Getting sick of Lions Arch.

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: Arcturus.5846


Am I the only person getting seriously sick of Lions Arch being the focus of living story? So far the story development goes like this…

Southsun Cove (Crab attacks Lions Arch) ->
Flame and Frost (Regufees goes to Lions Arch) ->
Southsun Cove p2 (Lion Guard focus) ->
Dragon Bash (Main event in Lions Arch) ->
Sky Pirates ( What do you know! Story starts off with something that happened in Lions Arch)

To me, it seems as if Lions Arch and whoever rules it are the ONLY active and significant government (if it is one). Whats going on in Kryta for example? You’re telling me Jennah is just sitting on her throne doing absolutely nothing along with her entire army? What about Ebonhawke? You would expect something to eventually come out of that gate to crystal desert.

Maybe its to prepare us for Bubbles with next batch of story arc focusing on another location but its a shame to see cities that are far more impressive than Lions Arch left to rot.

(edited by Arcturus.5846)

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Hmm? I am quite sure that there were quite a bit of refugees in both Hoelbrek and the Black Citadel during F&F.

I would say one of the main reason much is focused around Lion’s Arch is because it is more or less the center of the map, and it is “neutral ground”.

If they had events focused on The Grove people would complain about the Sylvari getting more focus than the others (as in personal story), if they focused on Rata Sum people would complain about the game focusing to much on Asura and so on.

Both strategically and game-play-wise attacking Lion’s Arch is logical.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Super Adventure Box was based in Rata Sum.

But I get what the OP is saying. It does feel like Lion’s Arch is basically where everything happens. Halloween and Wintersday all took place there too, with the other cities only getting minor touch-ups.

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: MrIllusion.5304


I have a feeling Marjory will take us back to DR at some point.

The boy ghost she was trying to save came short of saying “Minister Caudecus”.

I just know it’s him, that slimy creep.

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

The Sky Pirates’ “starts off with something happening in Lion’s Arch” was the story of Dragon Bash – the whole Captain’s Council getting attacked by the Aetherblades (the sky pirates). So that’s not so much a new story step so much as the finishing of it, like Last Stand at Southsun was, or Flame and Frost: Retribution.

But Flame and Frost had very very little focus on Lion’s Arch so….

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Lion’s Arch is the central hub of the world. It’s easily accessible for all races. So it makes sense to focus on LA for a lot of these events. But we’ve already seen some of the living story content leak into other cities as well. I wouldn’t worry about it.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: Burjis.3087


During flame and frost I actually spent more time in hoelbrak than lion’s arch. However, I do miss other cities. It’s almost a pity that all the nice work gone to the development of Divinity’s Reach for example is not appreciated enough.
The main reason I think most people travel to LA to trade and do other such activities is because it’s free to go there from anywhere on the map (through HotM).
If Anet was to allow people to teleport to other major cities without charge (without having to go through LA first) and they added LA services to all those major cities, there will be a boost in population of the other major cities as well and people could just go to the cities they wanted.

Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] (

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Yesssssssss, I hate it for several reasons. Not only that, I hate it that dungeon entrances are in LA too! Crazy lag in that place, I can’t even walk around or preview a armor, it takes a few minutes and I get fed up waiting!

Cities shouldn’t be where the game happens. Cities are safe places to rest or use npc services. It’s OK to have the decorations, but playable content should be on playable areas. Main roads all over the world could be decorated with piƱatas instead of cities, increasing in density around villages/settlements. Every city could have moa racing to spread the population. To minimize the work needed to decorate all cities, they could add just simple objects instead of full blown make over. Or moa racing could visit every explorable zone every x hours, like the circus coming to town. Maybe in the game-time mornings.

Karka attack should have been in south west blood tide coast (if I remember right it’s ocean there), going further north.

All the another events you mention could have been in playable zones (each zone depends on the story).

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


There is currently ONE out of NINE dungeons that have their entrances in Lions Arch. So I don’t really understand what you mean with “dungeon entrances are in LA too!”

Oh, so just because it is a city it should be immune to attacks?
The actual attacks on LA have made quite a bit of sense (such as the Karka following the Consortium to LA and therefore attacked and so on)

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I could be mistaken but I heard the new dungeon would have the entrance in LA, and also meant the entrances to living story instance for example, and then having achiemengs in LA, it’s too much, too many, in such a cramped space. Why does it have to take only 1% of the world? Why can’t it spread out? The karka event is the only one I would have allowed to happen in LA if I had any say in it. And I would try to have most of it happen outside LA if st all possible.

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

There is currently ONE out of NINE dungeons that have their entrances in Lions Arch. So I don’t really understand what you mean with “dungeon entrances are in LA too!”

Probably the Halloween and Wintersday dungeons being referred to.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Probably the Halloween and Wintersday dungeons being referred to.

But then again the Wintersday was also available in all the other main cities as well.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Getting sick of Lions Arch.

in Living World

Posted by: ilr.9675


LA was my favorite capital in Gw1
Now it’s my least favorite…