Finally Getting Those Old Feels Again

Finally Getting Those Old Feels Again

in Living World

Posted by: Hofulu.7325


TL;DR at the bottom lol

I remember my golden days of Skyrim, defeating Alduin, scaling down the darkest depths of dwarven cities, the discovery of Blackreach and all its amazing ancient secrets.

I have nostalgic memories of all of that, because it was so much fun to be one of the only people in the entire world of Skyrim doing it, and because when I get on Skyrim now, and I look at my character, I’m so proud of what he’s accomplished, and how he’s become this like, wise master who has seen and done things that no one else in Skyrim (or Solstheim) has done, and it feels amazing that I, as a player, can have something like that.

For the first time in more than a year, I got that same feeling in Guild Wars 2 again when looking at my main a couple of days ago.
Reason? The recent personal story events.
The story driven exploration, and actually getting to SEE the eternal alchemy, and not go crazy!

That particular experience is one I will always remember, and it will feel AMAZING in the future when no new players can say that they’ve actually seen the eternal alchemy.
It’s that kind of experience, those kinds of moments where I really feel like MY character has changed or evolved, or matured, not everyone in the whole entire world, but ME. I myself, and maybe a few memorable sidekicks

THAT, I love, and I finally realized that for me, it is exactly what had been missing from most of this game for too long, with the exception of most of the personal story. But that has been done for a long time, I killed Zhaitan long ago, and it’s the lack of those awesome feelings that I got from the personal story that I realize now is what was making me start to stray away from the game.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with guild missions, WvW, world events, giant epic humongous battles, rallying with everyone to take down an Elder Dragon, i mean, that’s amazing, but thats a whole other thing, thats a whole other feeling.

Anet, I think you know what I’m talking about, and I can’t wait for more of these amazing experiences that you have been providing with Season 2

TL:DR; For me at least, that RPG element where you’re character is really growing up and becoming more experienced and wiser and all that stuff was sorely missed. That awesome feeling when you look back at your character after a while, a realize how much of a kitten he/she has become through all of your unique experiences, was lacking outside of the personal story and perhaps leveling up. But those feels are finally starting to come back to me with Season 2, and I think that is why I had been feeling very bored of GW2 for a while.

Finally Getting Those Old Feels Again

in Living World

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Yeah i like how the living story now actually picks up on the personal story.

I hope one day we will get titles showcasing the epic stuff we have done after zaithan and mordermoth, the idea that i personally killed them both. and can showcase my experience through that to newer players.

Or maybe something unobtainable unless you did it all.
Like a housing system. That would be awesome.

Finally Getting Those Old Feels Again

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


The home instances are kind of already like a housing system. Maybe not as personalizable, but each player has their own, in each of the major cities. I admit, I haven’t been back to mine in ages. Maybe I should, just to see what if anything has changed through the personal story and such.