Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Joey.3928


I think he did a great job dissecting how everything works and could end up. I agree with all the points/suggestions he made. I too am not interested at all with the current state of the living story and I love the lore in Guild Wars.

I’d love to really care for the stories they are trying to tell

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Isende.2607


woodenpotatoes has some EXCELLENT videos out; he usually makes some pretty great points, especially from the pov of someone who’d played for a long time. i haven’t played NEARLY as long as he has, within the gw1 storyline, but i’ve relied on him a great deal for lore pointers, etc.

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I figured there are one of two ways the future of Living Story/Guild Wars will go.

I will either ride the LS/GW2 horse to its grave or I will tag along on the train to victory.

Either way I’m sure i’m in for one hell of a ride

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


I agree almost entirely with the views expressed in the video. On paper, the LS is something that has incredible potential but in execution, to this point, it has been lacking. I like the idea of new content every couple of weeks (assuming quality keeps pace with the rate of release), but the stories they have been telling need to have more lasting interest and impact. A TV show like set up can work very well for making you want to tune in each week to see something truly develop.. or it can be like your standard crime procedural where every episode ends up feeling so similar that you don’t care if you miss episodes. This is only exasperated by having so little actual permanent content as each release feels too transitory.

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I agree almost entirely with the views expressed in the video. On paper, the LS is something that has incredible potential but in execution, to this point, it has been lacking. I like the idea of new content every couple of weeks (assuming quality keeps pace with the rate of release), but the stories they have been telling need to have more lasting interest and impact. A TV show like set up can work very well for making you want to tune in each week to see something truly develop.. or it can be like your standard crime procedural where every episode ends up feeling so similar that you don’t care if you miss episodes. This is only exasperated by having so little actual permanent content as each release feels too transitory.

haha I’ve never heard this comparison before, but you’re exactly right. A tv series like “cops” is fun to watch and all, but it’s not like “game of thrones” or “The Walking Dead” where there are always new twists and turns, keeps you on your toes.

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Ed of Death.4819

Ed of Death.4819

I agree with WP’’s ideas. I see no reason that LS has to disappear. If they start making the stories permanent content and having them tie in to large content releases like new areas it would work out well. But I still want the story to progress. And that means Elder Dragons and there minions. I can care less about crappy little factions popping up.

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Katz.5143


Thanks for the link to the video. I have the same concerns he does. I don’t really see a story in the living story. Right now it is more like my weekly grocery list. What little story there is gets buried in the noise of completing the list.

I love his idea of adding a tab for the story elements. Especially if it helps you find the part that is actually story. I also would be fine with the have the rewards available for the 2 weeks (or one month) or whatever but have the activities stay. I don’t know if everyone would be ok with that but I would.

Giving us an “expansions worth” of content released slowly and constantly is a good concept but the expansions I bought for games always contained permanent content. It can’t be an expansion substitute unless the game grows in content.

I think if they follow his suggestions, especially about the longterm story addition, they will much improve and go from the level of grocery list to actual story. A friend suggested that they could put in books similar to the dungeon guides in gw1 and have the books let you turn the pages reading the story and replaying (or playing for the first time) the content.

I do like the content this week. I am participating. But I feel like the game is disjointed and chaotic. I see no way that this story fits in with gw2 lore. In fact at this time, I don’t even see a story here. What is the story?

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

(edited by Katz.5143)