Ho-Ho Tron's next big gig?
I have 2 suggestions, not for Ho-Ho Tron’s next gig but rather for his final gig.
1: You remember Polymock? That Pokémon-esque minigame from the first GW installment? When – or if – AN brings the game back in a new form (CCG maybe?) how about they implement it as Ho-Ho Tron’s pet project? He’d become rich and famous, which would put a nice spin on his life and personality!
This wouldn’t even spell his end necessarily.
2: At some point Ho-Ho Tron is probably going to go (a bit more) loko, right? So, when AN is going to expand in the asura territory and their underground facilities, they simply have to include a self aware facility that is trying to kill you! I think it’s in the Terms&Conditions somewhere…
And either Ho-Ho Tron is going to be exactly that self aware AI, or we’re going to have a Wheatly-style situation on our hands (Portal2 reference, ahoy!).
If AN picks me up on this idea, I especially interested how Marcello DiGiacomo fits into his favourite golem’s development.
ho ho tron going to become lo co tron and be the main villian of the next ls series where hes going to forge weird groups together just for being able to do that. he will do a few things cool but will be more respected then scarlet cause he has a back story in game
My guess is groundhog tron or cupid tron lol.
My guess is groundhog tron or cupid tron lol.
yes actually keep him simple and likable
I vote to put him in Sorrows Embrace path 3 as “No-no Tron” to redirect the players to go the armory where Zadorjny is when they try to go past the giant chest.
Thank you for this gem. Actually did ‘lol’ from your comment.
Aw man, I have “No No No” stuck in my head! That was fantastic! No No Tron! Good One!
Some ideas some are weak though:
-valentines day XO XO tron sells hugs and kisses he wants love too
-tip toe tron he joins order of whispers<-he did infiltrate scarlet organization becomes a thief it is already in his personality/programing
-Bar Bell Tron he joins vigil<-he becomes buff
-Pen Cil Tron he joins Priory<-he sets priory archives on fire