Good Job on Evolved Wurm

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: CulturedMind.9768


I just tried to kill the Evolved Wurm and my raid didn’t even get past the wurm trio we had to kill but I had fun. There was like 30 people in my group(Bare in mind thats just one group of 3) and I looked all around and we were holding our own against all the giant wurm protector husk guys and we we re doing good but then all hell broke lose and people starting dying everywhere and we retreated lol.

Im glad there is “hard and fun” content being brought to the table. Like I said I didn’t even make it to the main boss but I like this multiple mission raid if you will. They really feel like raiding and I know that is what alot of people want so thanks.

Keep bringing more fun hard raids/bosses whatever you want to call them.

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I agree, I actually completed this for the first time yesterday. I was fortunate to join a TTS attempt. Jumped in their teamspeak and had a blast. It was good to be part of a large organized event. These guys certainly knew what they were doing and it made they whole event that much better.

I was going to try and get in on another one of their runs today but didn’t bother as I’m guessing most of them will be trying out the new content for the next couple of days.

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: TheRyftLord.5820


Bad news: Without coordination, this event is nearly impossible. Nearly being the keyword.

Good news: With coordination, this can be one of the most fun world events in the game.

I’d say it evens out quite nicely. It rewards the coordination of practically an entire map’s worth of players, which is not something you see very often in MMOs.

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: Equilibriator.8741


Bad news: Without coordination, this event is nearly impossible. Nearly being the keyword.

Good news: With coordination, this can be one of the most fun world events in the game.

I’d say it evens out quite nicely. It rewards the coordination of practically an entire map’s worth of players, which is not something you see very often in MMOs.

exactly, people need to keep in mind games need diversity, that includes difficult challenges that your average rag tag group shouldnt be able to do just because they found it.

lots of peeps in this game have an entitlement issue, they think they should be able to do everything and if they cant do it, it should be made easier.

(that was fair enough before they melded the servers together, when you couldnt even come close no matter how hard you tried cos you didnt have enough people on your server and guesting usually ended in you disconnecting for a brief second, making it impossible to get back into the events correct instance)

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


exactly, people need to keep in mind games need diversity, that includes difficult challenges that your average rag tag group shouldnt be able to do just because they found it.

I’m with you on this. I think gw2 needs more of it. I don’t feel entitled to complete all the content. I can experience it but just not complete it, I’m fine with that.

But also when I happened to join this guild on one of their runs it was a good experience. They are also not a bunch of elitists that excluded you just because you’re not in the guild. This in combination with some challenging content was enjoyable.