The new map is definitely interesting. Will take awhile to grow on me and learn how to get around but at least is visually appealing.
The story seemed incredibly short. If it weren’t for the spider grinding and trying to figure out how to get to the 5 different druid locations, it would have been over in about an hour.
The big reveal seems completely random and was one of the last things I would have expected. It has good potential for the future, but I don’t feel like this episode should have ended on JUST that.
Still feels like there are a lot of loose ends, and if the next episode is over as quick as this one it won’t go into much detail about anything that’s still left unanswered.
That begin said, I think my biggest gripe is that it’s just the seemingly quick episode, and the new map however great it is. I was kind of expecting fractal changes or something in the patch notes other than a paragraph recap of the story, a few sentences about very minor changes, and then a 2nd paragraph about gem store items.
This episode seems like it would be the perfect time to add a new fractal, whether god-centric or furthering us towards figuring out who Arkk is and how the simulation Taimi shows looks oddly similar to the Harbinger.
On a non-commentary note, does anyone know what the Oakheart essence guild decoration does? I was about to farm for it and was wondering exactly what it was. A grapple for the guild hall or just a glowing orb?