Well, I’m admitting it’s a conspiracy theory right away. >.>;
Based on the hidden messages in Diessa Plateau and Wayfarer Foothills, you get the interpretations that the alliance between the dredge and flame legion is likely one they didn’t come up with on their own. They don’t really get along well with each other. Example, one of the charr shamans was ‘burned alive’ for not giving a ritual to the chosen dredge. Something must have made them join forces, but as to what, is unknown. But according to the agent(s) reports, an external force must have influenced them to group together.
Now, the consortium at Lion’s Arch seems to be up at something. They are a business organization, yet out of the “kindness of their heart” they are helping refugees, giving aid, provisions, and whatnot. Then they come along with an offer of a ‘fresh start’ followed by a long lengthy contract. And depending which member you talk to, they are either full of public grandeur, or just downright rude and nasty….their attitudes reek of a gimmickry.
Now they could just be taking advantage of the situation to hire charr-and-norn muscle power. Likely an investment in Southsun Cove. Clear out karka to make room for hotels? Meh. As long as they don’t destroy the passiflora ecosystem, there probably won’t be too many complaints. What’re the chances that they cause another major disaster?
What doesn’t follow is that the molten alliance is taking prisoners for ‘weapons testing.’ Unless the consortium is creating its own army (mercenaries could bring in money) it doesn’t add up. And as to why the consortium would even be interested in a desert, or freezing mountain range, who can say.
And completely unrelated to the consortium, there is something disgusting underground, although it’s never given much detail as to what it is. 6th dragon theory anyone? It makes more sense than calling the pale tree a dragon.
Perhaps there is simply a mutual agreement between the two parties. We suggest you two work together, and we’ll give you methods to be more organized, and more powerful, as well as funding. In exchange, invade these two maps and send refugees to us. We get our workers, you get land to do whatever you want. And hey, if it works out, both parties can flourish and reap the benefits.
I’ll admit..it’s not a solid conspiracy theory. At all. But I’m still gonna watch out for them to see if anything fishy happens.
If you go to Southsun Cove, you’ll see the Consortium is already building a refugee camp near Point Pride. The local Lionguard, when spoken to about it, seem wary. Seems the Consortium started this project without going through the proper channels in Lion’s Arch, but the city can’t speak against the construction now, as it’d make them look anti-refugee. The Consortium knows how to play public opinion in their favor and override local governments.