Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


@ Raire:
I suppose you are a staunch supporter of dragonite for fractals?

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Raire.7983


@ Raire:
I suppose you are a staunch supporter of dragonite for fractals?

Not sure what you mean, but they can bury the place in my unused dragonite for all I care. ;P

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Galespark.7835


I pugged dungeons and fractals for the longest time, it is not as bad as you say.snip

It is as bad….. I did the 5. To get there wasted hours on 2 rage quit groups and a bugged hammer fractal. Really anet? Include a bugged fractal in the rotation for a group of people that really don’t want to be there.

To be fair, 2 of the groups were very friendly, but that still did nothing to " makeup " for the 3 horrid experiences. I also don’t care for JPs, but I either got ports or slogged my way through at my own pace – I was ok with that as that was within my control.

First, I think you misinterpreted my reply. It was to Azumi stating that you only find “zerker elitist parties” who will not take newbies, which is apparently wrong since you and others were able to make parties. So no, it is not as bad. In two runs you ran into ragers who were probably not that proficient with fractals, so no real elitists there either. Hammer fractal bug is very annoying indeed, but also has nothing to do with community.

Secondly, I think my pool of pug experiences is quite a bit larger than yours, seeing your preferences, I can confidently say if 2/5 experiences were horrid I would not be playing this game anymore by now. You had some bad luck there, sorry for your loss. To show it can be different, check out Sroode’s posts included below. Anyway, congratulations on pushing through and enjoy your new pet.

I don’t like fractals because they combine 2 things in the game I do not enjoy playing, dungeons and jumping puzzles. I also only tried them a couple of times the week they came out and had bad experiences with other players (yelling, name calling, quitting, etc.), and for that reason I have not played them since. I do however want to craft Mawdrey to get Mawdrey II, so I decided that I would bite the bullet and do my 5 days of Fractals.

Today was my 2nd day doing them, and to tell you the truth, I had fun. I was lucky enough both times to be with groups that were nice, patient, and real team players. They were L1 and L2 groups, and I let them know ahead of time that I had no Fractal experience. It wasn’t a problem, and both days, we completed the entire Fractal in less than an hour.

Sometimes in this game, as well as in life, you may have to do things you do not enjoy as much as others. But, you need to weigh it against getting something you want out of doing it. 100% map completion (which included WvW) and doing two dungeons for a week were not fun for me either, but I did them because I really wanted to craft my 2 Legendarys. The pain at this point, over a year later, is forgotten when I get to use my Legendary weapons, also knowing I crafted them myself.

So, IMO, If you want Mawdrey II bad enough, take an hour or two a day for 5 days and just do it.

So I did my third day tonight. Another wonderful group. We got disconnected because of the DoS attack when we were almost done with the third Fractal. When I logged back in, the ones who got back in first were waiting. We waited for our group to return, and finished the Fractal. Awesome run, and a very nice feeling.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


@ Raire:
I suppose you are a staunch supporter of dragonite for fractals?

Not sure what you mean, but they can bury the place in my unused dragonite for all I care. ;P

What I mean is the following:
In order to realistically do lvl 50 fractals you need an AR of 70.
There are 2 ways to obtain this. One is done running fractals, it would appear. But there is a catch. In order to get there with what fractals provide assuming you level strait up from level 1, you will have to spend 1600g (and change) on the TP/crafting materials from npc vendors. If you want the maths behind that number, I can provide them, just say so.
You will also need 110 laurels. And roughly 350 globs of ectoplasm for example. And a few other drops I just presumed them to be lucky enough get along the road.
If you want to factor in armor or weapon chest drops, those are incredibly rare and will in most cases not deliver the statistics your looking for, forcing you to either use subpar statistics or go through the ordeal described above. So I didn’t enter them in my consideration, but I already was generous with ring rewards, coagulated mist items and similar in favor of the player. Which is actually by no means a given.

Fun fact, since Agony infusions have a current maximum of +16 (if the wiki is correct), you can’t actually get to 70 only using gold/fractal drops. You will need the laurels or dragonite ore, which brings me to the second option.

The alternative is to venture outside of fractals and do open world content, namely meta event world bosses because they deliver dragonite ore which is needed to craft ascended armor and/or weapons. And crafting these ist expensive as hell either way.

So fractal players have been forced to spend hilarious amounts of gold or spend a almost equally hilarious amount of gold and venture into open world pve. Something a lot of them despise at least to an equal measure as you seem to despise doing fractals.

Given that this has been the state of things for quite some time now, I don’t think it is surprising, that a lot of fractal regulars can’t understand why 5 lvl 1 fractals are such a huge deal.

So, quoting you about forcing people to cross-over gameplay, I presumed that you were someone in support of the plight of fractal runners in regard to the acquisition of dragonite ore.


I consider it an action to exclude people and show no respect for what they want to do with their time. I personally have little issue with exclusive rewards for different aspects of the game (so long as they’re aesthetic), but this cross-over garbage makes me angry. If ANet wanted this to be a Fractals reward, the process should have began and ended in Fractals, and not included something with a unique function.

I know ANet and their stauncher fans like to present it as positive encouragement, but to me it’s an imposition that I simply won’t tolerate.

I’m actually an advocate of allowing people to play the game the way they like and I understand that “we have to do something we hate, so why shouldn’t they too” is not really a good argument.
But I think it puts some of the comments that doing 5 fractal runs is no big deal into a different perspective compared to what fractal runners have to go through.
Btw. I don’t say that this is the only motivation for people to say “why not do those measily 5 fractal runs?”. Just an easily understood reason for some of those comments, I believe.

That’s why I asked you wether you were a supporter of dragonite through fractals.
In the end, we will have either to abide by Arenanet’s policy in the matter or choose to play a different game or do without something we would like to have/do.

I’ll offer you a compromise: Be vocal about getting your mists stone via a different route, maybe even the mentioned dragonite ore. And in addition be vocal about changing the rewards for fractals to include dragonite ore, or at least allowing fractal runners to trade their excess relics for dragonite ore.
That way you and the fractal crowd have something to agree to.
A common cause is always better anyway.

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: lightliger.3024


I for one would much appreciate having another method to get a Mist Stone. Reason for this would be since we are dealing with DDosing over the past couple of days. I have not been able to put a group together to even start a fractal run. It gets annoying to know to get a relic is an one time a day thing when you cannot predict that the sever will be shutdown

Barioth Kc (Ranger), Jazal kc (mesmer), Jazal Onyx (necromancer), Sacred Sheercold (Ele).
Guild: Exodus eXo Server: Anvil Rock

(edited by lightliger.3024)

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


So Look up my gem usage and my account and learn how to make the customer happy.

So put all new content in the gem store only?

It’s for an Ascended back piece, why do you want an ascended back piece if you’re not going to do fractals…. the stat difference is so minor that it’s not worth it.

Shouldn’t be too hard to do:
Lvl 1 Fractal
Lvl 11 Fractal

there’s two quick pristine’s in a day

Let’s say they made it via wvw as well as fractals,

well QQ i’m a PvP only player why can’t i have ascended gear in pvp only?

lets replace wvw with PvP

well QQ i’m a WvW only player why can’t i have ascended gear in wvw only?

With your arguments and statements, anet should make every item accessible to every game method so they never have to leave their game mode, as well as the gem store.

What’s next? allowing pvp players to do a long track which at the end they are allowed to chose any legendary they want? Or allow WvW players to chose any legendary they want after capturing SMC 500 times? I mean after all with your logic we have to be fair to those two game modes as well, it’s not fair they have to enter PVE with your logic.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Labjax.2465


Well after reviewing the list of ascended backpieces on the wiki, now I get it. I guess ascended backpieces are mainly supposed to be a fractal-centered item.

Perhaps the issue here is not the ascended part itself, but the access to the skins. Tbh, I couldn’t care less about getting the minor stat increase if I’m not going to be doing fractals, but I love unlocking skins.

Here’s a suggestion: Give us a version of this backpiece (ascended level) that is skin only and can be obtained through various kinds of currency. Heck, make it another forge recipe if you want. And then be the coolest people ever and do this with a bunch of other fractal-component backpieces as well. #WardrobeForever :P

Or words to that effect.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Raire.7983


I’m actually an advocate of allowing people to play the game the way they like and I understand that “we have to do something we hate, so why shouldn’t they too” is not really a good argument.
But I think it puts some of the comments that doing 5 fractal runs is no big deal into a different perspective compared to what fractal runners have to go through.
Btw. I don’t say that this is the only motivation for people to say “why not do those measily 5 fractal runs?”. Just an easily understood reason for some of those comments, I believe.

That’s why I asked you wether you were a supporter of dragonite through fractals.
In the end, we will have either to abide by Arenanet’s policy in the matter or choose to play a different game or do without something we would like to have/do.

Ah, I see. Personally, I’ve long settled on not doing things [in games] that I don’t enjoy, even if that does mean going without or walking away. I once tried an “if you can’t beat them, join them approach”, when the GW1 community was divided over “Eye of the North”. It was viewed by some as a few hours of actual content, padded out with rank grinding and HoM trophy hunting. I eventually buckled down – did all the ranks, acquired all the destroyer weapons, a silly number of armors and trudged through the blasted dungeons. I can’t say I looked back on the six months or so of grinding fondly. Whatever it is that “work” seems to add to games for some, just never seems to trigger in me. I won’t do it again.

I also don’t think it’s very good for the devs if we just accept (and do) whatever they put in front of us. We’ve heard time and again that they pay a lot of attention to “the metrics” and there’s a certainly a perception that they never actually listen, borne out by Mike O Brien’s need to post and argue otherwise.

So if I complain about the current LS reward approach, but go and run the 5 Fractals, and maybe buy some gems – what does ANet take from that? I think they pay more attention to numbers, so in that case my actions would put me in the “this project was a win” blob of data, despite being on the brink of walking away from the game.

So I’ll complain, I’ll not do the content and I’ve funded “Belinda’s Greatsword” with gold (it’s not like I have an expensive new backpiece to spend it all on).

I’ll offer you a compromise: Be vocal about getting your mists stone via a different route, maybe even the mentioned dragonite ore. And in addition be vocal about changing the rewards for fractals to include dragonite ore, or at least allowing fractal runners to trade their excess relics for dragonite ore.
That way you and the fractal crowd have something to agree to.
A common cause is always better anyway.

Sounds like a good idea to me!

Well after reviewing the list of ascended backpieces on the wiki, now I get it. I guess ascended backpieces are mainly supposed to be a fractal-centered item.

That’s an understandable conclusion, if you looked at a page like this one:

But most of those back items have alternate (non-fractal) recipes now (you just have to click on each backpiece page to see them). The only real exception has been the Fractal Capacitors, but I, for one, am perfectly happy with that arrangement.

(edited by Raire.7983)

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Labjax.2465


That’s an understandable conclusion, if you looked at a page like this one:

But most of those back items have alternate (non-fractal) recipes now (you just have to click on each backpiece page to see them). The only real exception has been the Fractal Capacitors, but I, for one, am perfectly happy with that arrangement.

Oh. My mistake.

Let me go dig my pitchfork back out of the trash.

Or words to that effect.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: cargan.5689


what would have been nice to know that fractals would be required before spending 3 weeks making two thirds of an item.

all the useless foxfires and gated mats made from junk sitting round in the bank i could have sold off for a nice pile of gold. Now i have some thing that looks like a particularly agresive melanoma. thank goodness i checked dulfy for the recipe for the third stage before i wasted even more time and gold.

If only there was an alternative, make fractals the “quick” way for those that like them and give those that would contemplate root canal as a better way to spend an afternoon a alternative, say 25 exotic essences .

Choice makes customers happy, social engineering to push people into things they do not enjoy does not.

Sad to see after being away from gw2 for a while the “no soup for you” attitude is still alive and strong.

Ulfar SOR

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Zi Yang.5387

Zi Yang.5387

Since so many people hate doing fractal. I wonder how much people would willing to pay if someone selling it like dungeon path.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Tbh, I was really shocked hearing all this dislike of fractals of the mist.

please, please if you want your relics, come to me and Lilith. We would be more than happy to take you through the fractals. We aren’t asking for anything in return, and please respect that we might have life stuff to do when you 1st ask but we will find time for you and take you through.


Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: layzoe.6035


Well after reviewing the list of ascended backpieces on the wiki, now I get it. I guess ascended backpieces are mainly supposed to be a fractal-centered item.

Perhaps the issue here is not the ascended part itself, but the access to the skins. Tbh, I couldn’t care less about getting the minor stat increase if I’m not going to be doing fractals, but I love unlocking skins.

Here’s a suggestion: Give us a version of this backpiece (ascended level) that is skin only and can be obtained through various kinds of currency. Heck, make it another forge recipe if you want. And then be the coolest people ever and do this with a bunch of other fractal-component backpieces as well. #WardrobeForever :P

I am not sure if you are being serious or trolling.. so you want the reward without doing the actual work?

“Oh the content is too hard.. "

“Don’t worry we can buy it with gold!” current state of GW2.


Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Drlightningbolt.1754


If you can’t do a level 1 fractal maybe you shoud be focusing on other things then getting this back piece. Its not even that difficult. Im sure someone else has stated this but, this thread really needs to be dead.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


If you can’t do a level 1 fractal maybe you shoud be focusing on other things then getting this back piece. Its not even that difficult. Im sure someone else has stated this but, this thread really needs to be dead.

dont be soo mean, Im happy to help anyone out

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: layzoe.6035


Me too, I will run fractals with anyone who needs it for the back piece.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Harlequin.8593


what would have been nice to know that fractals would be required before spending 3 weeks making two thirds of an item.

Choice makes customers happy, social engineering to push people into things they do not enjoy does not.

Sad to see after being away from gw2 for a while the “no soup for you” attitude is still alive and strong.

Ever gone fishing? You hide the hook with bait, after all what fish in their right mind would bite down on an obvious hook? Once the fish bites the hook sets and it’s too late then … I just woke up, the fishing metaphor was the best I could do

I don’t mind a little social engineering, it’s not necessarily a bad thing and it happens all the time but at least usually it’s not so glaringly apparent. When you don’t notice it, it doesn’t bug you as much, but when you do notice it’s annoying in the extreme. That is when you get resistance, that is when you get customer dissatisfaction.

I have a bad feeling about this …

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Labjax.2465


Well after reviewing the list of ascended backpieces on the wiki, now I get it. I guess ascended backpieces are mainly supposed to be a fractal-centered item.

Perhaps the issue here is not the ascended part itself, but the access to the skins. Tbh, I couldn’t care less about getting the minor stat increase if I’m not going to be doing fractals, but I love unlocking skins.

Here’s a suggestion: Give us a version of this backpiece (ascended level) that is skin only and can be obtained through various kinds of currency. Heck, make it another forge recipe if you want. And then be the coolest people ever and do this with a bunch of other fractal-component backpieces as well. #WardrobeForever :P

I am not sure if you are being serious or trolling.. so you want the reward without doing the actual work?

“Oh the content is too hard.. "

“Don’t worry we can buy it with gold!” current state of GW2.


Lolwut? How did you come to that conclusion? I asked for a way to get access to the skins specifically, without being forced to do fractal content. Not only did I ask for a way that will obviously cost something (“various kinds of currency”) I’m not even asking for the infused item itself, which is kind of the main reason why it’s justified for these items to require fractal content.

Or words to that effect.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You have had a MONTH to do 5 level 1 Fractals… I just can’t believe you say you want this item but have been so lazy you need to come here and complain about the way of accessing it. Just astounding O_o
Saying “can’t get a group” is nonsense – lfg has loads (or you could use your winning personalities to convince friends to help you) (before anyone counters with “pugs are bad” I have pugged from 1-38, I can’t be that lucky)
Saying “its boring” is irrelevant – MMOs are not exciting most of the time you’re playing them. Were you thrilled levelling? Were on the edge of your seat mining? Was your heart thumping as you crafted? NO – you did it because you wanted the end result!

Get a grip – if you want it, get it. The price is 5 Fractals. LFG is in your Friend List tab.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Raire.7983


Those of you so upset to hear some of us won’t run Fractals, should possibly consider not bumping these threads anymore? Your need to rant over our differing outlooks is just keeping the cycle going.

Fractal Relics for the finisheed LS Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: Cormac.3871


I will say that a nice side effect of doing these runs is the ability to afford a couple of the items needed for collection.

And as someone who made an “I will just grit my teeth and do it” comment earlier, I found harvesting the foxfire to be much more annoying. Yeah, I know, I could have bought them, but I prefer to do it all myself if I can (though I buy t6 mats for legendaries).