Don't burn yourselves and the players out
While you make good points, please can everyone in this forum stop using the words ‘the majority feel’ or something to that effect. You don’t know what the majority want or feel. Anecdotal evidence from the forums or some people you heard in map chat or your guild are not ‘the majority’.
We also have no idea how relaxed or stressed the devs are doing these updates. They could have structured it to be quite relaxing for all we know.
Aye, I don’t really think they are all that stressed since each update have around 4 months of dev time behind it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
While you make good points, please can everyone in this forum stop using the words ‘the majority feel’ or something to that effect. You don’t know what the majority want or feel. Anecdotal evidence from the forums or some people you heard in map chat or your guild are not ‘the majority’.
This, people need to stop “speaking for everyone” based on what they see on the forums. These forums are nothing more than the vocal minority, I wouldn’t be surprised if the “majority” of players don’t even know they exist.
I think the use of majority by op is pretty fair, yes w/o the numbers it’s hard to be accurate, but any adult with responsibilities job, family, RL, etc can agree two weeks is a little fast.
Will I burn out and stop playing? No, but I’am not a “must have” completionist kind of player.
There’s nothing wrong in having an opinion about what the majority thinks, one is either right or wrong about it.
I’m not sure I would call it burned out but I find myself playing less lately. Many players focus on the LS exclusively it seems and it usually comes with grindable perks that support that. Other parts of the server feel emptier then usual. I do it a bit but I dont want to spend two weeks in the pavilon for example. At least on my server everyone flocks to it, people go there to level etc. It’s better then Sonic the hedgehog minigamesI guess.
I went to Orr today and nobody did any events, the only people there formed a big zerg to run from champ to champ for boxes. Just one example, sure, and I did gauntlet fights instead.
Agree the two week content is too much too soon.