For the unaware I’m refering to this interview . Read up, it’s an interesting interview.
It’s nice to know ANet has identified that the current LW model isn’t working, and is willing to change that. That said, one paragraph specifically made me cringe. Made me wonder whether ANet had actually understood what went wrong with the whole Living World program in the first place…
“It’s very distracting to players,” observed Johanson. “It’s almost a muddled message, where we put these releases out and we want them to be excited about the story, to follow the story, and we also want them to be excited about the features that are coming with it. And either one or the other tends to be the thing that people cling onto.” And the other thing, people ignore.
This is what ANet considers went wrong with the LW update… That, essentially, people are too stupid to follow both story AND gameplay releases. That’s the one thing they think went wrong… That they were releasing story and gameplay…
…oh god…
Colin… Colin… No… No. No! No!
Colin, the current LW system was flawed in two different directions, one pertaining to the story delivery, the other to the gameplay delivery.
Story wise it had two major flaws: flow and quality.
As far as quality… I’m sorry but Scarlet’s story so far is terribly written. I’ve been on and on about its many issues, and so have many others. Not going to repeat myself. You guys are saying that it’s all justified because of the ending, I’m not buying. I’m not seeing how any ending ever conceived can justify all the writing issues Scarlet has had so far. PLEASE prove me wrong. If you do I will personally write an extensive public letter of apology to your writing staff.
As far as flow it’s very simple: too little too far apart. Even if we disregard the quality issue you’ve simply given people too little story. With far too much nothing in between. Consider the following: The LW story has been going on for a year now. You could sum up the entirety of the story in the back of a small napkin, leaving nothing relevant out. In fact you guys did a video sum up of it in less than 1 and a half minutes! And that left no relevant part of that story out!
That has nothing to do with having gameplay and story delivered together! Nothing to do with even the 2 week update rate! You could have made the bi-weekly update work for the story, but there’s simply not enough story here. How can players stay engaged in the story when it’s moving at less than a crawl? It’s like trying to be interested in a very small book reading 1 or 2 sentences every two weeks! The little story we did get, regardless of quality, has been stretched so thin it broke.
It doesn’t help the case that unlike, to quote the interview, “a show like A Game of Thrones (and the book series A Song of Fire and Ice beyond that)” the LW updates don’t come with re-runs or tivoing. If you weren’t in the game before you a certain part of the story came to pass that’s it. You can’t go back and relieve it. It’s just gone. This hasn’t affected me because I’ve been here since the start of the LW, but I’m sure people that joined halfway through would be even less compelled and interested in knowing what the hell is going on.
(edited by ProxyDamage.9826)