I can't believe there is another Festival

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


there are a bunch of ultra-powerful dragons trying to destroy the world.

o really…. how original /yawn

I doesn’t matter if the dragons are exciting. Or cliched. Or completely uninteresting. What matters is they’re supposed to be the main antagonists and they’re been relegated to irrelevancy.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


Yes, I can’t imagine it’s really possible to crank out deep quality content in two weeks’ time, at least not consistently. In a way, the people who power through new content much faster than intended and then complain that there’s nothing to do get what they “deserve” with these shallow, gimmicky and impersonal updates. It’s just sad that those of us with more patience get the same. I’d be more than happy with (for example) quarterly content patches if they offered some depth, permanent content and room for my own character instead of making it solely about the NPCs. Pirates, parties, gimmick PvP and random gambling don’t interest in the first place and by now have long overstayed their welcome.

Well said. I’d gladly wait for quarterly updates if it meant the end of filler content (like burning 150 dragon effigies) and an end to my character playing the role of Silent Protagonist.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Well.. I have to agree with Op. With the probably incoming Haloween festival, and certainly Wintersday, have one more festival just now is a little boring.

exactly! too much of one thing makes them all feel common. do three months of stuggling to fight some evil thing, then throw in a festival to relax. Not festival after festival after festival after….

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Yes, I can’t imagine it’s really possible to crank out deep quality content in two weeks’ time, at least not consistently.

There are four teams working on living world updates. Each team has about 3 months to prepare their festival… ups… Content That is released in two separate updates during single month.

(edited by HiddenNick.7206)

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Borked.6824


Before you assume that you won’t be fighting horses of monsters or face difficult challenges, I urge you to try the content when it releases. Just because its a festival doesn’t mean we’re telling the same story or using the same type of content.

The problem is we’ve seen something to the effect of these things in all of the past LS releases- even the festival ones. So really what you’re saying is we’re going to be spending 98% of our time doing pointless crap to jump through hoops of flaming crap inexorably benefitting nobody, and along the way we might get to swing a sword for a couple seconds at a “horse of a monster,” tipping the excitement meter to levels of watching paint dry. Sign me up.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Fairymore.8609


Another FESTIVAL!!!

I did not realize this until now but you are right. Its another celebration thats coming too soon after Dragon Bash.

I suppose celebrations are the “kill x boars” of Living Story events.

It blows my mind because this event was planned MONTHS ago. Meaning its very possible another celebration event is being made even as we speak right now. And another can be marked on a calendar already.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Chadramar.8156


There are four teams working on living world updates. Each team has about 3 months to prepare their festival… ups… Content That is released in two separate updates during single month.

Whew, good, I’m glad to stand corrected on that! Two weeks (or a month for the whole arc) would just be impossible. It does make me wish even more for “deeper” content patches with substance and personal involvement — and more time to experience each update, preferably permanently.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Nilanil.4721


Before you assume that you won’t be fighting horses of monsters..

Horses of monsters!

Probably centaurs…

Centaurs on horses!

I believe that’s called mating.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Charak.9761


August 20th, The Festivus for the rest of us!

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

The people that made GW1 aren’t with ANet anymore.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Vahkris.6847


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

The people that made GW1 aren’t with ANet anymore.

Not entirely correct, but either way that doesn’t stop it from being a sequel.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

The people that made GW1 aren’t with ANet anymore.

Not entirely correct, but either way that doesn’t stop it from being a sequel.

True, but over 90% gone is a valid qualifier. Either way, it does stop it from being a spiritual sequel, however.

It’s really a brand new game with a “Guild Wars” label slapped on it.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


August 20th, The Festivus for the rest of us!

I wonder how many points the Feats of Strength achievement is going to be worth.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Vahkris.6847


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

The people that made GW1 aren’t with ANet anymore.

Not entirely correct, but either way that doesn’t stop it from being a sequel.

True, but over 90% gone is a valid qualifier. Either way, it does stop it from being a spiritual sequel, however.

It’s really a brand new game with a “Guild Wars” label slapped on it.

It doesn’t change the fact it’s intended to be the next step in the storyline, same world, same lore. You may not like it or the way they’re doing things, but it’s definitely a sequel to Guild Wars.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

The people that made GW1 aren’t with ANet anymore.

Not entirely correct, but either way that doesn’t stop it from being a sequel.

True, but over 90% gone is a valid qualifier. Either way, it does stop it from being a spiritual sequel, however.

It’s really a brand new game with a “Guild Wars” label slapped on it.

It doesn’t change the fact it’s intended to be the next step in the storyline, same world, same lore. You may not like it or the way they’re doing things, but it’s definitely a sequel to Guild Wars.

Very true, it’s technically a sequel. But I thought we were discussing the quality of certain Living Story aspects, not just that it exists.

Caddyshack II is the sequel to Caddyshack

…yet Caddyshack II =/= Caddyshack

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Right now, GW2 isn’t a sequel to Guild Wars…

Yes it is, notice the 2 after the GW, and it’s the same company who made both and they say so. You may feel stuff has changed, but it’s the sequel to GW alright!

The people that made GW1 aren’t with ANet anymore.

Not entirely correct, but either way that doesn’t stop it from being a sequel.

True, but over 90% gone is a valid qualifier. Either way, it does stop it from being a spiritual sequel, however.

It’s really a brand new game with a “Guild Wars” label slapped on it.

It doesn’t change the fact it’s intended to be the next step in the storyline, same world, same lore. You may not like it or the way they’re doing things, but it’s definitely a sequel to Guild Wars.

Very true, it’s technically a sequel. But I thought we were discussing the quality of certain Living Story aspects, not just that it exists.

Caddyshack II is the sequel to Caddyshack

…yet Caddyshack II =/= Caddyshack

Much like the films ‘Highlander’ and ‘Highlander 2’. Btw, what the kitten was Highlander 2 all about anyway? Did the writers even watch the first Highlander film? Did they think that Sean Connery would negate the terrible story?

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Sleel.8365


With all these festivals going on you almost forget there are a bunch of ultra-powerful dragons trying to destroy the world.

Yeah. Almost. Guess the States should stop having Independence Day and Christmas since they’ve been involved in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for a decade. Nations have never relieved stress with festivals and jubilees in times of war.


I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


With all these festivals going on you almost forget there are a bunch of ultra-powerful dragons trying to destroy the world.

Yeah. Almost. Guess the States should stop having Independence Day and Christmas since they’ve been involved in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for a decade. Nations have never relieved stress with festivals and jubilees in times of war.


You missed the point. Entirely. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq aren’t fictional events developed by a writing team with finite resources. The war struggle against the Elder Dragons is. And because those finite resources are being used to develop festivals and elections and drinking mini-games, the whole “dragons want to destroy the world” plot around which this game was built has fallen by the wayside.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


After September’s Living Story chapter we get a repeat of Halloween (another festival) and only one month after that is another festival (Wintersday). Hopefully they have some Living Story content planned that takes place independently from the established festivals. It really feels like the story is kinda like a cartoon show or movie used to sell action figures. Each time they come up with a festival, they write some kind of story to fit it.

I like festivals and I think it’s great GW2 has them, but I really want a lot more open world, dungeon and story content. Fighting dragons, discovering dark secrets, making new alliances, defeating old enemies. The Living Story feels like a side story.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Axiom.6137


I think the biggest failure of Living Story isn’t just the waste of development resources on temporary content. It’s the fact that it has ruined the fun that the occassional temporary content, in the form of holidays or festivals, can provide as a change of pace from the normal flow of the game.

GW2 has this vast, incredible game world, but LS pulls people out of the game world and forces them to jump through inane hoops to take advantage of temporary content.

1600 hours of game play between two accounts and I never burnt out on the game world. Even with the absolute failure of ANet to evolve the game world via new and altered Dynamic Events across Tyria, there was still easily 2000 hours of playability from the world content the game released with.

However, this Living Story kitten has ground me up and spit me out. It’s content guaranteed to suck the charm out of occasional temporary content, holidays and festivals, while redirecting people away from sustainable play habits into non-sustainable, linear and repetitive obstacle courses of “content”.

Anet is systematically undermining the once strong foundations of the game and turning it into the saddest form of linear theme park one could imagine.

You guys couldn’t be any more off course if destruction of the game was your actual goal. Anyone there who doesn’t see this really shouldn’t have any role in directing the course of the game.

Living Story is not only a diversion of resources best spent elsewhere, but it’s ruining the game by directing people away from the game’s strengths and cramming an unsustainable content path down their throats.

Enough already, enough.

(edited by Axiom.6137)

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Living Story is not only a diversion of resources best spent elsewhere, but it’s ruining the game by directing people away from the game’s strengths and cramming an unsustainable content path down their throats.

Enough already, enough.

LS by it’s definition suppose to be something that evolves the world. So it suppose to be exactly what you want it to be. Instead it’s a bunch of festivals.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Raine.1394


I have no problems with festivals and celebrating holiday seasons. This is not the temporary content I object to; it is actually a good modeling of our IRL living world and how it evolves. It follows a calendar. And, I don’t expect crushing challenge from them as that is not what the MMO is about in the open world.

What I do hope to see, after the last installment, is not a single platformer element, at all, used in the jubilee. I am absolutely burned out on the platformer genre presented as core in the MMO genre. Many people like them, so keep them as peripheral elements that can be avoided at no cost. Lose them in the core game.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Enundr.9305


Before you assume that you won’t be fighting horses of monsters or face difficult challenges, I urge you to try the content when it releases. Just because its a festival doesn’t mean we’re telling the same story or using the same type of content.

If i might make a suggestion , as far as anything that isnt a “festival” type of update , when we start realizing there are more elder dragons out there trying to kill us , we see a zone that has WvW properties (ie castle that can come under siege by dragon minions) , places that can be destroyed and taken over by the minions and vice versa , ones we can upgrade and try to keep supplied , no guild claiming since its a pve environment , but id LOVE to see something like that happen , it would make it interesting.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Enundr.9305


After September’s Living Story chapter we get a repeat of Halloween (another festival) and only one month after that is another festival (Wintersday). Hopefully they have some Living Story content planned that takes place independently from the established festivals. It really feels like the story is kinda like a cartoon show or movie used to sell action figures. Each time they come up with a festival, they write some kind of story to fit it.

I like festivals and I think it’s great GW2 has them, but I really want a lot more open world, dungeon and story content. Fighting dragons, discovering dark secrets, making new alliances, defeating old enemies. The Living Story feels like a side story.

+1 approval

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857



I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Hot air balloon rides between waypoints for reduced cost please.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: lakdav.3694


I like festivals and I think it’s great GW2 has them, but I really want a lot more open world, dungeon and story content. Fighting dragons, discovering dark secrets, making new alliances, defeating old enemies. The Living Story feels like a side story.

I agree. Would also like to add that it feels less part of the personal story than the personal story felt akittens worse (post-Trehearne). I kinda feel like a mursaat. The Unseen One that is only there at historical events to provide devastating firepower. Minus the whole woeshipping part. While the lore-set heroes (now Braham and Rox) dont even acknowledge my existence unless i specificly try and talk to them.

All these celebrations and festivals feel like distractions. I would not mind if i had the hope that it will conclude in a very devastating, rude awakening. But i dont really have that hope. Not after Dragon Bash, the most prominent of the whole distraction theme forgetting to involve a dragon champion breaking the party.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Poister.6175


This saddens me to say but, It may be profitable to ignore the whole event, it seems Anets rewards such behaviour!