too: what exactly is it that you can’t do without completing a JP? (I’m presuming from the rest of your comment that you agree that Vistas aren’t JPs). There are obviously some achievements and mastery points, but neither of those is a requirement to completing other content.
it mystifies me why I must complete them to accomplish other things in the game.
It mystifies me, too: what exactly is it that you can’t do without completing a JP? (I’m presuming from the rest of your comment that you agree that Vistas aren’t JPs). There are obviously some achievements and mastery points, but neither of those is a requirement to completing other content.
Well if we are being super technical, Viziers tower has a vista near the top and is considered a JP in the game due to the achievement connected to it. But it isn’t that bad, the vista on the NW side of Malchors Leap is far harder to get to in my opinion.
it mystifies me why I must complete them to accomplish other things in the game.
It mystifies me, too: what exactly is it that you can’t do without completing a JP? (I’m presuming from the rest of your comment that you agree that Vistas aren’t JPs). There are obviously some achievements and mastery points, but neither of those is a requirement to completing other content.
Yes, achievements, MP, some Vistas, and Legendary Weapons off the top of my head.
it mystifies me why I must complete them to accomplish other things in the game.
It mystifies me, too: what exactly is it that you can’t do without completing a JP? (I’m presuming from the rest of your comment that you agree that Vistas aren’t JPs). There are obviously some achievements and mastery points, but neither of those is a requirement to completing other content.
Well if we are being super technical, Viziers tower has a vista near the top and is considered a JP in the game due to the achievement connected to it. But it isn’t that bad, the vista on the NW side of Malchors Leap is far harder to get to in my opinion.
There’s also Wall Breach Blitz in Diessa, but again, that’s one of the easier ones.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I kind of have to resurrect this thread, because this JP has some incredibly bad design.
It made me rage so hard, i literally took an axe and trashed a crate in the basement. No joke.
Number 1: There is NO guiding the player. No lighting to show the way, No hints with texturing. No props. Nothing. You have to guess that you take a jump there and glide all the way across the caldera. Because duh.
Number 2: Slippery triangles everywhere. Not bad enough that they are even there, you cannot even distinguish them from the geometry you can stand on. An when you slip, usually you die and reset.
Number 3: Since there is no guidance in any way the player has to guess basically every step. Making a mistake is 50% death, 40% dead end and reset anyway and MAYBE 10% recoverable.
Number 4: A lot of the jumps required are not just obscure, they also take a lot of trial and error to just get. Like in the picture. As if it’s clear that you obviously wedge yourself in the gap and hammer spacebar until you get up, right?
The no guidance to let the player know where to go was the point. That’s part of the challenge for it being a jumping puzzle.
There were some spots but I recall a video about the JP where those were intentional to add onto the difficulty. There was only so much they could do to accomplish that.
Which is why it’s great that there are checkpoints so you don’t really lose that much progress.
I never had any issues with that jump or figuring out that was where to go. The only jump that annoyed me was this one where you had to jump up a slope right before the checkpoint.
I am not a fan of CoT. I remember that there was a guild chat video about it or something, where they said that they had to place rope markers to remind them of the path when they were making it.
In my opinion, if you can’t remember where the path goes when you are making it, then we need clearer guidance as to where to jump towards.
I also don’t like it, because I D/Ced after getting all the way up to the rim of the volcano. Not once, not twice, but I D/Ced 3 times after getting all the way up there, and had to start all over each time.
For that jump in particular, the one you have an image of, I remember there being some trick to it that made it super easy. I mean it was never a hard jump, just frustrating if you just hit spacebar repeatedly until your character somehow managed to make it up.
For anyone reading this who hasn’t done CoT yet, do it on a chronomancer with mimic, portal and WoA, using IA trait. It makes it almost bearable.
I’ll be honest, I took my mesmer out, went there and basically used guide videos and security portals from myself to get to the top fully expecting a world of pain. I was not disapointed.
Took about 2 hours the first time I went up there. Not about to do it a 2nd time except for the mursat tokens which obviously I missed the first time (which I’m already dreading).
No way I’d ever do this on a non mesmer class and I did place portals for poor non mersmer sobs left and right who missed jumps (this probably extended my time by a good 20-30 minutes). I didn’t need (or risk) using one of the check points.
It’s certainly one of the if not the toughest jumping puzzle ingame. Clockwork and Winterwonderland do not even compare (then again I had those on farm with around 30-40 minutes for first clears).
I still enjoy arenanet adding this type of content. It’s optional, it gives players who love jumping puzzles something to do and as long as no absolutely required rewards are locked behind daily jumping puzzle requirements, who cares?
Number 4: A lot of the jumps required are not just obscure, they also take a lot of trial and error to just get. Like in the picture. As if it’s clear that you obviously wedge yourself in the gap and hammer spacebar until you get up, right?
If that spot is the one i think there are actually 3 better ways to get up there. I don’t know why everyone wants to go through that gap. You can litterally run arround a rock and glide there.
Btw: If anyone on EU needs help with that jp, i’m ready to help. That jp isn’t THAT hard if you know the tricks.
CoT was supposed to make players cry. Which is fine if it was completely optional. But Anet decided to lock an unrelated achievement behind it which I hate. JP in general should be there only for people who enjoy them. Locking other achievements behind JP is trying to force players to do JP.
One more time: “play your own way” – bull.
Apparently, the easiest way to do Chalice of Tears is to find a way up the outside of the volcano as a mesmer, then glide down to each of the checkpoints in turn, port back up, then finish the last few jumps from the volcano top.
CoT was supposed to make players cry. Which is fine if it was completely optional. But Anet decided to lock an unrelated achievement behind it which I hate. JP in general should be there only for people who enjoy them. Locking other achievements behind JP is trying to force players to do JP.
One more time: “play your own way” – bull.
Every jumping puzzle has an achievement associated with it. They are under your Jumping Puzzles tab in the achievement panel. What you are likely refering to is the mastery point associated with the achievement. Well there are more then enough spare mastery points available to play the way you want.