(edited by Nihilus.3015)
Hidden Centaur Camp Guide
I don’t know how you expect people to make the jump to 1 in the fourth picture without special skills that not all classes have.
(edited by Dracaena.4820)
I have to try this ;P
Except there are no aspect crystals in the mine.
Each aspect crystal you collect will add to the timer. The crystals respawn faster then the timer wears out so you can collect the same crystal and get the timer up to 1 minute and 25 seconds. That should give you enough time.
I haven’t found any aspect crystals that take less than 15 seconds to respawn. And when I try collecting multiple crystals, I can’t get the timer above 30 seconds; if I collect a crystal while I have more than 15 seconds on the timer, the timer doesn’t change.
So and what is in there?
So and what is in there?
Probably Season 2.
Remember the miner chick mentions they were digging, found a Lay Line, and then the place collapsed. If I were to hazard a guess, this at some point is going to be visited quickly and lead us to our next series of quests.
(edited by Ronin.7381)
I was referring to the centaur camp in the title. Is there anything that is in any connection with centaurs?
I was referring to the centaur camp in the title. Is there anything that is in any connection with centaurs?
Yeah there’s a centaur up there
now anet knows where to fix the mapglitch
you could have made more poeple happy by giving them a mesmer portal to the new area
but you just make it being fixed so that noone else can actually get there…
ofc there are more ways but luckily you dont know them yet (or you dont want to show the others ways which would be good)
good intention maybe to show this to everyone but you didnt think about it at all…
in the end noone else can get to the place when the glitchout gets fixed and noone can have fun with it…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
now anet knows where to fix the mapglitch
you could have made more poeple happy by giving them a mesmer portal to the new area
but you just make it being fixed so that noone else can actually get there…ofc there are more ways but luckily you dont know them yet (or you dont want to show the others ways which would be good)
good intention maybe to show this to everyone but you didnt think about it at all…
in the end noone else can get to the place when the glitchout gets fixed and noone can have fun with it…
Wow, just wow. Your assuming ANet are going to bother. We might be getting this content soon, so they’ll probably not bother.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
ofc we get the content anyway within the next time..
that makes it even worse that noone else can ever explore other parts of the maps if the mapglitches get fixed and then you cant make a screenshot on top of the highest rock et the edge of the map for an epic screenshot for example
or just explore the WHOLE map for fun…
why do you assume i want to keep the preview as a secret???
1) i myself ported dozens of people up
2) helped a friend to make a post in the lore forums with screenshots of the camp, the myserious figure, the flags etc… so everyone can see it and discuss
3) i said i would recommend you port people up too or maybe tell them the glitch ingame
but if you post in the forums it will get fixed and then NOONE can have fun with it…
see my point?
if you port people ingame or show them screenshots they can take part and see it but
if you post the glitch in the forums the first few people can do it and then it gets fixed and noone can have fun with it anymore…
anet did bother basically everytime a mapglitch was posted in the forums or as video on youtube
just for example when woodenpotatoes posted the gendarran mapglitch it got fixed…
i think you did it with good intentions and im not mad at you or anything^^
just maybe next time dont post the explanation how to glitch out on the forums
because then usually noone can have fun with it because it will most likely get fixed
also finding the glitches on your own is so much more fun!
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
ofc we get the content anyway within the next time..
that makes it even worse that noone else can ever explore other parts of the maps if the mapglitches get fixed and then you cant make a screenshot on top of the highest rock et the edge of the map for an epic screenshot for example
or just explore the WHOLE map for fun…why do you assume i want to keep the preview as a secret???
1) i myself ported dozens of people up
2) helped a friend to make a post in the lore forums with screenshots of the camp, the myserious figure, the flags etc… so everyone can see it and discuss
3) i said i would recommend you port people up too or maybe tell them the glitch ingame
but if you post in the forums it will get fixed and then NOONE can have fun with it…see my point?
if you port people ingame or show them screenshots they can take part and see it but
if you post the glitch in the forums the first few people can do it and then it gets fixed and noone can have fun with it anymore…@BrotherBelial.3094
anet did bother basically everytime a mapglitch was posted in the forums or as video on youtube
just for example when woodenpotatoes posted the gendarran mapglitch it got fixed…edit:
i think you did it with good intentions and im not mad at you or anything^^
just maybe next time dont post the explanation how to glitch out on the forums
because then usually noone can have fun with it because it will most likely get fixed
also finding the glitches on your own is so much more fun!
And if it wasn’t posted on the forum I wouldn’t know how to do it. The door swings both ways. There’s a difference between “glitching” your way around a map to exsplor it and using it to brake the game. With the mega servers you might or might not ever meet someone to port you around and never see this. But I really can’t see ANet fixing this as it’s not braking anything and if anything is putting people in there new map and getting them pumped for the next chapter.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I just went here. I love this , It is one of the most fun jump puzzles I have done to get there, and there is no reward or achievement points for doing it , just fun to say " I did it" and take a few screenies. There is a sort of rock stair case to the side of the centaur camp , if you stand on top of one of the cantaur huts and walk along the fence that sticks out of it , you can actually rifle blast yourself to the other side of this chasm and start to make your way up the giant stone stairs , I can make it almost to the top , where there are some large stone pillar lookin things but one jump spot seems to be stopping me. maybe someone else who is good at this stuff can make it. good fun ty for posting it. I think it was probably something ment for the release that either got cut or didn’t have time to complete. The way there sure seems like an intended jump puzzle. Its perfectly made to be found.
well even if there is just a 10% chance that they fix it when seeing it here
would be enough to not post it on the forums
and i think the chance is bigger than 10% …
they even fixed the infinite spinning or looping other weaponanimations
that was a pure fun glitch with definitly no possibility to exploit it…
but they fixed it instead of doing other important stuff…anet logic
and what use is knowing how to do it if it gets fixed shortly after?
not much…
you had fun for for a short time and can be proud of denying fun to everyone who comes after the fix then…. :/
also believe me … searching for map glitches on your own and finding them is soo much more fun
there are many many map glitches in every single PvE map (some have more some have less)
and the satisfaction when you found it on your own is so good
you could just ask the one who posted screenshots in one of the many many topics or the one who made those topics about it in Lore/general discussion/living story forums how he got there
so you could have easily known already that the place exists ofc and just ask to get a portal to the place for example
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
Actually you can see the camp or at least the main hut where the mysterious figure is if you stand out on the edge of the ship wreckage up top where the skill point is in dry top. If you look in the direction of the waypoint up on the cliffs above it you can see the hut pretty well.
I’ve just found a hidden coin up there
By the look, I would assume there’ll be an extension to the lost coins achivment.
I’ve just found a hidden coin up there
By the look, I would assume there’ll be an extension to the lost coins achivment.
there are at least 4 hidden coins up there
actually i think all coins should have been like this so you REALLY need to search for them
…the other lost coins can be seen from like 50 meters away with their name tags….
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
I’ve just found a hidden coin up there
By the look, I would assume there’ll be an extension to the lost coins achivment.
there are at least 4 hidden coins up there
actually i think all coins should have been like this so you REALLY need to search for them
…the other lost coins can be seen from like 50 meters away with their name tags….
Aren’t those coins a sigiture from one of the map designer i believe there are many more around the world of tyria.
Nassaya Fireheart lvl. 80 Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – Guardians of the Dutch [GOTD]
well even if there is just a 10% chance that they fix it when seeing it here
would be enough to not post it on the forums
and i think the chance is bigger than 10% …
they even fixed the infinite spinning or looping other weaponanimations
that was a pure fun glitch with definitly no possibility to exploit it…
but they fixed it instead of doing other important stuff…anet logicand what use is knowing how to do it if it gets fixed shortly after?
not much…
you had fun for for a short time and can be proud of denying fun to everyone who comes after the fix then…. :/also believe me … searching for map glitches on your own and finding them is soo much more fun
there are many many map glitches in every single PvE map (some have more some have less)
and the satisfaction when you found it on your own is so goodyou could just ask the one who posted screenshots in one of the many many topics or the one who made those topics about it in Lore/general discussion/living story forums how he got there
so you could have easily known already that the place exists ofc and just ask to get a portal to the place for example
I’m sorry but I really don’t see where you are coming from. It’s almost as if not telling people where something is or how to do it is the “cool” thing to do. The chances are that this will be in the next LW update, so it’s not like is going to be hidden forever and ANet fixing it will take it away for ever. As I said before, this camp is building hype and generating talking points on he forum, not to mention getting people into the new map and playing the game. The more people playing the better for ANet. A people in game playing mean they might spend in the gem store. And seeing as we know this is a small part of a much larger map, there will probably be other “glitches” like this when other parts unlock.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|