Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


PvEers have a gajillion ways to farm AP. WvWers had relatively few, and they still have to PvE to get those PvE achievements.

It’s not all about you.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Blade Syphon.4325

Blade Syphon.4325

..Why do people obsess over Achievement Points anyways?

In the time it takes you to farm enough to get the 5K and 10K rewards, you could have just as easily gotten the bonuses from those (rare skins aside) by playing the game normally, which is to say nothing about the almost worthless rewards every 500 and 1000 levels.

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Honestly I want 1 more skin and then I personally don’t care about them either, lol. Even that skin I will get just playing normally.

I find it really offputting how many people take the “Well I don’t like it so it shouldn’t exist, other players with different interests be kitten ed!” stance. Holy self-absorption, Batman.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Astraea.6075


I hated the wvwvw even more when I need to do it for ap. Great work Anet.
I will do it .. but I am not impressed.

If you don’t enjoy WvW, then don’t do it just because it rewards AP.

The WvW season has been added to improve that part of the game. While I’m sure the AP rewards might induce more players into WvW, there’s enough PVE content in this patch that complaining about this is somewhat churlish.

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


it shouldn’t become a requirement for those who hunt for AP that need to do wvwvw

If I came in and said “I don’t like PvE, it shouldn’t be a requirement for those who hunt AP” you’d laugh me off the stage, and rightly so.

Again. It’s not all about you. It’s a more longterm goal for regular WvWers, a “progression system” if you will, and that’s something WvW has been lacking since its inception. If WvW is even remotely a focus for you (general you), then there will be no problem completing these.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

(edited by Rainshine.5493)

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Havvy.4897


I’m betting the only reason it’s in the Living World section at all is because it’s the only place they can put achievements that drop with a new patch.

If you are farming AP for the sake of farming AP, you really shouldn’t be in WvW. The grind is there because that’s really all WvW is about. Capturing points and zergs. The whole farming mentality is currently causing huge wait times for those who actually want to WvW, causing them to QQ in Lion’s Arch.

Perhaps when there’s more than 450 slots for WvW, it could be a good place to farm AP. But until them, leave it to actual competitive playing, please.

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


they probably should design something purely for wvwvw’ers

They did, and it’s achievements that require a sizable time investment into WvW.

I am “forced” to do PvE if I want Living World achievements. You are “forced” to do WvW if you want WvW achievements.

I’ll never get Dungeon Master title because I don’t really do dungeons. You don’t see me trying to limit how much AP PvEers can get because I don’t personally want to do those activities. It’s exceptionally self-centered of you, and newsflash! A lot of people enjoy both modes of play.

Also, this:

Perhaps when there’s more than 450 slots for WvW, it could be a good place to farm AP. But until them, leave it to actual competitive playing, please.

Love waiting half an hour late at night to get into a BG we’re getting our tails kicked in, because the vast majority of people aren’t in TS, aren’t reading map chat, and aren’t anywhere near the pin.

Must’ve been doing jumping puzzles or something, clogging up queues for those of us who’d actually like to try to help save our upgraded keep.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


I hated the wvwvw even more when I need to do it for ap. Great work Anet.
I will do it .. but I am not impressed.

If you don’t enjoy WvW, then don’t do it just because it rewards AP.

I agree completely. I know there are some completionists and super-competitive types who want to get everything that awards AP, but that basically demands a player to do every type of content in the game, and it’s just unrealistic to expect every player to enjoy every kind of content. Content is specifically designed to appeal to different types of players.

A more valid concern are serious WvW players who are worried about their World being flooded by under-experienced achievement-hunters. I have to sympathize there, although I’m afraid newbies are as much as part of a World’s ranks as the hardcore players, for better or worse.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Dislike WvWvW even more with it in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


Er…Sorry, I think I misunderstood you, since your original post mentioned needing it to do WvW for AP.

The WvW season is only nominally part of the Living Story. There are no cut scenes, no new characters, and, really, no new story. That’s really the main idea of WvW, to encourage emergent stories in a living, breathing world where the story is “And then me and my friend barely got out of there alive!” or “We had them, but then this one character just came out of nowhere and really wrecked face on us….”

If you’re not interested in the AP or collecting the Mini Dolyak from the meta-achievement, then there’s really nothing you’re missing out on regarding the Living Story as it traditionally goes. Scarlet isn’t going to be popping up in WvW, what happens in WvW isn’t going to affect what happens in Tyria proper, etc. You don’t need to play it, and you’re not going to miss anything story-related.

Think of it as having two living stories at once: One for PvE and one for WvW. So far, only PvE players have been getting a lot of new achievements, rewards, and events, and this gives WvW players a chance to have some long-term goals and some fun by treating WvW like a sort of large sports league.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

(edited by Redenaz.8631)