Dry Top Initial Thoughts

Dry Top Initial Thoughts

in Living World

Posted by: Draconder.3692


I can’t really write an expansive post on GW2’s new zone Dry Top but there is one issue that has been bugging me.

Before I go into that I would like to congratulate the Guild Wars team for making a very visually impressive and interactive zone. The use of the dust storms that actually shortens the view distance and the and how completing events would give everyone better rewards with the merchants are nice touches.

My main issue is the sense of linearity that has been beginning to make itself apparent with the use of corridor like areas. I can understand why the game’s designers may have done this to make it easier to create a visually impressive areas such as first entering the oasis. I know it also plays a key part in running with the living story too but when all the other zones are open, allowing players to explore them, this does feel stifling.

I hope that the rest of the zone will not feel like a corridor run.

Dry Top Initial Thoughts

in Living World

Posted by: Sorann Peace.9056

Sorann Peace.9056

I do agree to some extent, but I wouldn’t consider it that bad. Maps in Guild Wars 1 were all pretty much corridor runs, so it’s nothing new to me. I rarely came across a map or zone in the original game that didn’t feel at least somewhat like a maze. The countless wasted hours going on the completely wrong path when trying to get to a destination in post-searing Ascalon. It was a nightmare…