Final LS boss help needed
I don’t consider content that requires trial and error “challenging.” Test my skills, not my patience.
Part of being skilled in this game — or any good MMO — is being able to figure out mechanics and learn fights, and knowing what tools you have available and will work best for the task at hand. That includes picking builds, and it includes the fact that you might not be able to clear every piece of content first time while going in blind.
There is a very big difference between the kind of trial and error gameplay that’s actually a problem, and what’s going on in this fight.
I beat this on my first try both regular and challenge mote. Its very easy if you know the mechanics and its even easier to learn them. 95% of the dmg you can avoid with ease just keep moving.
The pattern is definitely there. I even made a crappy video of it :P
It’s a garbage fight.
Poorly designed. too long, and overall not fun.
And why the hell can’t we skip through the kitten cut scenes?
EDIT: Re: cut scenes – Almost all cut scenes should have an option to ‘skip’ (one exception is Anet’s recent patch that occurs after dragon defeat- this is a major plot point that should not be skipped).
For the ‘lesser’ cut scenes they are a time waster if the player has multiple alt’s. If the player wishes to watch it great, but don’t make the player watch it. I have 13 characters. Once or twice is enough. By the 13th time I’m ready to drop my guild and sign up with the dragons.
Re: the Fight – I admit I was too harsh in labelling it garbage. The problem was that the audio hints that the NPC’s give you can be drowned out by the sound of the dragon and other battle sounds. If you don’t hear the hints it can (and did) turn into a drawn out and frustrating fight.
I solved this problem by playing with my audio settings.
It also helped to read the suggestions that the other players from this thread have given.
Once that was done, I completed the battle in a fraction of the time then the first couple of times I did it.
(edited by NoxInfernus.2361)
It’s a garbage fight.
Poorly designed. too long, and overall not fun.And why the hell can’t we skip through the kitten cut scenes?
How is it poorly designed?
The cut-scenes progress the story and shouldn’t really be skipped on your first play-through. Aside from those, what else made the instance too long?
Broke every piece of my thief’s armour three times before I bailed out of my solo instance and went looking for a group. Granted, once I attacked one snuffer-shadow and found it invulnerable, it didn’t even occur to me to try it again with the divine fire buff. But that hardly even mattered – I was getting two-shotted by the exploding bulbs and the claw attack. And once I was in a downed state, the targeted attacks came too fast for me to get back up. I’m not saying this fight isn’t soloable, because clearly it is… but it’s kitten ed ugly for some classes.
It’s a garbage fight.
Poorly designed. too long, and overall not fun.And why the hell can’t we skip through the kitten cut scenes?
How is it poorly designed?
The cut-scenes progress the story and shouldn’t really be skipped on your first play-through. Aside from those, what else made the instance too long?
and what about the other 9 characters or when repeating for the achievement?
Reading this thread was helpful, I was able to do the boss event first try on my thief. The fight is actually fun when done right!
if i could kick the designer in the nuts, i surely would
This. It is litterally impossible for me to do this.
I have not been this frustrated since Crab Toss.
Edit: The encounter is extremely good and challenging, I am just a terrible player. – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
I think the Caithe part needs a skip button, most other cutscenes are either very short, or already skippable. Since it takes place in an alternate reality and doesn’t affect any NPC locations in the “Real world” I don’t see why we can’t skip it.
As for the fight, I did it on 3 characters, Elementalist, Thief and Guardian and I didn’t find it particularly hard. It was a kittenallenging until I figured out the mechanics (there was no guide up yet) but I completed it 3 times without ever getting downed/dead.
I tweaked my builds before starting the fights, all 3 characters are full Zerkers but I changed their utility skills and traits for more mobility and defense and the fight was considerably easier. Vigor, blocks, evades, invulnerability helps a lot, way more than healing, DPS or any kind of passive defense (tough/vit)
It’s a garbage fight.
Poorly designed. too long, and overall not fun.And why the hell can’t we skip through the kitten cut scenes?
How is it poorly designed?
The cut-scenes progress the story and shouldn’t really be skipped on your first play-through. Aside from those, what else made the instance too long?
and what about the other 9 characters or when repeating for the achievement?
For the achievements you can repeat the fight to get them without rewatching the cutscenes. Once you defeat the shadow of the dragon talk to the mote thingy to restart the fight.
For other characters, yeah they should make the Caithe part skippable, it takes quite some time
Broke every piece of my thief’s armour three times before I bailed out of my solo instance and went looking for a group. Granted, once I attacked one snuffer-shadow and found it invulnerable, it didn’t even occur to me to try it again with the divine fire buff. But that hardly even mattered – I was getting two-shotted by the exploding bulbs and the claw attack. And once I was in a downed state, the targeted attacks came too fast for me to get back up. I’m not saying this fight isn’t soloable, because clearly it is… but it’s kitten ed ugly for some classes.
On a thief the fight is actually easy. Put 3 points in Acrobatics (Expeditious Dodger, Feline Grace) and get a Shortbow. Shadowstep is great to escape from the red circles, or you get knocked down by the boss and want to get away. Withdraw is the fastest healing skill of a Thief AND cures Crippled in case you get hit by the middle rocks.
Before giving up, blaming “bad design”, or getting frustrated as you are trying repeatedly and failing, try changing your build, use different traits, utility skills and weapon sets.
If you are running out of dodges, use this:
The fight is all about managing your dodges and active defense skills (blocks/ invulnerabilities)
The pattern is definitely there. I even made a crappy video of it :P
Thanks for saving me the trouble, especially since I screwed up making my own video (mic problems).
Just because you don’t notice the pattern doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It’s especially hard to notice it when part of a group since you won’t be solely targeted by its attacks.
The pattern is definitely there. I even made a crappy video of it :P
Thank you, that’s rather helpful. I had noticed part of that pattern, but not all of it. Specifically, I was too busy dodging the rocks to notice when they came up. This should make re-doing the instance for the other head pieces a lot more manageable.
I Dunno, did this 2 days ago with a mesmer no prob. Just took me some deaths to find out the mechanics but after this everything was ok [and quite enjoyable, actually].
I can see how this fight would be frustrating for people who aren’t used to active defenses – many of the posters (and myself) are thieves, and we’re used to moving our camera and managing our dodges.
One thing I will say, is I was doing this in a 2 man team the first time – and I managed a bad combo of dodging next to an exploding plant, and thrown back into the claws, and went into downed state – and suddenly the boss was much easier. The dragon only focuses on the instance owner, so my teammate was able to run around and just ignore the deadly area around my corpse, while the dragon continued to blindly claw at my shredded body.
Up until this point I had thought the dragon was just very aggressive, but once I was down, I realized it was just targeting me – which is actually really frustrating from a gameplay standpoint. When the best thing for me to do for my team is run into the corner and die, and stay dead, the fight is clearly broken. Once I’d spotted the mechanics about the fire and explained them to my teammate (I certainly had the time to figure it out!) I managed to use a revive orb and have it end just after a swipe, and I was back in the fight and we were able to finish things out together quickly.
I’m not sure what the decree is at GWHQ as far as whether LS chapters should be solo-able the first time through, but I bet most playtesters are either on the higher end of skill (from playing the game day in), designed the mechanics themselves, had them explained to them before playing, or are playing in small teams. This encounter didn’t seem to scale up in difficulty for teams, but IMO was clearly designed for a team. Soloable, yes, but designed for a team to complete.
ArenaNet: Please don’t make me lie dead in a corner for a few minutes because it’s the best decision for my small team.
I did it solo without any issues. It hardly was designed for a team.
if i could kick the designer in the nuts, i surely would
This. It is litterally impossible for me to do this.
I have not been this frustrated since Crab Toss.
I found this fight to be much easier than the Pale Tree dragon fight (after I figured out I needed the flame to kill the shadow things). It could be due also to the addition of sigil of energy to my weapons, which made evasion much easier.
So, if you could do the fight with the dragon at the pale tree, this one should be easier.
We get it. We totally do. Some of you are gaming gods and the rest of us are noobs who should never voice our opinion because CLEARLY there’s no issue. Except of course for all the people who say they had an issue with it and the many, many more who don’t post to the forums but felt the same way. I can’t help but wonder how many of the people who “had no issue” also used tips and tricks from other sources. No need to post yet again that it wasn’t hard for YOU.
The running theme between those who had an issue and those who didn’t generally falls into 3 categories: difficult to figure out the mechanics while being repeatedly downed; running a class that could absorb the abuse easily vs. low hp classes; getting the shadow hint.
This is the only fight in the entire game that I’ve had significant trouble with, yet I still completed on my first entrance. The first version of this fight at Pale Tree was annoying, but there were places to stand long enough to get a sense of the flow of the fight. For me personally, this seemed to be another case of the Asura camera angle problem (a frequent jump puzzle aggravation) combined with not receiving the hints (I’m deaf, so no audio, and I play with a chat tab that doesn’t include combat info).
In all the back and forth, I haven’t seen anyone who explained or experienced the same issue I did with trying to light a fire—being continually interrupted (as many as 6 times in a row), which doesn’t seem to fit the pattern mentioned above.
In all the back and forth, I haven’t seen anyone who explained or experienced the same issue I did with trying to light a fire—being continually interrupted (as many as 6 times in a row), which doesn’t seem to fit the pattern mentioned above.
If you start channeling right before the first claw, it would interrupt you and so would do the second one. Since you’re knocked down, your third channeling might start too late to finish before the dragon bites you (the window for channeling during a regular rock attack is quite small: the best way to do it is to dodge out from the second claw orange circle towards the fire spot and start channeling asap).
If there were no bombs spawning or naturally exploding during that bite, then the cycle would restart again, interrupting you three more times.
After that, a bonus rock attack (which provides a far bigger window) should happen and the channel should be doable without any issue so, technically, you could be interrupted up to 6 times in a row but never more than that.
I did this fight a couple of times, and for me the major issues with were inadequate clues about the shadows, Rox’s unpredictable AI, and the excessive use of the knockdown mechanic.
The first time I did the fight, I ended up quitting and looking online for what to do because it seemed impossible to light more than 3/4 fires at a time solo. It was only reading the forum that I realized the shadow creatures could actually be killed. I’d tried attacking them and got messages that they were invulnerable, and there isn’t time in such a frenetic fight to try all sorts of different combinations and see what works.
I also found their vulnerability to divine fire counterintuitive because they were snuffing out the fires. It wouldn’t have occurred to me that their weakness would be the thing they seemed able to destroy effortlessly. After I read about them online I didn’t have any trouble with them, but I think they should have been clued better within the game itself.
Even after I figured out the fight mechanics, I still had trouble with Rox. There were a couple of times when I could have ended the stage of the fight but I was just standing around waiting for Rox to shoot me an arrow, and by the time she did, one of my fire points had been snuffed and needed to be redone. It’s only a matter of a few seconds, but when things are happening so fast a few seconds are are the difference between success and failure. There were also many times when she would shoot her arrow straight into the middle of an impossible amount of AOE and I couldn’t get to it. I’m not sure if she’s intended to be a bit of a hindrance or if the fight scripting was a bit off, but it was frustrating to know what to do but be unable to do it because the NPC wasn’t fully cooperating.
The last part is just personal taste, but I found the endless cycle of knockdowns annoying. It’s probably my least favorite mechanic because just trying to get your character up off the ground is the opposite of fun and heroic, and this fight had that in spades. I’d rather have the time I spend struggling to get my character to her feet be minimal, not to get stuck in an endless cycle of it till I die if I make a misstep. This is especially the case since there’s very little opportunity to rally if you’re downed in this particular fight, so the downed state just prolonged the ordeal and added to the frustration of being in an unrecoverable position.
Like I said, I succeeded. It was doable. I just hope some feedback from players for this fight will be taken into account when planning future boss encounters.
(edited by Anakita Snakecharm.4360)
There is only 3 things you have to do avoid the red and orange circles, kill the shadows and kill the vines.
There is only 3 things you have to do avoid the red and orange circles, kill the shadows and kill the vines.
And if Rox constantly fires her arrows right into the middle of the red and orange circles…?
There is only 3 things you have to do avoid the red and orange circles, kill the shadows and kill the vines.
And if Rox constantly fires her arrows right into the middle of the red and orange circles…?
You wait until it’s clear to walk.
There is only 3 things you have to do avoid the red and orange circles, kill the shadows and kill the vines.
And if Rox constantly fires her arrows right into the middle of the red and orange circles…?
You wait until it’s clear to walk.
Which may mean you lose at least one of the fires you lit, and/or you may be dodging something else by the time the way is clear. This is particularly the case if the majority of Rox’s arrows are landing in unsafe areas.
I’m not saying it’s impossible. I completed it. I’m just saying it’s a little more complicated than just avoiding the circles.
There is only 3 things you have to do avoid the red and orange circles, kill the shadows and kill the vines.
And if Rox constantly fires her arrows right into the middle of the red and orange circles…?
You wait until it’s clear to walk.
Which may mean you lose at least one of the fires you lit, and/or you may be dodging something else by the time the way is clear. This is particularly the case if the majority of Rox’s arrows are landing in unsafe areas.
I’m not saying it’s impossible. I completed it. I’m just saying it’s a little more complicated than just avoiding the circles.
I never had an issue. You can also just dodge through the circle to get the buff.
excellent information
Thank you, that was fantastic information.
I never had an issue. You can also just dodge through the circle to get the buff.
Of course you didn’t, you’re a gaming god. Please post another time about how nothing was difficult for you, so, therefore, should not have been difficult for anyone else.
Passive speed boosts are advisable for a fight like this. 25% from Signet if you’ve the profession for it. If not, you might be able to use Speed Runes in some way. Condition heal is also helpful for when you get slowed.
Honestly, a lot of this fight comes down to moving quickly, so you want to be able to do that as best as possible. Passive Vigor for Dodge is going to be a boon (literally and figuratively) in this regard as well, if you can get it. Extra Dodge means more room for mistakes.
Ranged is also advisable because you can run-and-gun. Ranger bow is probably one of the nicest options for it (it’s what I used) because you get bonuses for distance and you’re unlikely to be close to the enemies.
One you’ve got your Ranged auto-attack going on a target (tentacle-thingy, shadow-thingy, or dragon-guy when he becomes vulnerable) you can focus most of your attention on dodging the circles.
Other than that (as others have said):
- Run through blue circle that gets tossed into the arena to get Signal Fire.
- Signal Fire gives you a temp buff.
- Use Signal Fire to light special areas.
- Run through Shadows in second phase while you have Signal Fire buff to make them vulnerable, then tap them with your pinkie to kill them. AFAIK, only one spawns for each lighted area, so once it’s dead, it’s dead. Each one will spawn shortly after you light its relevant special area.
- If you’re getting screwed over while trying to light a special area, curse the gaming gods and try running around a bit or refreshing the buff when it gets thrown in again. Sometimes you can get trapped in a moment where the dragon’s attacks are more pointed and frequent, which makes it nigh impossible to finish your cast. It’s a subtle thing – not very noticeable unless you’ve played with randomized mechanics a lot. That’s what the running around a bit is for.
excellent information
Thank you, that was fantastic information.
I never had an issue. You can also just dodge through the circle to get the buff.
Of course you didn’t, you’re a gaming god. Please post another time about how nothing was difficult for you, so, therefore, should not have been difficult for anyone else.
I’m not. All I did way pay attention to what the boss was doing and stayed our of the red circles. If the buff was in the orange circles, I either waited for them to disappear or I dodged through them to minimize the damage I took. It’s nothing ground breaking.
It’s only hard if you want the achievements, in my PoV. You can walk out of arm swats and the head chomp if you’re out of combat (did this on my mesmer, no swiftness, no passive speed increase). The best timing to start lighting the fire is right after dodging the chomp, because the chomp interrupts you through the shield and the swats don’t. You can get rid of the bombs by walking right in between of them. This boss, unlike others, actually did not one-shot my full zerk mesmer, so I don’t think it’s about damage.
I know that there is a group of players who just can’t be bothered to learn as they have no time to spend on games. With all due respect, please deal with it.
(edited by Ascimator.6735)
This boss was ez and I beat it with one try alone wo going online for instructions. I did the ring thing wo killing the dude coz I didnt kno one could do that. I used my trusted engie w almost 100% uptime on speed buffs along with jumping boots utility
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
Had no problem with the fight itself. But I have to say, kitten , the fights in this LS annoy the hell out of me. Constant knockbacks, knockdowns and other CC. Someone at Arenanet is obsessed with that crap. I will take a longer break from the game, lost all fun for the moment.
That dragon fight I had no problems with, the lane fight in silverwastes is way more annoying. I dont now how much condition cleanse Anet thinks I have, but every single condition is reaplied after my cleanse, group cleanse and combos. It’s insane how much conditions there are in that fight.
Did this first time, without looking up the fight, on a necro (no stability, no vigor). Seriously, all you have to do is run/dodge out of the giant orange circles.
Please don’t continue to reduce difficulty because of the whining.
Stability profs win again… BS imo. Stop making stability profession ultra stronger in ‘challenging’ personal story fights.
Every 5 sec a stun spam… really. So either stability or Gtfo. or perma dodge… (but then you cant light the things. Cause the aoe interrupt you. So stability still ftw.
Didnt read the whole thread yet but i feel the need to reply this. You need 0, read ZERO, stability for this encounter. You can even ignore Braham’s bubble shield thingy to use the torch. Simply wait until the dragon do his attacks (mind you, it attacks twice in a row) and immediately run to the cog and interact with it.
Its an observing and learn to play issue, sorry mate.
There needs to be a way to disable the fisheye effect, I’m having a seriously hard time not throwing up.
Tried solo. Got creamed. Wasn’t fun. Nah, won’t bother trying again; life’s too short. I’m a casual gamer so don’t have l33t skillz or time to work out “mechanics” – I just want to have fun with a game, not have to work at it.
And to those who are waving the “dumbing down effect” flag, well, you’re entitled to your view and I’m entitled to mine.
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
Final post here and as I said before, I’d give it a few more shots, well I only had to give it one more try before completing it. It is not that simple and those that mention to watch the pattern, I can guarantee you that your pattern does not occur 100% of the time, which could be causing some people a problem. Having said that, all I did this time was watch for the Divine Fire(which appeared more consistently) and continually move around. Some times, even though I went through the middle of the connecting vine between the bush bombs, I was still knocked down, but that was fine. I did “die” twice, but I only had to go through two(2) rounds of the fire before I managed to finish off the Dragon, most likely because the second time I was standing in the Time Warp the entire time and even though LB reduces the amount of damage it puts out at close range…it was effective enough to get the job done. It does take patience and watching what is going on, and some people just won’t be able to complete it, that’s a given for anything in any game…there’s just no way around that fact.
P.S. – I’d be considered a casual gamer, irregardless of the amount of hours I put into this game.
I’m always surprised by the number of people who complain about the most recent update being “too hard”.
not impossible.. very difficult though….
For me…. the problem was that the Stability you get from Braham’s Bubble wasnt working for me… I was still getting CC’ed and launched even with stability…
very frustrating
not impossible.. very difficult though….
For me…. the problem was that the Stability you get from Braham’s Bubble wasnt working for me… I was still getting CC’ed and launched even with stability…
very frustrating
The bubble doesn’t protect you from getting launched, only from the Dragon’s claw attacks and rocks if those happened to hit you as well.
The fight is tricky until you learn the mechanics. Then it becomes extremely easy.
The basic problem with shifting builds around is that so much of a build is carried by the armor worn rather than the skills on the bar and the traits set.
I absolutely hate this fight and have given up on LS because of it. Well done ANet.
What fight are we talking about here? Is there some other fight I did not do yet I wonder.
Just want to say I appreciate all the tips.
What fight are we talking about here? Is there some other fight I did not do yet I wonder.
Shadow of the Dragon fight, the boss fight of the last Living Story mission.
And lol, I’m sorry, but anyone who says anything along the lines of “I’m sorry I don’t have l33t skillz” is not going to be receiving any sympathy or convincing anyone. All of us who aren’t having problems with the fight aren’t bragging about how good we are. It REALLY IS a learn to play issue.
There’s nothing wrong with being casual. Casual gamers can observe patterns. Claiming you don’t have time to figure out that pattern? Proudly saying you don’t want anything resembling a challenge in your story instances (not even in the final episode of a season)? That’s not even a learn to play issue. That’s a learn to effort issue. That’s looking at ANY learning curve and thinking “nah, I like it down here at the bottom.”
To anyone claiming that the pattern can’t be counted on, that it isn’t “100%” or even reasonably close to it, chances are you got distracted by the plant bombs or the “bonus rocks.” But if you take a couple seconds to wait for the next attack, you should be seeing the pattern reassert itself. If not, I would very much like to see a recording and be proven wrong because that sounds like a bug. The only time something went wrong for me was when one of the Mordrem wolves that should have been outside the “arena” somehow made it inside.
What fight are we talking about here? Is there some other fight I did not do yet I wonder.
Shadow of the Dragon fight, the boss fight of the last Living Story mission.
And lol, I’m sorry, but anyone who says anything along the lines of “I’m sorry I don’t have l33t skillz” is not going to be receiving any sympathy or convincing anyone. All of us who aren’t having problems with the fight aren’t bragging about how good we are. It REALLY IS a learn to play issue.
There’s nothing wrong with being casual. Casual gamers can observe patterns. Claiming you don’t have time to figure out that pattern? Proudly saying you don’t want anything resembling a challenge in your story instances (not even in the final episode of a season)? That’s not even a learn to play issue. That’s a learn to effort issue. That’s looking at ANY learning curve and thinking “nah, I like it down here at the bottom.”
To anyone claiming that the pattern can’t be counted on, that it isn’t “100%” or even reasonably close to it, chances are you got distracted by the plant bombs or the “bonus rocks.” But if you take a couple seconds to wait for the next attack, you should be seeing the pattern reassert itself. If not, I would very much like to see a recording and be proven wrong because that sounds like a bug. The only time something went wrong for me was when one of the Mordrem wolves that should have been outside the “arena” somehow made it inside.
Wow i am not a good or great player by nomeans, but that was not a very hard fight. When it started I thought ok this is gonna be fail to go solo but it was surprisingly easy? Could not be more than a couple of minutes.
If the people here whining about this being difficult spent the time to rethink their mistakes on the fight they wouldn’t have issues. Instead they rush to the forums every attempt they get to complain.
RIP mesmers and our crappy stability
Why do you need stability? If you run into the domes that Braham or w/e his name is you gain stability. I did this on my mesmer without much difficulty.
I beat it just fine but as with most of the bosses from this season it brought a feeling of relief rather than a sense of satisfaction.
I have this weird notion that a “boss fight” should involve you fighting a boss, not running an obstacle course to spawn a punching bag.
Seriously, can we stop fighting the darn floor? I’m beginning to think there are no “Bosses” in GW2. Just off switches for aoe with a life bar.
Don’t see the issue with these bosses. This game does not have the holy Trinity so I’m not sure how they would design challenging bosses without mobility/dodge mechanic. It would literally just be a afk auto attack fight
(edited by RoRo.8270)