How many episodes will there be in LS3?
Flashpoint, the fifth and PENULTIMATE episode of Living World Season 3, arrives on May 2! Watch the teaser trailer below, and see the truth reflected.
This + episode 6.
Episode 5 isn’t out yet, so when it says there’s 2 left, it means 5 and 6.
I feel soooo happy!
pe-nul-ti-mate (adjective)
last but one in a series of things; second to the last.
At least we finally have confirmation on the rumor that this season was only going to be 6 episodes instead of the normal 8.
I just hope that we only get a 2-3 month space from the last ep to the next expansion and if longer a constant stream of current events.
pe-nul-ti-mate (adjective)
last but one in a series of things; second to the last.
At least we finally have confirmation on the rumor that this season was only going to be 6 episodes instead of the normal 8.
While it’s safe to say that 6 is different from 8, there isn’t any sort of ‘normal’ pattern for the living world.
- LS1: 17 ‘episodes’ (divided up into additional releases)
- LS2: 8 episodes
- HoT story: 16 ‘chapters’
- LS3: 6 episodes