First of April coming

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Jaken.6801


It might be a bit early, but thinking about it: April 1st isn`t that far away.

So the question is. What kind of suprise would you like to see. What would be cool and awesome for a day?

Last year we got the Super Adventure Box, which was original, however with it`s return in the same year and how it is implemented into the games lore now it is kind of a stretch to call it an April fools joke anymore.

Even then it was something completly out of left field, but to be honest, it was nothing that “shocked” me.
It very much suprise me, but in a way that i was amazed to see that.

However it is April Fools, we want to be amused for one day.
Guild Wars 1 pulled off some very nice ones a fondly remember and with the definite return of the SAB i ask the question:

What kind of one day suprise would you like to see or would you expect them to pull off?

Some GW april fools:
- Switching the gender of your character for a day - Switching your size and the one of your mini for a day in hub areas - Transforming you in little Gwen dolls - Transforming you in Stickmen - Intoducing the fake comando class of GW2 in a fun time travel mission of GW1

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

I want a commando dungeon!

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


It would be funny if they gave everyone mounts for 1 day only that decrease running speed to the same speed as if u were walking. Then announce since so many players hated the mounts they would be no longer be in the game ever.

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Celestina.2894


It would be funny if they gave everyone mounts for 1 day only that decrease running speed to the same speed as if u were walking. Then announce since so many players hated the mounts they would be no longer be in the game ever.

That…..actually sounds like something they might do.

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


gw2 class balance joke.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Serval.6458


Make a bunch of statless exotic weapons with names like “Dawm,” “The Legand” or "Zaq"drop from the first mob a player kills that day.

(edited by Serval.6458)

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


Bring Scarlet back from her death C’mon, we all know she’s gonna die in a few weeks!

As long as it’s not more SAB. Kinda over that. Didn’t even do it once when it returned.

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


Maybe bring back another one of Mad King Thorn’s disowned and erased-from-history children, but because they only preferred fun tricks and wasn’t certifiably insane (and quite possibly benevolent).

First of April coming

in Living World

Posted by: KazzMadd.3052


I want a commando dungeon!

YES, bring back Corporal Bane PLEASE ANET!

Power For The Inquest!