Tarnished Coast
Dry Top exploration not disability-friendly.
Tarnished Coast
You know that Dry Top exploration doesn’t count towards map completion, right? (If you knew that, and you like exploring the world anyway, then I feel you on that. I mapped Southsun and Dry Top because I like completing maps too, but it’s not needed if you’re after “map completion”.)
Yeah, I understand that it isn’t. It’s still just very frustrating. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was even just a regular puzzle, but the zephyr skill + the timeouts + the lack of margin of error is just so discouraging.
Tarnished Coast
Actually, hang on… Did you say the vista? Because the vista doesn’t need you to go up that wooden scaffolding. The Zephyr Ascent JP and the dive goggles are up there, but the vista can be reached fairly easily with some Assisted Leaps that aren’t terribly difficult once you know where to go. (The trickiest part is the first time and learning which parts of the cliff can be jumped up.)
Actually, hang on… Did you say the vista? Because the vista doesn’t need you to go up that wooden scaffolding. The Zephyr Ascent JP and the dive goggles are up there, but the vista can be reached fairly easily with some Assisted Leaps that aren’t terribly difficult once you know where to go. (The trickiest part is the first time and learning which parts of the cliff can be jumped up.)
Is there a video for that? I can’t see well enough to figure it out, a lot of it is just beige on beige blur. :< <3
Tarnished Coast
If you’ve played the story instance “Fallen Hopes”, it will show you how to get up the cliff. The vista is on the same level as the 3 clues that Marjory wants you to find. You don’t need to go up the bamboo wreckage at all.
I agree on how tough it is to navigate through the frameworks, within short time limit. However, this is mmorpg, not 1 player game, interaction/cooperation with other players is unavoidable. Ignore the 1337s, it is ok to ask for help. This is alos where one of the best features of GW2 comes to shine – the helpful gaming community. You know you can always count on total strangers to help you out – whether it’s portal, or someone just caste haste/stealth so the whole gang can breeze through the enemies’ gauntlet to reach another point.
For me, I cheated on JP via Dulfy’s guide, while a very helpful mesmer (Thank you, Mootastic!) doing hour long portal services so not-so-skillful us have repeated attempts at diver’s achievement.
Man, despite the challenges you have, you can still manage enjoy the content, I say you are much better player than me, who still manage to fall off the ledges frequently before reaching the start of JP :p
That’s the skill point, isn’t the vista way above that?
Tarnished Coast
That’s the skill point, isn’t the vista way above that?
Oh that, the vista & skill point are on the same platform/level as the bottom start of JP
I agree on how tough it is to navigate through the frameworks, within short time limit. However, this is mmorpg, not 1 player game, interaction/cooperation with other players is unavoidable. Ignore the 1337s, it is ok to ask for help. This is alos where one of the best features of GW2 comes to shine – the helpful gaming community. You know you can always count on total strangers to help you out – whether it’s portal, or someone just caste haste/stealth so the whole gang can breeze through the enemies’ gauntlet to reach another point.
For me, I cheated on JP via Dulfy’s guide, while a very helpful mesmer (Thank you, Mootastic!) doing hour long portal services so not-so-skillful us have repeated attempts at diver’s achievement.
Man, despite the challenges you have, you can still manage enjoy the content, I say you are much better player than me, who still manage to fall off the ledges frequently before reaching the start of JP :p
I play a mesmer, so I feel like it’s my job to portal others, and if I can’t do a puzzle I feel like a fail mesmer. T_T
Tarnished Coast
That’s the skill point, isn’t the vista way above that?
Oh that, the vista & skill point are on the same platform/level as the bottom start of JP
I am not sure that’s right, I definitely remember having to look up for the vista from the skill point. I’ll go back to look, I guess.
Edit: I was wrong, thanks!
Hopefully I can get a port to the goggles/jp. DX
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Sylv.5324)
That’s the skill point, isn’t the vista way above that?
Oh that, the vista & skill point are on the same platform/level as the bottom start of JP
I am not sure that’s right, I definitely remember having to look up for the vista from the skill point. I’ll go back to look, I guess.
The vista is basically due south of the skill point. Just go around the big rock and it’s hidden behind some wreckage.
No, it’s on the same level as the skill point. 100% sure of that.
For some reason though, when I first visited the map I thought the same as you! It took me several tries to get up the JP, then I looked around and went “Where’s the vista?” Then I looked down and saw it some distance away on the previous level. Whoops. XD
However, I have to wonder at which sadistic dev decided to put one of the Ancient Sapling’s possible spawn points at the top of the JP.
Yeah, I figured it out after y’all said. Thank you! <3
Tarnished Coast
I play a mesmer, so I feel like it’s my job to portal others, and if I can’t do a puzzle I feel like a fail mesmer. T_T
Nay, being a mesmer doesn’t mean you have to automatically do portal duty for others. Time warping is pretty neat skill imo
I am not sure that’s right, I definitely remember having to look up for the vista from the skill point. I’ll go back to look, I guess.
The skill point is visible to the north of JP’s starting point, right? the vista can be spotted at northwestern side from skill point, in front of the crashed ship which is behind the JP’s starting point
If you are unable to do content for whatever reason (be it a disability or incapability) then you’ll just have to ask help from other people and external sites.
You can’t expect Anet to take everything into consideration when developing content simply because the game would become very boring and stale.
Some people may have a slow reaction time, should Anet make all projectiles move on snail speed? These people often can’t play PvP competitively because PvP allows fast reaction time and quick thinking.
You enjoy the rest of the game and if you can’t do the jumping puzzle just ask a mesmer for a portal and the next chapters will likely not all be jumping puzzles anyway.
If Anet takes every group of people into consideration they would be forced into just making LS easy hack and slash so anyone can complete it easily, we don’t want that right?
I understand that you want to provide challenging content, but I feel that I should not -have- to get a portal up to an open-world vista that is locked at the end of a zephyr skill forced jumping puzzle. It would be different if it was, say, a chest— I’d be able to just ignore it then.
And here’s your problem. You don’t “have” to get a portal up to an open-world vista. You don’t “have” to get to the top of the jumping puzzle. Some content is more difficult than others but simply because you can’t do it doesn’t mean all content should be made for the lowest common denominator.
I understand that you want to provide challenging content, but I feel that I should not -have- to get a portal up to an open-world vista that is locked at the end of a zephyr skill forced jumping puzzle. It would be different if it was, say, a chest— I’d be able to just ignore it then.
And here’s your problem. You don’t “have” to get a portal up to an open-world vista. You don’t “have” to get to the top of the jumping puzzle. Some content is more difficult than others but simply because you can’t do it doesn’t mean all content should be made for the lowest common denominator.
Gee thanks. As a legally blind player, I love being referred to as “the lowest common denominator”. Next time, put some thought into how you phrase things so you don’t come across as quite so much of a jerk.
My guild mate and I have motor skill issues. If I take my time I can get through some of the jumping puzzles. I totally understand where the OP is coming from. Given little longer span on the assist skills. Would not take away from the jumping puzzles. Please Devs think about this issue. After the elite people have done the content, usually
with in the first three or four days. A patch could be added for those of us disabled players that want to experience your beautiful content without feeling like a burden to others.
The problem with building content around those disabled, or with other problems, is that it makes the content less challenging and engaging for the majority of the population. As far as I’m aware, the core content (living story) is still accessible to everyone.
I understand that you want to provide challenging content, but I feel that I should not -have- to get a portal up to an open-world vista that is locked at the end of a zephyr skill forced jumping puzzle. It would be different if it was, say, a chest— I’d be able to just ignore it then.
And here’s your problem. You don’t “have” to get a portal up to an open-world vista. You don’t “have” to get to the top of the jumping puzzle. Some content is more difficult than others but simply because you can’t do it doesn’t mean all content should be made for the lowest common denominator.
Gee thanks. As a legally blind player, I love being referred to as “the lowest common denominator”. Next time, put some thought into how you phrase things so you don’t come across as quite so much of a jerk.
Anet should not be designing all content of a patch to cater towards blind, motor-impaired people. It sort of makes the content a bit too easy for everyone else…
You might think I’m jerk, but when you start to call for optional content that doesn’t even count towards world completion too hard and need it to be easier when you can clearly just get a portal, it comes off as disrespectful to others who enjoy more challenging content.
(edited by Lamir.6702)
If any of you folks struggle with doing jumping puzzles or getting to vistas, and are on the NA servers, please shoot me a note. Ill guest to whatever server you’re on and personally help with my Mesmer. I enjoy the puzzles and am willing to help I usually play late during the week due to my job (12am-Xam CST) but during regular hours on the weekend.
Let me know and we can work something out
I understand that you want to provide challenging content, but I feel that I should not -have- to get a portal up to an open-world vista that is locked at the end of a zephyr skill forced jumping puzzle. It would be different if it was, say, a chest— I’d be able to just ignore it then.
And here’s your problem. You don’t “have” to get a portal up to an open-world vista. You don’t “have” to get to the top of the jumping puzzle. Some content is more difficult than others but simply because you can’t do it doesn’t mean all content should be made for the lowest common denominator.
Gee thanks. As a legally blind player, I love being referred to as “the lowest common denominator”. Next time, put some thought into how you phrase things so you don’t come across as quite so much of a jerk.
Anet should not be designing all content of a patch to cater towards blind, motor-impaired people. It sort of makes the content a bit too easy for everyone else…
You might think I’m jerk, but when you start to call for optional content that doesn’t even count towards world completion too hard and need it to be easier when you can clearly just get a portal, it comes off as disrespectful to others who enjoy more challenging content.
Your lack of self awareness at not realizing how hurtful your “lowest common denominator” term is truly amazing. How about having respect for others?
Everyone has the right to play this game. This game is NOT just about the biggest and best.
If any of you folks struggle with doing jumping puzzles or getting to vistas, and are on the NA servers, please shoot me a note. Ill guest to whatever server you’re on and personally help with my Mesmer. I enjoy the puzzles and am willing to help
I usually play late during the week due to my job (12am-Xam CST) but during regular hours on the weekend.
Let me know and we can work something out
That’s kind ^^.
Shame it’s NA, but I’ve had no issue getting help from friendly mesmers, when I need it. <3. Most memsers are kind and I particularly love those who don’t ask for anything. (I’ll often give a little something if they’ve gone out of their way or whatnot. But only if they haven’t asked. )
I needed a mesmer for the goggles and almost needed a mesmer for the jp without aspects.
But necro + spectral walk made it easier, at least, there’s no falling to your death and repeat the whole puzzle XD.
I do think that there is a tension between hard content and frustrating content, even for those who have no disability, that is getting to be a bit too hard core especially for players where PvE is secondary (but still worth doing) to WvW and PvP.
In an ideal World, it would increase the loot and difficulty each time you do it (up to a max) much like a fractal. That would make it more accessible and fun for all.
Some content is more difficult than others but simply because you can’t do it doesn’t mean all content should be made for the lowest common denominator.
Wow. Ruuuude.
Designing content with users with impairments in mind is called accessibility. It has little to do with content difficulty. Options and design choices made with impairments in mind are often supplementary/beneficial to all users . . . and yet there aren’t even basic colour blindness options in GW2 yet. That’s the standard being set here by the game.
You’re right about your focus on “have to”. Game mechanics don’t “have to” exclude those players with impairments. There are often quite workable solutions to improve accessibility that don’t impact the unimpaired at all.
That said, I do believe what OP is tackling is the jumping puzzle, which can definitely be a pain with the timed crystals (the jumps themselves aren’t too tough). The vista is lower down, I think.
lowest common denominator?
C’mon man. That’s kittening rude as hell.