Dodgy Crowd - backbreaker
You can get someone to carry you through it. I believe so long as you hit it at least once, you’ll get credit.
I too had to have help with it, but I did it last night with a full group and luckily got it. A few of the group members urged those of us who were ‘squishy’ just stick to dodging, sadly the instance host still wasn’t able to get the achieve.
As Ayrilana said, see if you can find a group to do most of the fighting while you just dodge around and stay ranged.
Probably time to find a game more suited to my skills- solitaire maybe.
Lol! I too am an ‘old’ gamer (middle-age) and I thought the same thing when I first tried to do the Mad King’s Clock Tower. Guildies telling me they did it after a couple hours or less while I was still going at it for 10+ hours.
‘Perhaps time to put this old gamer out to pasture’ I thought.
But then I finally nailed it! And it felt sooo good! And now I can breeze through it whenever it returns.
And yes some of these story achieves are a bit demanding to say the least (I’m looking at you Wicked Rodeo) but just be persistent and don’t give up!!
(edited by Day Trooper.3605)
Thank u all for ur kind response. Found a good party and we were all able to get achievement in two tries. I guess solo isn’t always the way to go even in pve.
This achievement would be 90% less tedious if they’d put a reset node at the end of it. Having to sit through minutes of dialogue and 5 minutes of centaur mobs just to get another attempt at it is just annoying, especially when its so easy to make one single mistake and fail it. Its not the worst LS achievement in that regard, but its still annoying.
I really can’t fathom why they didn’t do that after the very positive responses to those nodes during Echoes of the Past (and the requests for such before that).
It also doesn’t help that most of the things you need to dodge come with little to no warning. The sand pits at the minion’s feet when they die, those are easy enough (though annoying given Caithe’s melee moveset). But the wind walls literally just seem to pop up whenever they feel like it with no input from the boss (it seems they USUALLY come when the boss goes invulnerable after a damage phase, but I’ve seen them come earlier), and the sand pits the boss summons only come with a quick hand raise from the boss as warning.
I get the distinct feeling separate teams are doing different episodes. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make any sense not to put in a reset node.
Unless ANet is that desperate to keep us in a certain zone and playing.
Feels like it’s backfiring to me.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
congratulations anet – finally proven that I am too old and too slow to play gw2. I usually make up for my bad reflexes and poor eyesight by being persistent and obstinate. However, after countless attempts and way too many hours of effort, I have been put in my place. I got close with the “dodgy crowd” but could never quite get over the hump, usually because of a pool at the boss’ feet, or dodging through a wind wall and directly into a pool. I hated to give up because I wanted the luminescent armor, but that’s just not to be. I dislike being a quitter, especially after 4 yrs of gw1 with a full h.o.m. and playing gw2 since launch, however I recognize that I no longer possess the skills required. Probably time to find a game more suited to my skills- solitaire maybe. I am raging with a bit of tongue in cheek here, but c’mon guys it’s just a game not a test.
you don’t even have to dodge, just do it with a party of 5 and run in a circle while they do all the work lol that’s how i did it
didn’t even use dodge once
You can also jump up on the cliff while someone kills the boss. Similar to getting the trample one by stacking on top of one of the wooden spikes.
Yeah I don’t like this living story achievement either. In fact it’s the first time I’m going to get help with it because I’ve tried and failed so many times it’s just impossible for me to solo.
More than happy to help anyone needing that chive,weirdly enjoy the boss battle too much xD been doing it over 40 times already probably. So if your in EU and need help with it just add me on fl or mail x) and we can probably sort a time for it x) for free ofc
These achievements are glitched badly, we did it tonight and a teammate didn’t get hit at all in the first battle, yet didn’t get achieve, the badge for the achieve was still there, I also didn’t get hit yet someone lost the achieve for the 2nd battle before even finishing the first one,
I don’t mind challenging content, but to not to beable to get something because of a bug/ glitches seems kind of unfair, 3 times we tried this and it still randomly removed the achieve/wouldn’t give the achievement.
Only “random” removal ive seen is if you get downed even once. and 2nd part if chive is still there after boss, you did not damage boss ( hit em when his shield is down) , thats the 2 ive noticed few times when doing it. apart from that i haven’t noticed anything else.
Does the ranged fire spot not work anymore?
Just get at least one other person and trade off.
My advice – Don’t try to do this one as Caithe solo. Caithe has crap movement for a thief in that she appears to have no sustained movement boost or ready access to a quick boost and no enhanced endurance regen – I’m used to having both on my Thief and I could not adjust to her slow movement and lack of basic (not skill bar-based) dodges. I would have killed to have been able to switched out Scorpion Wire skill for any one of three signets (Infiltrators, Shadows, Agility). However, she does take on your armor so if you have a heavy class with traveler or speed runes she’s just that much more OP combat wise.
The real annoying part of this achievement is that it requires absolute perfection – one slip and you have to restart and endure the dialogue and first combat over and over again. The problem I found in trying to complete it normally was the sand pits – which have the same basic color as the terrain and no circle to define them – and the boss occasionally will toss one on top of you when you are in melee with him (and I hate giving up a burn phase when Caithe has no significant ranged attack). The solution is shockingly simple – have someone else go as Caithe – hit the boss a couple of times at the start of the fight then go hide on one of the ledges as she finishes him off. Given how annoying I found that achievement I felt only satisfaction taking the easy way out. I thought the challenge mode version was actually easier . . . or at least less annoying.
Acrobatics trait line. Then sell it back
to them for $50. Brilliant! – ghost of P.T. Barnum
My tips for this is to always finish off the elementals from range or with conditions (you can use 2 to dart away and finish them off at the same time). And save your stealth for when he is vulnerable and just shadowstab him. This way you avoid all whirlpools near him and from elementals. And you only have to focus on dodging walls. Also when killing elementals try and lead them to the edges of the map and kill them there. So you dont completely cramp up the map.
I agree this fight should of included a reset button though. So irritating going through all that bs again just because of one mistake.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Dodgy Crowd and Wicked Rodeo where the first two achivements i could not do on my own.
I had a group and anything went fine.
But even with a group Wicked Rodeo was really hard. We tried it several times and somehow we managed it to survive
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)
I don’t think my reaction time is too bad, but the cheesy insta-windwall right on top of you, or the insta-npc sandstorm right on top of you… yeah it’s horrible, and having a group didn’t help anything as everyone in my group failed it too…
I gave up. I didn’t even try the other achievements. What the hell was Anet thinking?
I shudder to think what the next chapter’s achievements will be like.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I got someone to carry me through this one. If it had been possible to reset/redo without restarting the entire instance from the beginning (gaaaaaah) I probably would have at least tried. I did do wicked rodeo solo and got a real sense of accomplishment after I finally managed to beat it. If you die doing wicked rodeo, you just have to run a short distance back to the boss and try again. But this, no. No no no.
I personally enjoyed doing this chive solo, once you realized that sand spawns where elementals die you get the idea how to kill them "Trap"Immob" let them die and focus boss , repeat. kinda worked for me not very fast tho but it went very smooth. and winds only spawn like once a while so making it fairy easy to dodge.
Wicked Rodeo was far easier solo imo cuz of full party scales health soooo much it felt more painful in scaled mode and you tend to die more while reviving others ^^.
But still.. probably most enjoyable LS ive seen since liadri pavilion so offer still stands if anyone wanna be carried through it
Tried to solo this achivement for 2 hours. Took me pretty long time to get it right. Hate sandpool that he randomly cast. That got me every time.
Thing that I found really help is set the graphic to best performance.
I don’t think my reaction time is too bad, but the cheesy insta-windwall right on top of you, or the insta-npc sandstorm right on top of you… yeah it’s horrible, and having a group didn’t help anything as everyone in my group failed it too…
I gave up. I didn’t even try the other achievements. What the hell was Anet thinking?
I shudder to think what the next chapter’s achievements will be like.
The wall’s spawn point in pinged on the mini map so it’s easy to anticipate it.
Trying to watch the mini map with enough attention to avoid the wall will have you walking into a sand trap, so no that’s not really a good tell. Not having red lines or circles warning of walls and traps is just lame, not to mention the to bright sand with hazy white swirls on it as markers for what to avoid. This was almost as bad as the grabby golem in Glint’s lair. Thankfully my ranger plus the pet trait to divert pulls got me through that one.
Has anyone timed the walls to see if they’re on a set schedule?
Did it today. Wicked Rodeo and Don’t tread on me yesterday.
Still. Dodgy Crowd was horrible for all four groups I had to hook up with over lfg.
It was always the same. Someone who had the achievement pulled the boss towards the ledge on the left, whoever needed the achievement stood there and maxranged the boss as good as possible.
Every now and then, and none of us could come up with a reason why, players were ported back to the base level ov the arena. What was the most frustrating part was the randomnes of it all.
After all I got the achievement today and heped out three other players get theirs, then proceeded with one of the last group to do the rest of the story stuff as well. Had a great time.
I thik the waves can be reflected/absorbed. When I helped out I switchted to a build with Wall of Reflection and Sanctuary and they worked for me…
- : Mounts, ViP-Player systems, HoT-like Xpacs
Have a nice day.
If you take a full group you can take a ranged weapon and climb onto a safespot ledge or on top of one of the rocks. As long as the elementals aren’t killed near you you will never be hit by the sandtraps. The walls of sandgusts also never reach those 2 locations.
congratulations anet – finally proven that I am too old and too slow to play gw2. I usually make up for my bad reflexes and poor eyesight by being persistent and obstinate. However, after countless attempts and way too many hours of effort, I have been put in my place. I got close with the “dodgy crowd” but could never quite get over the hump, usually because of a pool at the boss’ feet, or dodging through a wind wall and directly into a pool. I hated to give up because I wanted the luminescent armor, but that’s just not to be. I dislike being a quitter, especially after 4 yrs of gw1 with a full h.o.m. and playing gw2 since launch, however I recognize that I no longer possess the skills required. Probably time to find a game more suited to my skills- solitaire maybe. I am raging with a bit of tongue in cheek here, but c’mon guys it’s just a game not a test.
You are missing it because you are trying to bruteforce it instead of adopting the right strategy, if someone overseas can do it with god know how much latency they get I doubt your reflexes are the problem.
You can climb the rocks on the back wall (don’t go to far up or back or you teleport to the center) and shoot him with ranged, takes forever but do-able