Discovered unfinished future area?
I found the same area, although I didn’t screenshots. There also what looks like an asura/inquest camp in the lower left corner
Yeah you probably just managed to get somewhere they didn’t expect you to get yet xD. I would hazard a guess that it will be opened up properly in the next release.
It’s only Episode 2, of course there’s bound to be more :P
well that will pis off some devs because of the openings on the next piece of the map puzzle keep it a secret next time
Well, I deleted mine because you’re right, it’s best to not spoil before the next release.
I wonder if they intentionally leave these available for us as this area was incredibly easy to get to.
Dunno…maybe they just underestimate our exploration spirit xD But yes as i said – wasn’t rly trying to get anywhere special or challenging, we were just on hunt for coins xD