Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: khani.4786


Zojja sounds like she has a terrible cold and the voice is off. Some parts are okay, but there are some glaring spots where it is obvious that it isn’t doesn’t sound like the same person.

I miss Felicia Day’s rendition of Zojja.

(edited by khani.4786)

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: GussJr.1643


I am with you khani…but I think she’s trying to duck out of main stream stuff for a while…plus most of her time is probably taken up with producing Geek and Sundry


Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Khyrpa.4527


Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: GussJr.1643


lol I stand corrected Khyrpa, good find.


Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

I swear Zojja sounded so not like Zojja. Even though it’s confirmed that Felicia Day voiced her in the season finale I still can’t believe it. The voice was so different.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: khani.4786


I swear Zojja sounded so not like Zojja. Even though it’s confirmed that Felicia Day voiced her in the season finale I still can’t believe it. The voice was so different.

Well then, I stand corrected. But I agree, there were parts that didn’t sound like her at all. o.o (Edited the title to reflect my error)

(edited by khani.4786)

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Blueskylightdragon.4876


It’s two years pass and since there is no new plot for Zojja, there is no need to hire her. Also I don’t know but did someone in Arenanet asks her to sounds more cold? I haven’t listen to her voice yet. I struck at final part of downloading.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Maybe she (Felicia) really did have a cold. Or maybe Zojja is allergic to mordrem and/or the vines. Or maybe she has a sinus infection. I mean, think of the sinus cavities in those big asura heads…

The table is a fable.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I thought it sound like her, was mainly surprised that she was just voicing her again.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Aly Cat.9415

Aly Cat.9415

I think the audio was buggy. It sounded weird to me in the beginning of the first play through but it became apparent it was her by the end when she was talking to Logan about Caithe. Second play through she sounded like herself the whole time.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: khani.4786


I think the audio was buggy. It sounded weird to me in the beginning of the first play through but it became apparent it was her by the end when she was talking to Logan about Caithe. Second play through she sounded like herself the whole time.

Ahh… I’ll have to see when I play through it again then. It’s possible the audio was buggy. That last cutscene the audio was SUPER low. Bugs are always possible.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Eirdyne.9843


Hopefully Destiny’s Edge is finally dead.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Ah good to see her reprise the role.
Yeah I first thought she sounded a bit off too, plus I worried they used an impersonator due to her schedule.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

Hopefully Destiny’s Edge is finally dead.

I would actually be happy if Logan died (a virgin), I don’t care much for Zojja. I would be a bit sad for Eir though. I liked her.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Taveth.4207


I must’ve gone deaf or something….did I miss this? Where does it happen?

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


For me, she seems to have loosened up from her disjointed, analytical manner of speaking, and that is what has changed. Doesnt sound like her anymore with her distinct mannerisms.

Also, with the revelation about Eir having a son, Zojja would NEVER have admitted that she didn’t know something before. It seems out of character.

I didn’t like her way of speaking much before, but having been accustomed to it, she sounds wierd now!

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Rashy.4165


Her Zojja voice is quite different from her normal voice. Didn’t think it was different from her voice acting in Personal Story, personally.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I didn’t notice anything weird about her performance. I wonder if it’s more down to the writers not writing the lines in a convincingly Zojja way?

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


When Zojja said to my Asuran toon about them being an important cog in her life, I really wanted to scream out, “Who are you, and what have you done to the real Zojja!?”.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Maybe it really wasn’t the real Zojja, maybe the real Zojja is being held captive somewhere and this was an illusory Zojja — an enemy spy! Working for… them.

The table is a fable.

Felicia Day sounds off as Zojja

in Living World

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


Even in PS I’ve always felt that Zojja’s voice is somewhat random.

Though it might have something to do with the fact that she sounds so vastly different from all other Asura that I’m always surprised by whatever comes out of her mouth.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.