Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Stormy Dragon.9210

Stormy Dragon.9210

Am I the only person wondering if getting elected to the council seems to have gone to Captain Kiel’s head? As far as I know, the Consortium has not been charged with any crimes in general, nor has Dessa been charged with any crimes in specific.

So it’s rather disturbing that Kiel thinks she’s now allowed to just barge in someplace and arrest someone simply because they own something she wants.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


I suspect that lawyers and judicial process are not very well respected in pirate haven, Lion’s Arch.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Katz.5143


Where is this information in game?

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Stormy Dragon.9210

Stormy Dragon.9210

We witnessed it happening in the Fractured! story mission.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Katz.5143


Ah well. I skipped that LS. Was burnt out on the temporary content. No clue what is going on.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


She was detaining Dessa for questioning, given the Consortium involvement with Southsun Cove, which was highly problematic, it was kind of justified.

Besides, it clearly hasn’t gone to her head – did you somehow miss how sympathetic she was to the fact that Dessa is possibly stuck inside a fractal of her own/only exists inside the mists!

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I suspect that lawyers and judicial process are not very well respected in pirate haven, Lion’s Arch.

Through the asura gate is a fractal itself. Kiel’s not in Lion’s Arch any more and she has no authority there. I think Dessa only tried to follow her because she was intimidated by Kiel’s bullying demeanour (as far as I can tell, Dessa seems harmless yet Kiel treats her like a criminal) or simply wanted her research to continue uninterrupted and considered co-operating with Kiel’s overreaching demands the smoothest path to that. Dessa has no love for the Consortium.

As far as lawyers and judicial process goes, Kiel seems to be a bit two-faced. During Sky Pirates when she was trying to get elected, Kiel was by the book goody-two-shoes white knight of the people, refusing to take advantage of the Aetherblade plundered loot and spouting a moral diatribe about returning it to the people it belonged to. She wanted people to see her as all that is good. Prior to that she illegally destroyed Consortium records and post election she is behaving how she likes when dealing with Dessa. She’s a politician now. The face she shows is the one she wants you to see at the time.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I think Kiel, having seen the Consortium’s methods up close, knows that they’re not always doing nice things. However, they’ve dug themselves in legally so she cannot touch them as a Lionguard. Being a politician however means she has more room to poke around stuff she couldn’t before. She’s using her new influence to get justice where she couldn’t as a Lion Guard. What that may lead to, could be interesting…

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


^ Agreed. Kiel knows that the Consortium resorts to shady, underhanded means of securing a business edge. We know this too from our experiences in Southsun. However, I do agree that Kiel perhaps has a bit of a vendetta against the Consortium, and it’s colouring her view on events.

That said, there’s signs that the Consortium is trying to secure an angle again now that the Tower of Nightmares has been destroyed. Surely people have noticed the Consortium guard trading karma food ingredients for Toxic Spores at Thunder Ridge Camp? Across the lake in Black Haven, there’s also another Consortium agent who’s asking for directions to the Tower.

What’s the Consortium’s angle here? Why are they collecting Toxic Spores? Kiel sees the Consortium’s hand in things that they don’t necessarily have a presence in, but given their past history, I’d say the Consortium IS up to something.

(Personally I’m glad though! The world needs more “evil” factions that aren’t necessarily aligned with Scarlet.)

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Dessa isn’t a fan of the Consortium either. She herself warns the player about them. Why does it matter what Kiel’s views on the Consortium are? If anything, Dessa is another one of their victims.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Becka Williams.4978

Becka Williams.4978

Ah, another “we’re annoyed Kiel won, so we’re going to make a thread about how she’s a big meanie” thread. What’s next? Asking for her long form birth certificate?

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Across the lake in Black Haven, there’s also another Consortium agent who’s asking for directions to the Tower.

Not sure I could take the Consortium seriously if they have a problem finding a GIANT KITTENING tower in the middle of the lake. Even the remnants of the tower are pretty big, so I don’t know how he can miss those either…

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Stormy Dragon.9210

Stormy Dragon.9210

Ah, another “we’re annoyed Kiel won, so we’re going to make a thread about how she’s a big meanie” thread. What’s next? Asking for her long form birth certificate?

Except I was a Kiel supporter, in large part because Evon was largely making it clear he wanted to abuse the power of the position. So I’m kinda miffed Kiel is starting to turn out just as bad.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Ah, another “we’re annoyed Kiel won, so we’re going to make a thread about how she’s a big meanie” thread. What’s next? Asking for her long form birth certificate?

You don’t like what other people are saying so you’re going to dismiss it and attack the motives of the people posting? Classy.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Becka Williams.4978

Becka Williams.4978

Ah, another “we’re annoyed Kiel won, so we’re going to make a thread about how she’s a big meanie” thread. What’s next? Asking for her long form birth certificate?

You don’t like what other people are saying so you’re going to dismiss it and attack the motives of the people posting? Classy.

And yet, you somehow managed to do the same thing. Contradiction?

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Lion’s Arch is run by PIRATES, what the hell did you expect.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I love talking to her and saying “I voted for Evon”

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Hehe, BOTH candidates get testy if you tell them you voted for the other guy. However, Evon gives you a “Clever of you to bet on both sides” response if you tell him you voted for both of them, while Kiel is disappointed in you for subverting the democratic process.

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


Across the lake in Black Haven, there’s also another Consortium agent who’s asking for directions to the Tower.

Not sure I could take the Consortium seriously if they have a problem finding a GIANT KITTENING tower in the middle of the lake. Even the remnants of the tower are pretty big, so I don’t know how he can miss those either…

Hes an asura though, he probably cant see very far. Plus the area between him and the tower contains a large amount of centaur-infested hills that block the view.

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /

Ellen Kiel's Dictatorial Bent

in Living World

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Except I was a Kiel supporter, in large part because Evon was largely making it clear he wanted to abuse the power of the position. So I’m kinda miffed Kiel is starting to turn out just as bad.

I believe that this is a valuable lesson in the nature of politicians and politics for you. No campaign promise survives the election.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams