Fossilized bugs me

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


So I’m running around grabbing these buried chests since that’s whats hip these days (and its a nice break from the usual stuff) and i find a fossilized insect. Oh Happy day I’m just like John Hammond from Jurassic Park (btw are we going to be getting a cane in the gem store?). I think “Oh money Ima put this on the trading post!” ….er account bound, no money. Ok Ill figure out what to do with it later!… I go and find another one right after that. I have two of these things, is there any way to craft it into something to maybe give my guild mates? Or do something else with them? Don’t get me wrong the new weapons look awsome, they just clash with the phalanx gear I have and I’d really like to do something other than just destroy whats essentially a rare drop.

(edited by Silhouette.5631)

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Welcome to my world. I’ve also gotten one, but I don’t like the Ambrite weapons, and at no point in the economic chain can you sell the Fossil or an Ambrite weapon. All we can do is destroy it, which seems really stupid considering there are posts from unlucky players on the forums raging that they’ve opened dozens of chests and still don’t have a fossil.

This kind of imbalance is exactly what trading is supposed to solve!

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Yeah, I got three of them, and don’t know that I would use any of them for actual gear since I don’t have any “yellow” characters (oh if only they had weapon dyeing!), but I do plan on crafting them just to unlock wardrobe options.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


I’d really just keep them. Imagine they add something else to do with them the next episode what you really really want. And then you don’t find anymore of them, of course.

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I really like that these weapons essential reward players who play the new content instead of people who simply buy everything off of the trading post. Anyone interested in the weapons has to go out into the world and earn them themselves. The fastest way to acquire one isn’t to flip gem store weapon skins or chain farm dungeons every day, you actually have to do events in Dry Top and explore the world for chests.

I’m not a fan of the heavy use of RNG involved in this, but I see this step as a very important one when it comes to how content is awarded to players. Gold shouldn’t be the be-all end-all method of acquisition and selling them on the TP would reduce these items to just that.

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


I really like that these weapons essential reward players who play the new content instead of people who simply buy everything off of the trading post. Anyone interested in the weapons has to go out into the world and earn them themselves. The fastest way to acquire one isn’t to flip gem store weapon skins or chain farm dungeons every day, you actually have to do events in Dry Top and explore the world for chests.

I’m not a fan of the heavy use of RNG involved in this, but I see this step as a very important one when it comes to how content is awarded to players. Gold shouldn’t be the be-all end-all method of acquisition and selling them on the TP would reduce these items to just that.

Exactly my thoughts… I think it would be just really perfect when they would add a mechanic like “fossilized bug drop rate increases with every opened chest until a fossilized bug is found. Drop rate resets when bug is found. 100% drop rate at 50 chests”.
Would be a perfect mix of “You have to do something for your reward” and “Not to easy, but not fully dependent on RNG”.

Fossilized bugs me

in Living World

Posted by: EgonVenkman.1907


…. Anyone interested in the weapons has to go out into the world and earn them themselves….

I’m not a fan of the heavy use of RNG involved in this, but I see this step as a very important one when it comes to how content is awarded to players.

So RNG is now earning the weapons. What part of RNG is the merit though? Person A opens one chest, gets a fossil. Person B opens 100 chests, nothing.

Keeping with the theme of the rest of the dry top stuff, the fossils should have been purchasable with Geodes. Still encourages playing the content, but without the kittened off community who want to kitten slap the posters in this thread crying about multiples they don’t even want.

Personally, why not add them to the TP. Anet already went stupid mode with that in regards to legendaries, defending to this day that it allows people to play “how they want” such as earning/buying gold to trade. It seems like their accountants and game design crew are now having disagreements on how to monetize their game.

Colin Johanson: "Everyone, including casual gamers,
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.”