Does Halloween end tonight?
It ends on Tuesday
Tuesday at reset, or there will be a patch during the day?
Usually it’s after the patch. However, the patches have been getting closer to the resets.
It will be with the patch. That may drop at pretty much any time during west coast working hours.
I predict the patch will arrive at 3:30 pm eastern tomorrow. Why? That’s when my husband will be finished with his dentist appointment and yanking me off the computer for our regular Tuesday grocery shopping, dinner cooking, and a movie I will be so very happy if ANet gets the patch out the door first thing in their morning!
Wouldn’t it be nice if Anet can send in-game mail about the end date/time of any holiday event? Not everyone reads (or have time to read) their forum or message in game-launcher. Players need to be better informed.
Yes, this is disappointing. I thought I’d read that Halloween would be up until 11/11. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t … but not seeing anything official, I ass/u/me’d I had another week to carve 5 more pumpkins to get the master carver achievement.
Guess I larned me mah lesson.
P.S. – I didn’t see an end date on the login screen or on the official wiki. I thought I’d looked.