Feedback: future Halloween updates

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I’d like to see an event where the Mad King Thorn and his emo of a son Eddie finally reconcile and join forces to wreak havoc across Tyria for next year’s Halloween. It could take place in the Mad King’s Labyrinth where he’d be a world boss and we’d fight them both in all their gigantic, creepy majesty.


Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


Nooooo, they can’t reconcile. Then we’d lose all the priceless banter between them.

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

It’d never be for realz. Eddie’s too much of a sociopath to resist the chance to backstab darling daddy, and Ozzie is just too insane to be trusted, even if he agrees in complete good faith. The wind changes too quickly around him.

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


In 2012 there was an Emissary who looked just like the mad king who spawned in the hut on top of the hill.

It would be nice to see him back, maybe alternating spawns with a thorne clone.

I think that boss was removed because, in 2012, the main way to get loot was from chests and people were killing the boss and then swapping instances. Chests have been fixed since then so bring him back.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I’d rather have the fight go full out next year, with a return of 2012 (and yes, 2013) content. And their full out fight would recruit the players. One can assist either one they want in a manner of ways:

Support King Ozzy via:

Support Prince Eddie via:

  • Going through purple doors and being turned into skeleton versions of your PC’s race while in the Labyrinth.
  • Doing a new jumping puzzle: Baron Wycker’s Estate – a more horizontal version of the Mad King’s Clocktower
  • Completing Reaper’s Rumble
  • Completing a series of new meta events in Queensdale, Kessex Hills, and Gendarran Fields (flavored in support of the rebellion)

Changes to the Labyrinth

  1. Those who are candy corn creatures will see skeletal players as enemies, while seeing Ozzy’s forces as allies.
  2. Those who are skeletons will see candy corn players as enemies, while seeing Eddie’s forces as allies.
  3. A return of the Champion Family-Sized Candy Corn (moved to NE corner) and the Champion Skeleton (moved to SW corner).
  4. Add elites to event scalings
  5. The Labyrinth will have a counter set for each map, they will be matches lasting until Halloween night. Killing a normal ranked NPC = 1 point; kill a veteran = 2 points; kill an elite = 3 points; kill a player = 5 points; kill a champion = 10 points; kill a legendary = 25 points

On Halloween Night, a new finale happens: Edrick and Oswald both show up in Lion’s Arch, and do a battle. This battle will begin on a scale determined by the scores of the Labyrinth and how often the events/activities were done, however unless it’s a landslide victory for one side, it’d be possible still to tip the scales in the others’ favor.

Each finale would happen, like in GW1, every three hours. The score accumulates across all finales. And a special instance appears to show the ultimate showdown and fall of the loser (available for the following week).

In future years, the final fall becomes available as long as Halloween, as the plot advances in different ways (depending on who wins).

Players thus get to chose by doing things who they want to “vote” for. In a more interactive means than Cutthroat Politics.

Something like this is what I would like to see for future Halloweens. The most important part is the ability to replay all past content, even if the direction of Ozzy v. Eddie is set in stone.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Great ideas, Konig. Would love to see all those implemented.

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Arianhod.3485



It would be EPIC!!! Although I fear the devs should revamp Lunatic Inquisition because, as is, it’s just a pain to go through.

It’s a-me, Aria!

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: ainekitten.9517


“Emo of a son”

HAHA PERFECT. I’m so glad I’m not the only person who makes fun of him relentlessly for being so emo.

Rata Sum = Mursaat
Wake up, Tyria!

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


I’d rather have the fight go full out next year, with a return of 2012 (and yes, 2013) content. And their full out fight would recruit the players. One can assist either one they want in a manner of ways:

Support King Ozzy via:

Support Prince Eddie via:

  • Going through purple doors and being turned into skeleton versions of your PC’s race while in the Labyrinth.
  • Doing a new jumping puzzle: Baron Wycker’s Estate – a more horizontal version of the Mad King’s Clocktower
  • Completing Reaper’s Rumble
  • Completing a series of new meta events in Queensdale, Kessex Hills, and Gendarran Fields (flavored in support of the rebellion)

Changes to the Labyrinth

  1. Those who are candy corn creatures will see skeletal players as enemies, while seeing Ozzy’s forces as allies.
  2. Those who are skeletons will see candy corn players as enemies, while seeing Eddie’s forces as allies.
  3. A return of the Champion Family-Sized Candy Corn (moved to NE corner) and the Champion Skeleton (moved to SW corner).
  4. Add elites to event scalings
  5. The Labyrinth will have a counter set for each map, they will be matches lasting until Halloween night. Killing a normal ranked NPC = 1 point; kill a veteran = 2 points; kill an elite = 3 points; kill a player = 5 points; kill a champion = 10 points; kill a legendary = 25 points

On Halloween Night, a new finale happens: Edrick and Oswald both show up in Lion’s Arch, and do a battle. This battle will begin on a scale determined by the scores of the Labyrinth and how often the events/activities were done, however unless it’s a landslide victory for one side, it’d be possible still to tip the scales in the others’ favor.

Each finale would happen, like in GW1, every three hours. The score accumulates across all finales. And a special instance appears to show the ultimate showdown and fall of the loser (available for the following week).

In future years, the final fall becomes available as long as Halloween, as the plot advances in different ways (depending on who wins).

Players thus get to chose by doing things who they want to “vote” for. In a more interactive means than Cutthroat Politics.

Something like this is what I would like to see for future Halloweens. The most important part is the ability to replay all past content, even if the direction of Ozzy v. Eddie is set in stone.

This would be awesome! In GW1, we could choose between Grenth and the other one for Wintersday. This would be even better

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Arianhod.3485


Poor Dwayna… the other one

It’s a-me, Aria!

Feedback: future Halloween updates

in Living World

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


Poor Dwayna… the other one

Yeah… her….

Dons his Grenth hat and heads out