Enough is Enough!
Someone had to do it….I think the dragon knows more than we do…down with the quaggans!
He earned way too much money, mordremoth has to pay his troups somehow
Guess the release is aptly named…..
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
you bastereds! you killed quaggan!
First the Deep Sea Dragon, then Jormag and Zhaitan, now Mordremoth. The poor blubberballs can’t catch a break.
You will pay Mordremoth! no one touches Quaggans >.<
Maybe Mordremoth is not that bad after all.
This is the only death that enraged me!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
I gave him so much monies I was sad to see this happen
Finally some kittenty Quaggan gets in trouble. Boring that he didn’t die, they could at least made him a hanging loot piñata that drop gold if you bash it enough times.
Finally some kittenty Quaggan gets in trouble. Boring that he didn’t die, they could at least made him a hanging loot piñata that drop gold if you bash it enough times.
You monster!!
Someone is going to pay for this!!!!!!
Psssh, I aint even mad. Send the Quaggans back where they came from, pop-corn Quaggan for Bubbles.
To be fair, he was a no good drunkard who squandered all the money players donated to him, and as such, deserved this end.
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns… see what you drove the poor guy to do? Drunk and broke to the point that he was caught alone in this backwater town of thieves, living off of charity and without a friend in the world, possibly unaware even as the vicious thorns twisted out what little life was left in him. All because of your twisted debauchery! Happy now?
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
Its better you don’t know…
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
Its better you don’t know…
Considering I have seen much worse stuff, my curiosity is getting the better of me.
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
Its better you don’t know…
I kinda hate my morbid curiosity right now.
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
Its better you don’t know…
Considering I have seen much worse stuff, my curiosity is getting the better of me.
LMAO, Back during the Marionette I guested on Tarnish Coast, and made friends with a Norn who kept inviting me to his guild, each time I refused reminding me that they ‘have quaggen porn’.
But yes, there is a community within GW2 that roll-plays intercourse with Quaggens… and apparently, its the greatest highlight of their community.
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
Its better you don’t know…
Considering I have seen much worse stuff, my curiosity is getting the better of me.
LMAO, Back during the Marionette I guested on Tarnish Coast, and made friends with a Norn who kept inviting me to his guild, each time I refused reminding me that they ‘have quaggen porn’.
But yes, there is a community within GW2 that roll-plays intercourse with Quaggens… and apparently, its the greatest highlight of their community.
that’s nothing new.
Hahahahaha I think I might up and join Mordremeth if this becomes a thing. Little, worthless balls of fat.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns…
Its better you don’t know…
Considering I have seen much worse stuff, my curiosity is getting the better of me.
LMAO, Back during the Marionette I guested on Tarnish Coast, and made friends with a Norn who kept inviting me to his guild, each time I refused reminding me that they ‘have quaggen porn’.
But yes, there is a community within GW2 that roll-plays intercourse with Quaggens… and apparently, its the greatest highlight of their community.
that’s nothing new.
lol, then why were you curious? My original post simply blamed this quaggens death on quaggen porn. And someone replied ‘what?’ as if they couldn’t believe such a thing existed, so I elaborated. If you wanted a specific and juicy retelling of Quaggen roll play… well, I’ve never cared to partake in one, so I’m afraid I cant help you there.
each dead quaggan brings bubbles closer to us… GIANT ELDER QUAGGAN killing all of us!!
O.M.G.!!! Watching the latest “Point of Interest” episode from yesterday. Here’s the link http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2/c/4691648
Watch the 10 min mark where writer Peter Fries cracks up laughing while explaining the loss of our beloved Quaggan. Grrrr…… PETER!!!!!!!!
ps, yeah I think I stopped after giving him 2g….. lol
The vine was probably doing a shakedown to get all that gold to drop out of his pockets and squeezed a trifle too hard.
Accidents happen you know.
The dragons are here to defend us from the true threat to Tyria, the quaggans! They know the truth but we are too foolish to see it. The only reason they kill people is because those people are allies of the quaggans.
Mordremoth must be french.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
good, I hate them. I’m all for quagan genocide, I’d gladly participate.
Who’s that Quaggan, anyhow?
To be fair, he was a no good drunkard who squandered all the money players donated to him, and as such, deserved this end.
I’m laughing inside at all the CRPers who advocate quaggen porn campaigns… see what you drove the poor guy to do? Drunk and broke to the point that he was caught alone in this backwater town of thieves, living off of charity and without a friend in the world, possibly unaware even as the vicious thorns twisted out what little life was left in him. All because of your twisted debauchery! Happy now?
Are you imply he was a washed up Quaggan porn star?
Omg, I can’t stop thinking of possible Quaggan porn names now. The Slippery Kipper. Clamina. MooOooOooby D… No I don’t want to finish that one.
^^ that’s exactly what I was implying. ROFL