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I created a feedback thread in the general GW2 Discussion sub-forum on the day that Episode 2 of Living World Season 3 launched. I placed it in that sub-forum because it is the one that is most highly trafficked, a sort of “one stop shopping” for many menbers.
However, if you have not shared it in the previous thread perhaps you’d like to offer it here, in the Living World sub-forum. We’d invite you to share your high-level feedback now that you’ve presumably had time to play the new release for a while. Let’s call it “In 50 words of less, what’s your impression of Rising Flames?”
Individual threads are great, too. We’re just seeking a consolidation of high-level comments through these general feedback threads.
Thanks so much for letting us know your impressions!
Overall great update. Still needs some work to improve a few of the encounters (Sloth and Worm fights specifically are very bland).
While not technically about rising flame, another thought is that this would have been the perfect place/time to give us some new guild missions. Really seems like a neglected game mode (more than 3.5 years since the last new PVE mission).
The map is great. I enjoy the ley-lines and LOVE the thermal propulsion. I am disappointed that we cannot use our bloodstone fen gliding skills, and disappointed that there does not seem to be an option (that I have found at least) for buying a petrified log node for the home instance, I like the gathering tools bought with karma, but really am frustrated that the new accessories/backpack do not appear to be able to change stats, which I am basing that on the lack of an available option comparable to the one in Bloodstone Fen (since I have not saved up enough logs yet to buy my first one) and the write ups on the wiki. That inability seems a significant oversight and really counter to the great flexibility that the bloodstone trinkets/back items allow.
The hungry Hal achievement is annoying, and I am dreading the jumping puzzle, but cannot comment more than that since I haven’t tried it. I thought Taimi’s game was a nice change and have overall enjoyed the story line a lot more than previous ones, at least as far as I have made it so far.
Having said that, I LOVE the new map, and am enjoying it greatly despite those detractors. Most of those detractors seem to me to be things that could be changed in a minor update, rather than issues with the overall release.
EDIT: oops, sorry more than 50 words!
The map is great. It feels barren without being boring. The hearts surely help this feeling. The jumping puzzle is extremely confusing and would have been extremely annoying without a guide and being to reset parts thanks to being a necro.
The story is great. Marjory seems kinda weird this section. The dragon is cute though.
My major gripes are a new currency which doesn’t fit the wallet and too much breakbars with the jade creatures.
The map is well made and i ve yet to find a glitch in it!
The story itself is great and i love how some sarcastic remarks were added so the pc is a bit less emotionally plain.
Playability is amazing, the only thing that i found sad was how you had no interaction with Aurene, or anything to do for the little hatching on her first day in this world.
(The pc also never directly acknowledged her there, only spoke of her, that was quite weird)
The connection pc has with Aurene through the visions is amazing.
Some emotional attachment to her from the pc would be nice, since they are her champion . I hope the pc wont react to her plainly like to most of theyr “friends” so far. After such an adorable introduction, it would surely make any player love her.
Also you couldnt “talk” with almost anyone except for the tech in the first ls3p2 instance. Its always nice to interact with the characters to learn a little bit more about the story.
But the lines the npc in ember bay itself say are brilliant, funny and lighten up the mood.
Overall great patch, thank you for keeping up the good work!
Looking foward to play the next episode
Edit: the game also looks far more lively with the voiced interactions and reaction lines the pc says in some areas, its a great touch.
(edited by Krinstin.6287)
Good update. Story was good, map feels like core Tyria while still having that HoT flavor to it, enemies are not overly difficult nor too easy. The JP though…a little too difficult, with some areas being absolute leaps of faith (moreso than they were before).
My only complaint is that I want more instanced content. Two instanced missions just doesn’t tell as direct a story as I would have liked. And the achievements for this episode were way too grindy. I get about wanting to stretch your content, but only if it does it in a meaningful way. I’m not terribly interested in feeding a hobo fifty apples because reasons.
Overall though, a very faithful recreation of the original fire islands, even if the circus was wayyyyy out of place here.
Episode 3 hype!
I’ve never been too hardcore when it comes to PvE gameplay (I think every LS chapter I’ve gotten through so far, I’ve had help with), but the lore, tho…the lore! What blew me away is seeing the way that LS3 Ep 2 ended, which left me feeling oddly satisfied and wanting more all at the same time. Kudos to the story/lore team. Moar LS plz! Kthx!
The episode was great, Ember Bay on the other hand not so much. It is not a bad map, but pretty bland with not much to do. Too much was hanging on the repeated hearts, which got old by the third round and metas are limited. The volcano mastery was a complete waste. The map looked okay, and that is what I give it credit for. The design of Blood Fen was significantly superior in every respect.
I shared a tiny bit of this in the main thread, but I want to refine and expand a bit on my feedback. I love having new story content, especially free ones that just require logging in to get, but I feel like a bit of the varied personality has been lost. Quickk treats my asura exactly the same as my charr, or my human, or my norn. My charr won’t come to Rytlock’s aid, or question his decision to refuse a call from the Black Citadel. Basically, I want to see a bit more personality come out from the choices we made at character creation, or even possibly through the story steps. I do realize what a monumental task this is, but even as recently as in Heart of Thorns, where my asura will show just as much disbelief about Rata Novus as Taimi does without it alienating me as a player is one of those things that makes the story more engaging, at least for me. They don’t have to be big changes, but just something to make that initial choice mean something.
As far as the actual content, like the map or the battles, I thought they were really fun. I always thought that destroyers should be far more vulnerable to ice damage, kind of like how there were different damage types in the original game. Is this new weakness because of the merging of two types of dragon magic, or just an update in design philosophy? Doesn’t matter, I love it all the same. I just hope the guardians get a cold build for their next speciality rather than default burning. It irks me to see “Immune” flash on every 5th guardian attack as that’s not something i can control yet.
The episode was ok but I want to point out some things I did not like about the map and story.
- the jumping puzzle is messy. Jumps aren’t hard but orientation is a problem.
- last story mission can’t be failed. If the shield drops to 0 it goes back up at 15-20%. Lazarus can finish everything by himself.
- Marjory and Lazarus simply dissapear after they go down the stairs; some sort of portal there would have been nice.
On Ember Bay quests ->
I really like how two of the short meta-events connected to quest areas give you quest progression. That makes them feel much more fun and alive. That’s only the case with Vermingus and Mursaat fortress quest though. I think it’s a shame that the Circus / Skritt / Destroyer event chains don’t really give you quest progression – even event spawned destroyers don’t. I think it’d be much more fun to see events be more tied to hearts in the new maps so if you are bored with just pressing f collecting items (circus heart) you could also do event objectives, broadening the freedom of gameplay.
Other than that, I was wondering why killing a champion/veteran gives you the same ammount of quest progression points as killing a normal mob. I think that if you put more than minimal effort into completing a part of a task you should also be rewarded adequately. Killing vetaran/champion mobs and doing other more complicated tasks (for example catching falling rocks with a bucket in vermingus quest, that is super fun but hard at times) should reward you with more quest progression points than doing things that require minimal effort (killing normal tier mobs, pressing F on things…)
How do you guys feel about hearts? What do you like the most about them and what would you improve? Because I guess they’re here to stay.
/// oh also you apparently can’t hand in large delicate eggs without having any bonus items
link to a reddit thread, it has plenty of feedback in the comments too :
Also I said this many times but I feel like I have to do so again : the story is way too short.
My only issue with the whole patch is that after you do all the achivs you dont really have a reason to go back to Ember Bay if you dont need all the ascended stuff, and because you dont need ascended stuff you have no point in doing those daily hearts. Adding some bag with mats/rares/gold for the daily achiv would be just perfect.
The size was great, missed more verticality but the zone theme restricted it. The mastery suited it very well.
Some places out of the area of influence of the hearts need events, like “kill the veteran”.
Adding new powers to destroyers was interesting but they arent on Hot and progression level of difficulty. New destroyers and for example adding dash to the new troll destroyers could fix it.
Nice touch, but its too easy and weak in mechanics. It spitting a giant torrent of lava on some areas, including battery ones (so that the players need to move) and headbutt others will dynamise and fix it.
Too expensive for their fashion and stats level, most people will not buy them for that. They could be at the guild weapons values adding 15-25 petrificated logs each.
Was good, the moto touch was great and Aurene its so cuuute. It needed additional instances to make it more story packed. Also heart objectives were tied to the story too much.
Great gp (gliding puzzle), but need better rewards.
I Like them as an extra mechanics but they must not reset map and vendor unlocking progress with them and need better completition rewards.
Another new trophy clogging up my precious inventory space.
Definitely some interesting stuff in this zone. So far I’ve brought in my Necro and Rev. On necro most of the stuff difficulty-wise seems alright, but on melee class there’s definitely at least one super hard area. The veteran elementals you have to kill for heart, near the steps, are quite hard. Only when event spawns are they suddenly easy, but without event they’re extremely difficult, as they’re always in threes, and constantly hitting quite hard, esp when breakbar comes up all too soon, before your main cc is even off cooldown. Not to mention that they always seem to stand around that unbound magic special action post, which in itself is a formidable distraction. Transport: can you make thermal transport happen in one smooth motion without interact? Just jumping in should be sufficient. Ideally the other end should be ground-colored, as I constantly find myself accidentally jumping into the wrong end. Possibly might need another waypoint — when someone yells that dominator is up, or evem just the pre is up, by the time I get there it’s likely dead. Much harder to sweep around to any given point B from any point A. Story itself — one guildie reported that she could not get kills towarss bomb achieve; only story host got credit.
Transport: can you make thermal transport happen in one smooth motion without interact? Just jumping in should be sufficient.
They already do that, although it’s a little flakey at times and I’m starting to find it easier to run up and press F rather rather than jump into the little hole. Reducing that time between entry and launch wouldn’t go astray. Some are really close and quick, others have you yawning while you burrow underground to the firing tube.
Ideally the other end should be ground-colored, as I constantly find myself accidentally jumping into the wrong end.
OMG!!! Me too!!
Story: Awful. You were given plenty of warning about how unhappy we were with Caithe (Butcher of Centaurs, Sister-Killer, Keeper of Secrets that Kill, Egg-Thief). And what do you do? Give us a choice of how to handle her??? Lol! NO! The PC doesn’t merely forget her butchery, doesn’t merely forgive her assault on the PC’s authority and mission, the PC actually puts her in charge of the very thing she previously stole from the PC!
This is beyond “WTF?” and is off into “ROFL ridiculous”.
Remember the old “This is Your Story?” I no longer have any connection to the story, or to my character as you portray her. You literally just killed the story for me.
And that’s on top of:
The HoT story itself was fine. It actually seemed like you were trying to recover from the Caithe (and Taimi) mess in the story leading up to HoT. But now its gone back in the hands of your Caithe and Taimi fanfic writers.
It’s not like Arenanet has to write that much story. How can you have so little work required and still do so badly at it??
story, pretty good. game play… different story. tell me, as a level 80 with full ascended gear, why are the story instances now, as well as many of the previous ones, close to impossible to do solo. I can accept a challenge but not an impossibility. I am just now coming back to gw2 after a VERY long break and I come back to more of the same. I don’t expect pay to win, I simply would like to see the results of MONTHS of crafting gear and weapons to show better results. And btw, the drops everywhere in the game still stink.
What I disliked the most about Ember Bay is how easy it is. With some exceptions, mostly around the Mursaat area, the new mobs are a joke and the new bosses are also very easy. The story is very easy too, only the last instance was a bit more challenging due to the number of mobs but once you figure out how to use the bombs it becomes easy too.
It’s baffling how the minions of Primordus, the destroyers, got “buffed”, according to the story, by the death of the other Elder Dragon, yet the new destroyers pose zero threat to any semi-competent player and they are even weaker than the old destroyers! You can basically auto attack them to death because their attacks just tickle and they have no powerful attacks that you need to avoid at all. Sure they apply conditions now but their overall threat level is so low, it’s pathetic.
The Jade Armors/Bows are how Veterans should be in the game. Not mobs with loads of hit points and higher damage, but mobs with interesting attacks that you need to look out for. The leveled ones (level 82) are bad though, they spawn in insane numbers and I think that’s a bug.
Stop making things so EASY!
Story: I like it. It made me laugh, but as a commander I despair at some of my own descisions. If anything, the last, is the drawback here. We need to get Caithe off this case. It would not be possible to trust her with this. Can not allow a single member to go with a potential enemy.
Map: I like it. I like the maps like Blood Fen and Verdant Brink where you glide in and out of levels more. Variation is good, so not complaing about that. I would prefer each map to have a cycle of metaevents obviously, but I realize that is asking a bit much from every patch.
Achievements: 1000 gold? Come on
All the others is fine.
Repeatable hearts: I like that what I have done , stays done, but no big deal. Your used to the previous maps in the game staying that way, slightly satisfying, but I can deal with that change.
Jumping puzzle: Awesome, I dare you to do worse! @Dev responsible. I can’t believe there is no title for doing all jumping puzzles in game, while “Good Apple” exist Can’t you just give a title for all puzzles and when you add a new puzzle, none of us have it anymore, until we complete the new one?
Events in general: They are on the easy side. Could scale it up a little.
I do not see a particular reason to choose this map to play on for an evening, after I did achievements. It does not have replayability like the maps with metas going. Would maybe spread the population to much around if there are to many metaevent maps, so maybe it is best as is.
(edited by Mardragon.4017)
- I like the mobility in Ember Bay. With ley lines, updrafts, and lava tubes, you can really get around quickly.
- I like the Lava Lounge. It’s got all the necessities in a compact space that we can glide out of and get back into the map.
- I like the repeatable hearts.
- The events and bosses spawn pretty quickly which is good. I like not having to wait around for events.
- The jumping puzzle simply had too many blind jumps. It didn’t encourage exploring or logical puzzle-solving thought; rather it encouraged trial and error, where error could mean redoing a lot.
- Petrified wood (and blood rubies) really should deposit into material storage. Having them remain in inventory is not good at all.
- The Pyroclastic Jade boss seems to have too much health. No objection to having a tough boss, but this fight just drags on too long.
The only things that I felt needed improvement is first the sparking petrified wood accessories they do not have a stat change ability like blood ruby. Then because you can’t attune them you can only wear one of them where I believe if you spent that much time getting resources you should atleast be able to wear 2 lol.
The story was really good! But because everything was too easy combat was too stale. I know it is a design choose to not make it too hard, but making it this easy makes combat too boring and just a time bump to progress in the story. Only the last encouter felt really fun to do even though it was still easy enough to not make me replay it 100 times. ArenaNet this content is level 80+ and two steps after HoT, your audience can handle the challenges at this point!
1. Didn’t like story at all. Too much humor, too much irony. Feels like narrative team gave up on trying to make a coherent and compelling story and just doing jokes and memes now.
2. Kawaii dragons in RPG about apocalypse, where dragons are primordial god-like forces?
3. Recolored destroyers make me think of korean grindfest mmos.
4. Lava tubes instead of jumping pads? Like really? My character takes a dive in the hot lava?
5. Everything above really breaks my immersion. Can’t be bothered to go back to Ember Bay after going through the story once.
What I liked :
- The story : it was a bit too short, but entertaining.
- The speed at which the various events occurs : you seldom find yourself without anything to do.
- The lava tubes : great way to travel fast from one point to another.
- The various tone of the different areas : humorous in the Skritt and the Circus areas, more dramatic in the Muursat one.
- The general look of the area : very well designed. It’s good to be back into a flat zone for a bit, instead of the more confusing multi-layered ones.
What I did not liked :
- Putting mursaat tokens into the jumping puzzle. JP should be entirely optional. Items for a success inside it was a bad idea.
- The price of the Circus weapon ; way too high.
- The time gating on the circus vouchers. It takes ten days to get 10 to be able to have a reduced price on the overpriced circus weapons.
Overall, I would give the episode a solid 8/10.
Great map, lava tubes great, events aka bosses bad undertunned and the big lava wurm could be so much more maybe a world boss on the scale of tt and teq, the story was nicely written interesting instances with lore and fights and the blending of open world and instance was great. My BIGGEST disappointment in the map/story was the green destroyers srsly that was bad imho the explanation you gave to magic was perfect but the execution was pretty bad.The power over death magic means he can control the dead and command them and vine… well your guess is as good as mine it feels more like a very weak excuse to not make new models.Over all amazing story and every thing but if you guys simply translate every kind of magic into a diff recolour it will be a very meh experience. Oh btw aurene is the best thing ever also bring back atleast a bit the red dedtroyers because primy absorbed the magic of zaitan and mordy doesnt mean he lost his domain of fire. I give the story a 7.5-8/10
(edited by zealex.9410)
Rising Flames was great. The story was well executed. The new map is also very well done, giving Karma additional use for people that don’t have a use for it yet.
Repeatable hearts are great, but have a minor issue: Seeing map completion go back down after completing it is not exactly inspiring. Suggest an “in-between” state for the hearts: Completed, but not completed today? Silver icon/filling instead of gold? Regardless, otherwise very nice!
Biggest problem with new map is the large-scale events, they may need rebalancing. The biggest offender is Sloth Queen. Nobody knows the mechanics of the Sloth Queen since she melts too fast.
Pyroclastic Jade Construct feels a bit underwhelming due to it being stuck in kitten. Turns into a bit of a “stand and spam from range” fight. The rocks that must be thrown at it are annoying to have to glide to throw.
Vermignus feels extremely underwhelming. An end-game zone with a massive encounter, and the player’s primary role is to kill small worms, and spectate as something else kills the big one. I have no suggestions for a better option, and it’s generally fine as is, but it still feels undewhelming.
Champion Karka, Broodmother, and Molten Dominator are all great though.
Overall, accounting for every change and balance in the patch, 9/10
Rising Flames was great. The story was well executed. The new map is also very well done, giving Karma additional use for people that don’t have a use for it yet.
Repeatable hearts are great, but have a minor issue: Seeing map completion go back down after completing it is not exactly inspiring. Suggest an “in-between” state for the hearts: Completed, but not completed today? Silver icon/filling instead of gold? Regardless, otherwise very nice!
Biggest problem with new map is the large-scale events, they may need rebalancing. The biggest offender is Sloth Queen. Nobody knows the mechanics of the Sloth Queen since she melts too fast.
Pyroclastic Jade Construct feels a bit underwhelming due to it being stuck in kitten. Turns into a bit of a “stand and spam from range” fight. The rocks that must be thrown at it are annoying to have to glide to throw.
Vermignus feels extremely underwhelming. An end-game zone with a massive encounter, and the player’s primary role is to kill small worms, and spectate as something else kills the big one. I have no suggestions for a better option, and it’s generally fine as is, but it still feels undewhelming.
Champion Karka, Broodmother, and Molten Dominator are all great though.
Overall, accounting for every change and balance in the patch, 9/10
You may be interested in this ‘official’ thread:
Good luck.
Biggest problem with new map is the large-scale events, they may need rebalancing. The biggest offender is Sloth Queen. Nobody knows the mechanics of the Sloth Queen since she melts too fast.
She is supposed to eat the slublings and if she eats more than a few then the encounter fails. But as you say she melts so quickly that a group of players can beat her with auto-attacks alone and since she doesn’t fight back (just hunts slublings) it’s a joke of a fight.
They could add a breakbar every time she attempts to eat a slubling that you need to break to interrupt her, give her tons more hit points, and maybe give her the shake attack from the raid slothasor, a massive aoe attack that targets everyone around her with loads of conditions and such.
Pyroclastic Jade Construct feels a bit underwhelming due to it being stuck in kitten. Turns into a bit of a “stand and spam from range” fight. The rocks that must be thrown at it are annoying to have to glide to throw.
And it has more hit points than all the other champions of Ember bay combined.
Vermignus feels extremely underwhelming. An end-game zone with a massive encounter, and the player’s primary role is to kill small worms, and spectate as something else kills the big one. I have no suggestions for a better option, and it’s generally fine as is, but it still feels undewhelming.
What they could do is add big wurm adds that spawn at a distance and huge long range artillery-like attacks to attack the golem and/or the energy collectors. Similar to the siege wurms from GW1. The players would then need to split and go take out these as they spawn instead of semi-afking near the collectors. For obvious reasons these shouldn’t drop loot, otherwise everyone would go kill them and leave the collectors undefended.
Champion Karka, Broodmother, and Molten Dominator are all great though.
The karka queen is fine, similar to the Southsun Queen but a slightly toned down version.
How can the Broodmother be OK? It’s the easiest of the bosses, except for Sloth, and you can solo her without even trying. The broodmothers at Malchor’s Leap (Risen Broodmother), Frostgorge Sound (Frost Broodmother) and Southsun Cove (Reef Broodmother) are far more challenging and have some attacks other than “bite”. This boss is a joke as the only thing it does is a bit of damage when it bites (and has loads of hit points) it doesn’t even deserve the status of Champion, even the Queensdale Champion Boar had more attacks than this one (it had a “charge” attack).
The Molten Dominator melts so quickly you barely see any attacks, you can push it from shield phase to shield phase without much trouble, same problem as Sloth. Otherwise he could be an interesting fight. Oh I forgot, his aoe meteor shower attack deals next to zero damage, I don’t want it to be the same as the Jade Construct (1 hit KO) but at least it should do some noticeable damage on an Elementalist with zero toughness, this is just tickling.
(edited by maddoctor.2738)
Fun, beautiful map. The new destroyers are a little too weak for my tastes. Maybe that was intentional to introduce us to them before making them feel like real threats? Right now they are near instant cannon fodder.
I like the storyline but I’m afraid that you’re spreading yourselves waaay too thin with all these storyline loose ends. It seems like each episode introduces new ones while rarely, if ever, wrapping up the multitude of ones we are still awaiting answers for.
Fun, beautiful map. The new destroyers are a little too weak for my tastes. Maybe that was intentional to introduce us to them before making them feel like real threats? Right now they are near instant cannon fodder.
probably just a pause for breath after the Hell-Mode Game on HoT maps.
Responding to the topic, the team is to be congratulated. The new map shows that you can balance between the maps of core Tyria and maps focused on verticality.
Addendum: the unbound magic spheres on the ley line heading south/west from promotory are a little too low in the ley line. In the other ley lines you glide along collecting them, but in this one you have to drop down a little at each one and glide again quickly, hoping to grab them and stay in the ley line. It’s do-able but annoying. I end up just skipping and taking the ley line that goes the other way to collect the daily magic quota.
Hmm. I thought that was intended. There’s a few places that require some modicum of skill to collect the orbs in the map. I don’t mind it; feels good when I get them. =)
In 50 words.
The living story instances are fantastic, good dialogue and interesting, unique and challenging but not overwhelming fights. The updated fotm inc jumping puzzle is great.
The map is ok, the shapes of the lava tunnels and fields are fantastically realistic and the dramatic lava flows are good. The enemies strike a good balance. But the map as whole is disjointed and its d5o bleak that i dont really want to return there much. Overall its ok but not as good as h.o.t. maps.
Thank you so much for not leaving us hanging after the egg’s vision. That would have been the worst.
I thought that even though the sandbox simulation from the rata novans was really awesome, it would have flowed much better for us to have interacted with the new destroyer forms that were actually present on the island instead of the regular old boring models. The whole time I was like, “kitten ! This is awesome, but why am I here?”
Additionally, as a sylvari character, our distrust of Caithe seems a little forced. We “grew up” learning from her and seeing her as a great role model, and then all of sudden we no longer give her even the least bit benefit of the doubt. I know we give her an important job in the end that signifies that we do trust her somewhat, but I want the strong, compassionate Caithe back. The Caithe with the greatest drive to bring people together, like we saw in the personal story. The one who stood up against the love of her life in order to better her kind. This is not the Caithe we’ve been encountering lately. Just my two cents. :P
The Vermignus fight feels poorly designed. I wanna fight the big wurm, not the little ones. Currently it feels like the most basic gameplay in the game. I looks like it should be a really exciting boss fight (not Tequatl levels) but it’s really about as simple as one of the game’s earliest events or even renown hearts.
The need to purchase the wood from completing the renown hearts each day feels wrong. One of the best changes GW2 did with dynamic events is they removed the need to turn in a quest after doing things – the reward pops up on your screen and you move on. You have essentially undone that good work and placed the most valuable reward behind a proxy for turning in a quest in a game that worked so hard to avoid that scenario. More than once have I moved elsewhere on the island only to backtrack to a heart vendor for the petrified logs. I understand it’s a karma sink (to an extent) but I think it hinders the design (I’m also certain a large number of players have no idea the wood is the primary reward from the hearts and thus will miss their rewards).
The Vermignus fight feels poorly designed. I wanna fight the big wurm, not the little ones. Currently it feels like the most basic gameplay in the game. I looks like it should be a really exciting boss fight (not Tequatl levels) but it’s really about as simple as one of the game’s earliest events or even renown hearts.
The need to purchase the wood from completing the renown hearts each day feels wrong. One of the best changes GW2 did with dynamic events is they removed the need to turn in a quest after doing things – the reward pops up on your screen and you move on. You have essentially undone that good work and placed the most valuable reward behind a proxy for turning in a quest in a game that worked so hard to avoid that scenario. More than once have I moved elsewhere on the island only to backtrack to a heart vendor for the petrified logs. I understand it’s a karma sink (to an extent) but I think it hinders the design (I’m also certain a large number of players have no idea the wood is the primary reward from the hearts and thus will miss their rewards).
Heart vendors have always offered the option to buy things after the heart was completed. The only real difference, in my opinion, is that, because this is a post 80 zone, the vendors sell better stuff.
map: farming, mostly 2 d w/ gliding, replayable hearts → LOVE
[sort of meh about the terrain theme though, would REALLY love this with the shiverpeaks]
episode: ANOTHER story gate to the map, more mastery points needed → HATE
Please add a stat change item for the accessories (4000 unbound) , which cost more than what the bloodstone amulet costs in unbound magic.
The bloodstone ring was fair in that it costed 2k unbound magic while the amulet costed 3k.
The sheer amount of unbound magic needed to make a set of Trailblazer’s/Viper’s, Marauder/Commander accessories is a bit much.
(Accessory = Sparking Petrified Wood)
Circus items’ pricing is comical. Have the circus tickets reduce the price further.
Other issues:
Pyroclastic jade is very ranged centric, I see warriors using rifles and bows
Too much inventory slot pollution with dwarf thumbs , eggs, trophies, etc
(edited by Infusion.7149)
story was great. My only problem is writing;
Why didn’t marjory or the commander react when Caithe got in the egg chamber. I mean, I get she’s trying to redeem herself, but hasn’t so far. In eyes of the PC, she’s still the renegade who endangered the egg. I wouldn’t trust her in Tarir.. not yet at least. Why leave the Scion to her, instead of to the exalted, who were made for the sole purpose of taking care of it?
First episode was great… Second episode… EPIC!
The level of detail and quality has me more in love with the game and my characters than ever.
LS3 is AWESOME! 10/10
Story has too much unskippable talking which means I can’t face redoing it with another toon. Once I have heard it once (and that’s too much really, I tab out during most of the monologs), I have zero desire to be forced to listen to it again and again.
Map is good, apart from the JP, which is horrible, and which I have to do to to collect my last 4 tokens. It’s just all the same featureless red fiery stuff without much definition. And I can’t get where to jump for the second check point, then I have to start again, not my favourite thing in the world as when I have to log off (frequently) you lose the checkpoints, etc..
Hopefully, there will be more reasons to collect petrified wood and the bloodstone rubies.
We had Moto included into ls3 chapter. Anomalies, going crazy, rifts is there a chance that Mad King Thorn will also get his show time in chapter or that asura that researched about his son.
Chapter 2 was a race with time – dwaren’s devices need to be replenished each day, and then fast wp to save winged thingy that just hatched. Between chapter 2 and 3 there is going to be lore time gap or its going to be 24/7 hero work.
I loved the new map- Ember Bay at once.
Ember Bay is gorgeous map, toned and I can see a lot of fantastic views. The fact, that we can explore the map with the story is amazing, and I hope, you will continue this idea.
The map has a lot of interesting events and very funny Jumping Puzzle.
Before the patch I thought: “next map, which I won’t like”, but I changed my mind, because this map is great.
Keep make great work ANet!!! Thank you, thank you so much for new map and fantastic surprise in the end of story.
Please, never again, include a jumping puzzle in the map completion and also, don’t hide other achievement things in them. Other than that. All and all the ember map was a good one.
I’m a returning player from long, long ago. lol But I have to say, I’m really enjoying this new storyline and content. Ember Bay is fantastic and for the first time in a long while, It’s like Guild Wars has come back to it’s roots. I still haven’t completed much of the masteries and new skills etc., but I love the direction this is going in and can’t wait to see what episode 3 has in store. I love the concept of the Elder Dragons absorbing other magic and abilities and it makes the story seem like it’s going to escalate into something big. The dialogue and story scenes within the game look fantastic so far. I love the gliding mechanic, though that technically came out with HoT. I’m looking forward to more story centric driven plots and less….weird random stuff that doesn’t belong in Guild Wars.
All in all, the mystery and awe-inspiring magic that made Guild Wars so great is starting to come back. If you guys make another expansion in this vein, I’d definitely purchase it.
Also still holding out hope for Cantha in the long run, but we’ll have to see.
(edited by Zhaneel.9208)
Please, never again, include a jumping puzzle in the map completion and also, don’t hide other achievement things in them. Other than that. All and all the ember map was a good one.
I’m pretty sure the Jumping Puzzle has nothing to do with Map Completion for Ember Bay. In fact, I’m positive, as I have completed the map and have never even tried the JP.
I do agree, it would be nice if the tokens weren’t in the JP, though.
Good luck.
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