General Living World Suggestion - Bosses

General Living World Suggestion - Bosses

in Living World

Posted by: Azizrian.6490


(First of all, mods: I wasn’t sure where else to put this, so I hope this is alright!)

Some of the discussion about the MKLabyrinth bosses got me thinking about how they could be improved/made more fun, and I found myself thinking back to how much I enjoyed Scarlett’s funhouse.

I really loved the inclusion of external mechanics (cannonballs, TNT barrels, etc.) as an addition to fighting Scarlett normally. This is also my favorite part of the dredge fractal – having to kite the final boss under the pipes to keep Superheated up (I’m always the one on switches!).

In a recent thread on how to improve the labyrinth, I suggested modifying Grand Vizier’s abilities (as well as his health!!!!!!!!!), and I started thinking about the goofy fight with the Blood Prince in the opening story instance, where you had to lob pieces of candy corn at him.

While I understand the difficulties of implementing mechanics like this for an environment like the MKL, where there are huge groups of people there solely to farm, I think it would be way more fun to include even just one simple mechanic that makes the boss a LITTLE bit more than a tank-and-spank.


Commander Azizrian – Valor Zeal [VZ] – Stormbluff Isle

General Living World Suggestion - Bosses

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The Lich could possibly also be looked at. I’ve only fought him twice, but unless there’s some special mechanic to his fight that I’m missing, the only conceivable way of overpowering his lifestealing is to have SO many players that he simply can’t keep up with the damage. I really don’t want him to turn into another Tequatl where if there aren’t enough players in the server/overflow, people just give up on trying to fight him because it’s not possible to defeat him.

General Living World Suggestion - Bosses

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


The Karka Queen already does the “pick up eggs and throw them at her” thing. That grand vizier is really just quite stupid though. I guess it teaches people to take along a good stun breaker if they can’t dodge.

“While I understand the difficulties of implementing mechanics like this for an environment like the MKL, where there are huge groups of people there solely to farm”

Perhaps creating zerg content to farm is actually the problem? I found this the most tediously annoying content I’ve seen for a long time and I’ve just decided not to bother with 50 gates. As soon as the zerg collapses this place can be dangerous but death and victory both seem too cheap.

General Living World Suggestion - Bosses

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


^ And that’s why I am strongly against “zerg content”, because it means that as soon as players get bored/find someplace more profitable, they disappear and it becomes impossible for the players that remain to complete the content. In the closing days of the Crown Pavilion, it wasn’t uncommon to see the Legendary bosses in there remain alive for hours at a time because it just wasn’t possible to kill them with the meagre handful of players that remained while the zergs were off farming the Scarlet invasions.

General Living World Suggestion - Bosses

in Living World

Posted by: Azizrian.6490


Yeah, fair. I find the prevalence of such bosses a little annoying. BUT it’s there, its how a lot of people play, and we have to deal with it :/

And yes, karka queen has that mechanic. Hmmm. Not quite as fun on her, though, imo. Don’t know how implementing something different might work. shrug

Commander Azizrian – Valor Zeal [VZ] – Stormbluff Isle