(edited by Xenon.4537)
Entanglement teaser analysis!
0:22 → Vigil camp in Shiverpeaks ? Concordia ?
Giant Slayer could actually become possible without months of grinding!
I want to become scared stiff of those vines. Like suddenly coming out of the ground with sinister music and my character barely escaping :o
So in this new teaser we can see….
- 0:11 centaurs.
- 0:17 new zone.
- 0:20 an asura structure or a new JP ?
- 0:23 it’s in Lornar’s Pass, no ?
- 0:32 A giant in the desert !
- 0:39 it’s Prosperity infested by vines.
(edited by Kaizok.7839)
The overrun base is the Pact base in Timberline Falls I believe.
It may be a coincidence but but the camp has a waypoint nearby (meaning right next to it) and on 0:22 you don’t see any other vines in the entire area. So maybe Mordremoth sended vines through the waypoint which makes distance irrelevant.
I want to become scared stiff of those vines. Like suddenly coming out of the ground with sinister music and my character barely escaping :o
They should do an animation of a vine grabbing an killing a player whenever they get banned. They had that in GW1 where Dhuum would come and kill someone if they got banned while being logged in. Would be funny to see bots get vined!
Concordia (in Timberline Falls) being crushed by the vines is pretty surprising IMO. How’s that going to effect the personal story quest Forging the Pact?
I want to become scared stiff of those vines. Like suddenly coming out of the ground with sinister music and my character barely escaping :o
They should do an animation of a vine grabbing an killing a player whenever they get banned. They had that in GW1 where Dhuum would come and kill someone if they got banned while being logged in. Would be funny to see bots get vined!
I second this.
Seeing gold selling bot dying this way would be an endless source of satisfaction for me.
Looks to me like we will get to actually see a layline for the first time! At least that’s what I think the floaty energy thing is at 0:17.
My thoughts exactly. I think that’s what’s in the mine since the last time Scarlet was there she was digging in the mines. The Troska said they found a Ley Line but after Scarlet went in deeper the place collapsed after her. This leads me to think we’re going to use the mine to escape. Don’t quote me on that but it looks like we’re getting boxed in.
Also it looks like the town of Prosperity is going to get overrun with Mordremoth’s vines.
And this is where I think we’re going to use the mines to escape. In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a vine attacking the first Waypoint in Drytop. Although I’m not sure when that started but it’s constantly trying to tap it. Not to mention a couple days ago that waypoint and some in Brisban had been flickering like something was interfering.
With the Vines encasing the zone entrance like it is, bandits which appear to be approaching, I think what’ll end up happening is we escape through the mine. That would explain the ability to cross over and get to Timberline which appears to be getting sacked just as hard.
It does make me wonder though if we’ll be locked out of Dry Top for some time then… similar to what happened during the Defense of Lion’s Arch where you could only go in at certain times and for a limited time. I’m thinking we may get locked out permanently for following two weeks while we change course and head to Timberline (my favorite zone in the game no less!) and investigate why the Pact is being attacked there.
Gotta love speculation but also gotta be careful, it’s easy to get hyped.
Complete the story in under an hour, then back to the daily routine of meta events that are 2 years old and dungeons that are a cake walk.
We need substantial content, not piecemeal achievement lists every 2 weeks. Achievements are not content Anet.
That is my analysis…
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
So I wonder, the objects floating around that beam of energy… they look like bones. Is Mord materializing using the Ley Lines as it’s frame work? That would be trippy but also make it incredibly large (maybe that’s what the tree represents being in the center of Scarlet’s drawing,). I doubt it’s the case and am inclined to believe I’m over thinking it, the skeptic in me is shaking my head but I see this screen shot and tilt my head.
Looks like a schematic of Rata Sum. There’s another screen shot of them inside of a cave looking at some kind of cube-like holographic.
(edited by Ronin.7381)
at 0:21, we see what looks to be omadds mechanism( isolation tank) to seeing into the eternal al. fits the blueprints we found in prosperity. it would make since, to build this mechanism, so close to the laylines, since the laylines are magic rivers running though the world.
It does make me wonder though if we’ll be locked out of Dry Top for some time then… similar to what happened during the Defense of Lion’s Arch where you could only go in at certain times and for a limited time. I’m thinking we may get locked out permanently for following two weeks while we change course and head to Timberline (my favorite zone in the game no less!) and investigate why the Pact is being attacked there.
Gotta love speculation but also gotta be careful, it’s easy to get hyped.
We can’t get locked out permanently only because we couldn’t go and to world events around the world, and that’s something ANet wouldn’t do. And there is always a way out from a map: pvp.
Huge cube similar to the blueprints scarlet described with tentacles inside it.
Timberline Falls attacked.
Were getting a second, new zone, the area between Sparklefly Fen and Timberline Falls.
I want to become scared stiff of those vines. Like suddenly coming out of the ground with sinister music and my character barely escaping :o
They should do an animation of a vine grabbing an killing a player whenever they get banned. They had that in GW1 where Dhuum would come and kill someone if they got banned while being logged in. Would be funny to see bots get vined!
I second this.
Seeing gold selling bot dying this way would be an endless source of satisfaction for me.
THIRD-ED! I miss Dhuum!