Epilogue until... Thursday May 16 at 12:00am

Epilogue until... Thursday May 16 at 12:00am

in Living World

Posted by: Anwar.2018


What the puppy?

You advertised we had until May 16 to do the epilogue, I logged into game and went to lion’s and looked and looked and couldn’t find where to finish it, so I asked the world and found out you changed the end date.

Logged into forums just now and there was a message that the window to finish it was cut in half….to only 2 days…weekdays…yesturday.

So to the play the game we have to play every day?

So now to play the game we must come read the forums every day first?

(BTW guys, I’m kinda new to this game, … am I wasting my time complaining, and these devs don’t give a puppy over what is fair or what puppies us off and just plain considers themselves Gods who do whatever they want for no reason and we should like it and shut up?) Hehe, probably this will be erased anyway , these people don’t seem very nice. Ya’ll don’t forget to have fun, you hear?

Epilogue until... Thursday May 16 at 12:00am

in Living World

Posted by: Navi.7142


They already announced they will put them back until the 28th of May. They should be available soon. =)

Epilogue until... Thursday May 16 at 12:00am

in Living World

Posted by: Anwar.2018


Where do they announce this stuff?

Epilogue until... Thursday May 16 at 12:00am

in Living World

Posted by: Officer Dk.5908

Officer Dk.5908

They announced it on a different thread complaining about this, they were supposed to put the bonfires back on today, although that was delayed, and they would be without the boosts, and they will remain until may 28th as said. Check the devs answer on https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/livingworld/lwd/Flame-and-Frost-A-Rallying-Flame-Bonfire-Merged/page/3#post2035658

Epilogue until... Thursday May 16 at 12:00am

in Living World

Posted by: Moderator


As Officer Dk said, the issue has been addressed on the linked thread, so please post there if you would like to discuss this topic. Thank you.