I dislike paying for season 2

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Solstice.2831


I’m not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I thought I’d express my absolute disgust about Season 2.

I have had to take a leave of absence from the game for personal reasons. Eventually other things distracted me. I heard today about Heart of Thorns. That kicked my interest back up for the game, and I was curious about playing again. I also heard that Living World Season 2 content was actually good and much more story driven, unlike Season 1.

So… let me get this straight, ANet. I’m being penalized because I had personal issues keeping me from the game, and being made to PAY for content that everyone else got for free. If I want to see what I missed, I need to pay 200 gems PER CHAPTER.

This feels like a terrible way to encourage people to come back to the game.

I’ve never been one to rant at a company… or complain, and honestly, my GW2 experience has been great. bought a lot of character slots, have some cosmetic gear. The game experience has been fun, but stuff just happened to draw me away from the game.

This… this just feels like ANet is actively discouraging anyone that stopped playing the game for any lenght of time, from coming back. And has me honestly disinclined to be interested in the expansion.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


You only had to log in once during the two weeks, even just for a few seconds to get it for free. Don’t forget you can buy gems with gold.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So… let me get this straight, ANet. I’m being penalized because I had personal issues keeping me from the game, and being made to PAY for content that everyone else got for free. If I want to see what I missed, I need to pay 200 gems PER CHAPTER.

Would you rather it was like the season 1, where if you missed it, you missed it and had no chance of playing it at all?

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Solstice.2831


You have a point. It was just jarring, coming back and seeing that. Kind of embarrassed for my rant, honestly.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

So… let me get this straight, ANet. I’m being penalized because I had personal issues keeping me from the game, and being made to PAY for content that everyone else got for free. If I want to see what I missed, I need to pay 200 gems PER CHAPTER.

Yes, if you don’t attent something you miss it. That’s the way the world works.
All you had to do was log in once every 2 weeks. You didn’t even have to do anything, just log in and log off. Sorry if I seem rude but it’s your own fault.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Don’t be upset at your opening post. You are absolutely correct. ANet could have sent you emails explaining the situation, but did not. The only way to find out was to log in somewhat close to the start, or shortly after the start, and read the announcements you get when you log in. Or, visit here at the forums or the main web site.

The suggestion by someone else to use in-game gold is laughable; ignore it. If you didn’t have time to log in for a year, the odds are pretty good that you’re not exactly rolling in gold.

On the other hand, 1600 gems is $20 US. That’s not exactly a mountain of cash. If you think of it as a mini-expansion, I think that would be a fair price to pay.

The lore is pretty good. But, I have to warn you: some of the most pointless and frustrating battles to ever appear in GW2 are in Living Story Season 2. Most of all, the very last battle and the trailer leading to Heart of Thorns is probably the most illogical and frustrating sequence of events to ever appear in Tyria. The story is great until that last battle and trailer, at which point it really stinks. (It was clearly done to sell an expansion, not to continue a story.)

My take: spend the money; it’s worth it. Then make up your own mind about whether to continue with Heart of Thorns.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


Well Anet does always send out an email about living story releases, actually.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


No, they only send them out if you have signed up for them. And they only sent one that forcefully said anything about having to log in often. The other emails were a lot less pressing on that issue. Do you suppose a player who is forced to take a year off from the game is going to notice one email?

Without digging (here or on the wiki), you wouldn’t know that except for the month leading up to Season 2, or the 2 weeks after it started.

And please remember how frustrating Season 1 was. I know several people who quit playing during that time because of the incredible speed of the updates. They simply couldn’t keep up. I myself played 2-3 hours a day, and I could not keep up.

Still, Season 2 is tons better than Season 1 when it comes to game mechanics. The ability to return and replay is a god-send. That’s one reason I recommended buying the episodes.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


In my experience, monetizing the content like this discourages more people from playing instead of actually encouraging them to pay up.

It’s worth noting you can play the missions for free if someone with it unlocked will start it up with you while partied with them. You won’t be able to unlock the achievements, but at least you can experience it. Maybe try inquiring for it on reddit or something?

(edited by Nokaru.7831)

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: rotten.9753


The lore is pretty good. But, I have to warn you: some of the most pointless and frustrating battles to ever appear in GW2 are in Living Story Season 2. Most of all, the very last battle and the trailer leading to Heart of Thorns is probably the most illogical and frustrating sequence of events to ever appear in Tyria. The story is great until that last battle and trailer, at which point it really stinks. (It was clearly done to sell an expansion, not to continue a story.)

Do you mean the last fight of chapter 8? I thought that was one of the most exciting battle they ever designed for up to 5 players. No safespots (except portal trick), players are usually under pressure, multiple source of damage, different phases and achievements that are not exlusive and can be done in one playthrough if you are skilled enough.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


If you don’t sign up for the newsletter, you can’t blame them for not telling you things. And if you did, it’s your own fault for not reading them.
Sorry, but this whole rant sounds like a “I was too lazy to put in effort and now I blame them for it

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Woljnir.7810


So… let me get this straight, ANet. I’m being penalized because I had personal issues keeping me from the game

Yes, as a matter of fact. Your personal reasons for not playing the game are obviously your own. It’s not ANet’s problem you stopped playing, it’s yours. Everybody has spells where they take breaks from the game. MMO burnout happens. Heck, I’ve taken 2-3 month breaks myself. You need not explain at all why you stopped playing, but the point is you not only stopped playing, you stopped following altogether. Are you saying you couldn’t pop on the forums every now and then to see what was happening/coming soon?

The point isn’t that you stopped playing, it’s that you stopped following completely and missed all the announcements and all the hoopla about everything, and now that you’re back it’s someone else’s fault you weren’t around for the news and now have to pay. All you had to do is log in and you got the content. Unless you feel like expounding on why exactly you couldn’t play, that hardly sounds like much of a commitment to me, even for people on a break.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Harrada.8041


I still consider it a scumbag move. It was advertised as a permanent edition to the living world at the start. It was not advertised as something that would have to be purchased if you missed parts of it. At least not from the start, where it should have been. It was a cash grab and nothing more. Their marketing shenanigans are getting worse and worse down the road. I would advise that no one use real money to purchase this. clench your teeth and grind it out. The less money they get off this, the better. It’s just shady business. Keep gems in the trading post. It has no business effecting our enjoyment of the game.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Even as someone who was around for each of the Season 2 releases, I still think it’s a cheap move to make others who missed them due to real life crap or just burning out have to pay money or grind lots of gold…sigh.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

Paying for someone’s hard work is soooo mainstream.


I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

It’s about 30 gold per episode. You want them so much? Run dungeons for a few days and you’re set.

One – Piken Square

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


Pay the effort of devs on content, unwelcome? Seriously … There was no one in your friends or guild to alert you? =/

# Asura because I’m worth it!

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Kaz.5430


I still consider it a scumbag move. It was advertised as a permanent edition to the living world at the start. It was not advertised as something that would have to be purchased if you missed parts of it. At least not from the start, where it should have been. It was a cash grab and nothing more.

Actually, they advertised that story journal additions would be free ‘during a 2 week release period’, and that missed episodes would cost 200 gems from the very beginning. It was even mentioned in the same paragraph.


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I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Brave Mallyki.1563

Brave Mallyki.1563

Don’t be upset at your opening post. You are absolutely correct. ANet could have sent you emails explaining the situation, but did not.

That’s funny because I got emails telling me to log-in to unlock the episode for free for the next two weeks.

Vox Invictus [VOX] – Crystal Desert
PvP Rank – 151 – Dragon
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I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So… let me get this straight, ANet. I’m being penalized because I had personal issues keeping me from the game, and being made to PAY for content that everyone else got for free. If I want to see what I missed, I need to pay 200 gems PER CHAPTER.

Would you rather it was like the season 1, where if you missed it, you missed it and had no chance of playing it at all?

kitten ed if you do, and kitten ed if you don’t. That’s video game development for you.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


I think they can get away with it only because you can use in game gold and transfer them to come up with gems in a relatively simplistic way. Not at all like say Champions Online that has you going through multiple different currencies just to get Zen or say Dragon’s Prophet or NeverWinter. The transition between transactions for GW2 is rather seamless and it doesn’t take really that long to hit 80. However, to get enough gold to even get 100 gems… that’s going to take a lot of farming.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

However, to get enough gold to even get 100 gems… that’s going to take a lot of farming.

Yeah that’s like… 10 dungeon speedruns. If you do only the quick paths, you can do it in ~3 hours over 2 days.

One – Piken Square

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


Don’t be upset at your opening post. You are absolutely correct. ANet could have sent you emails explaining the situation, but did not.

That’s funny because I got emails telling me to log-in to unlock the episode for free for the next two weeks.

They did, it was in every single mail: Log in now to unlock chapter X

If the guy doesn’t read his mails, it’s his own fault

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


I think they can get away with it only because you can use in game gold and transfer them to come up with gems in a relatively simplistic way. Not at all like say Champions Online that has you going through multiple different currencies just to get Zen or say Dragon’s Prophet or NeverWinter. The transition between transactions for GW2 is rather seamless and it doesn’t take really that long to hit 80. However, to get enough gold to even get 100 gems… that’s going to take a lot of farming.

get away with it?
You mean, like, they commited a crime, or broke some unspoken rules? as far as I know they did everything by the book. Some lazy thing didn’t bother to read the status quo and now complains about not knowing it

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


I think they can get away with it only because you can use in game gold and transfer them to come up with gems in a relatively simplistic way. Not at all like say Champions Online that has you going through multiple different currencies just to get Zen or say Dragon’s Prophet or NeverWinter. The transition between transactions for GW2 is rather seamless and it doesn’t take really that long to hit 80. However, to get enough gold to even get 100 gems… that’s going to take a lot of farming.

get away with it?
You mean, like, they commited a crime, or broke some unspoken rules? as far as I know they did everything by the book. Some lazy thing didn’t bother to read the status quo and now complains about not knowing it

By getting away with it I mean from a business perspective, some business practices look foul in community eyes. And I could think of a few examples (TOR and Champions) where in order to get some extra money out of you, they offer little in return. TOR for example rehashes old skins and puts it up on the cartel market and denies both free and premium players the opportunity to turn in game currency into their form of microtransactions. So I would say in saying that “everything by the book” is a very broad generalization.

There’s positive ways to go about providing people to spend money on in game stuff and then there’s negative. I hardly see GW2 as being a negative example thus far, whether my friends hate the game for whatever reason or not.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


By getting away with it I mean from a business perspective, some business practices look foul in community eyes. And I could think of a few examples (TOR and Champions) where in order to get some extra money out of you, they offer little in return. TOR for example rehashes old skins and puts it up on the cartel market and denies both free and premium players the opportunity to turn in game currency into their form of microtransactions. So I would say in saying that “everything by the book” is a very broad generalization.

True. If going “by the book”, they should have had packaged all those ls components, and made them into a paid dlc. Without the ability to get them for free by just logging in during right time. That would have been soo much better [/sarcasm]

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


I still do not see what it is you’re calling me out for over being in favor of Arenanet’s practice, which I said was actually acceptable to me (where as the OP disagrees), vs other experiences that I have named as negative.

By getting away with it I mean from a business perspective, some business practices look foul in community eyes. And I could think of a few examples (TOR and Champions) where in order to get some extra money out of you, they offer little in return. TOR for example rehashes old skins and puts it up on the cartel market and denies both free and premium players the opportunity to turn in game currency into their form of microtransactions. So I would say in saying that “everything by the book” is a very broad generalization.

True. If going “by the book”, they should have had packaged all those ls components, and made them into a paid dlc. Without the ability to get them for free by just logging in during right time. That would have been soo much better [/sarcasm]

Despite your attempt at sarcasm,

they should have had packaged all those ls components, and made them into a paid dlc. Without the ability to get them for free by just logging in during right time.

I shall humor your comment here and simply ask, why the stipulation? They could have also very well given players the opportunity to log in once every two weeks and apply the story for free but should a person miss those opportunities for whatever reason – have to pay some amount of money at the end of the Season finale for a DLC pack that contains all of the content episodes.

Mind you, Season 1 is not accessible yet. It was a “snooze – you loose” scenario and I had absolutely no problem with that. Never mind during Zeph-festivities they brought back special unique items that were found in these episodes and couldn’t be obtained otherwise.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


Imagine Starbug started a promotion. Anyone who provide free permenant special drink membership to those customers that visit them during the 2 weeks promotion period. Who failed to visit will not able to biy that special drinks unless pay for the membership.

They put the promotion on web site, newsletter announcement etc. You didn’t follow the web nor the newsletter. Months later you that you missed the free offer, do you think you have the right to complain not getting it for free?

All i see the 2 week free unlock LS2 is made so to keep players login and play during LS period. If it is always free there is no point to login and follow tight the LS story.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Don’t be upset at your opening post. You are absolutely correct. ANet could have sent you emails explaining the situation, but did not.

I don’t know why you’re not getting them, but I receive e-mails from Guild Wars 2 with every new episode launch stating

Log In Today for the Entanglement Release!

(title always reflecting the latest episode)

And in those e-mails there is always a section saying

Log In Today!

Log in while the Entanglement release is live to unlock free, permanent access to the Entanglement story content.

I don’t know how anyone can expect ArenaNet to go any further than this… after all, the ultimate decision whether to login during those two weeks is with the player. And if you cannot spare that half minute, surely 200 gems isn’t too much to ask.

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I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ranael.6423


@ OP : try to find people in your guild/Lion’s arch that have access to season 2 and ask them to host you so that you can see what is happening. If you decide you want the rewards coming with the episodes (not sure about the second part of Mawdrey but essentially a back item and the luminescent skin) then you will have to pay (gold or RL money) to get the gems. At least you can try it and be updated with the story before you decide

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: demetrodon.1457


After all the fails with Zhaitan and season 1 bull honky, Anet did an amazing job with season 2. Thinking season 2 will be kitten as well, I ignored it, until PoNR. AFter just trying out PoNR out of curiosity, I had to play all. Anet proved me wrong and the story is so good now, I have no issues with paying gems just to see dragon stories and dramatic turnouts. Although I only paid for Echoes of the past, I had the rest unlocked for some reason, maybe I entered an instance I can’t remember. And this is coming from a hardcore WvWer, whom are usually poor lol.

Ex [FURY] [PunK] [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Evlia.2614


What about those of us who just started playing the game? Everyone’s arguments here is ‘you should have been following, you only had to log in once every two weeks. Just run dungeons for gold and pay for it.’ I am under the assumption from what I’ve been told that these ‘speedrun dungeons’ are for higher geared people, so how do you except me, who’s just hit 80, be able to do them? Who finds it extremely hard to make even one gold? How am I suppose to log into a game I never had, every two weeks, to open up the story? Read newsletters and announcements I’m not signed up for?

It’s not a very good way to get new players to stick around, who, like me, are greatly enjoying the story (I think I’m just about to kill Zhaitan). I’m being punished for not already playing the game as the chapters came out. I feel forced into buying gems just to continue my story. Which I refuse to do, as I need more crucial gem upgrades, like bank space and inventory space.

Not to mention, it sucks that I have absolutely no way to even play or see what Season 1 was about. I play games for the lore and story. I do not play them for the PVP, the raids, or the dungeons. I do not play them for the gear grind. I was excited to try GW2 because it advertises this living world and personal story that you can playthrough yourself. I did not know I was going to have to pay to see it. If you’re going to make people pay for core content of the game, the entire base of any game (the story) list it as an expansion like any other game.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Canakun.8031


No, they only send them out if you have signed up for them.

I think you should re-read this, bro.
Not signing up for email alerts and then complaining about not receiving email alerts is ridiculously silly.

And they only sent one that forcefully said anything about having to log in often. The other emails were a lot less pressing on that issue. Do you suppose a player who is forced to take a year off from the game is going to notice one email?

If a player takes a year off from the game, and the game releases temporarily free content…
The company has done their job the minute they alert the player.
It is beyond the responsibility of anet to force people to read their emails.

Without digging (here or on the wiki), you wouldn’t know that except for the month leading up to Season 2, or the 2 weeks after it started.

Yeah, complaining about a company not being perfect at an experimental way of telling a story is a little ridiculous. They’ve stated they are working on rolling out LS season 1. God forbid some players have to actually utilize the internet/forums for some back story.

And please remember how frustrating Season 1 was. I know several people who quit playing during that time because of the incredible speed of the updates. They simply couldn’t keep up. I myself played 2-3 hours a day, and I could not keep up.

Subjective. I work full time and played similar time frames to you, as did a lot of my friends, and every single one of us loved Season 1 (I don’t know about my mates, but I got every single meta achievement done).

As for OP, sorry you got sick, but take it as a lesson and sign up for the newsletter. That way you don’t miss content.
Remember, this had all been free. If you had paid for it you might have a reason to complain about it being ä kick in the teeth"but, you didn’t.

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I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


No, they only send them out if you have signed up for them.

I’m reasonably sure they send them to all email addresses associated with accounts, unless you choose to opt-out.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


No, they only send them out if you have signed up for them.

I’m reasonably sure they send them to all email addresses associated with accounts, unless you choose to opt-out.

It is sign up. Id never heard of til the weekends announcement when they advertised signing up

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Bandit.8279


When I was a young pup and my best friend got a new toy given to him by his parents I would ask my mom for it too. She would tell me that if I really wanted it I should work for it.

So I went around my neighborhood and did the odd job until I reached my goal. Then with much glee my mom drove me to the toy store and I purchased the toy I wanted.

I felt like I appreciated what I worked so hard for more than my spoiled friend and I took really good care of the few things I had.

I carry this lesson with me to this day. If you want something than go out and work for it. Nothing is out of reach if you set your mind to it.

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


No, they only send them out if you have signed up for them.

I’m reasonably sure they send them to all email addresses associated with accounts, unless you choose to opt-out.

It is sign up. Id never heard of til the weekends announcement when they advertised signing up

I have multiple accounts, assigned to different email addresses, all of which get the emails. I never did anything to sign up for updates on any of them, aside from buying/registering the account.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


I have never signed up for it either, yet I still receive them. People that are not getting them likely forgot they opted out, or did it intentionally.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


Look, it’s this way for everyone, okay? You shouldn’t take this too personally: you aren’t being punished for your personal issues or for being late. You are given the option to replay something you missed, for a fee.

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Meari.9078


When the game was originally sold, it was promoted as a ‘pay once for the game’ and no paying for any other game content, unless you wanted extras (skins, toys). This is game content. its the continuation of the game, that is why OP is upset, and I agree. As for those saying ‘you only had to log in once in the 2 week period’ yeah, I’m guessing you’re young or you have no idea what its like to be hospitalized for a month or more. Sometimes people simply can’t, it isn’t always that simple. I log in almost every day and I still am missing the 1st 2 parts of season 2. The point is, I (we) bought a game that is supposed to be a ‘buy the game once and never pay again’ but it isn’t.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


When the game was originally sold, it was promoted as a ‘pay once for the game’ and no paying for any other game content, unless you wanted extras (skins, toys). This is game content. its the continuation of the game, that is why OP is upset, and I agree. As for those saying ‘you only had to log in once in the 2 week period’ yeah, I’m guessing you’re young or you have no idea what its like to be hospitalized for a month or more. Sometimes people simply can’t, it isn’t always that simple. I log in almost every day and I still am missing the 1st 2 parts of season 2. The point is, I (we) bought a game that is supposed to be a ‘buy the game once and never pay again’ but it isn’t.

So I guess you’re pretty upset about the expansion?

Would you be upset if season 2 was temporary like season 1?

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


So, OP is upset that anet came out with a mini expansion while he was gone? An expansion that is 70% free stuff, and 30% a 12 hour story campaign.

Would he have preferred no updates?

Most every successful game has paid DLC these days. LOTRO, grand theft auto, call of Duty, Dragon Age, WoW… If you want new content, you have to pay for the new content.

OP doesn’t even have to pay $$ if he wants to buy gems with gold. He can also join somebody else’s game to play the story instances.

I suspect OP is upset that he didn’t get this stuff for free, but he wasn’t around when it was offered for free.

The stuff OP is missing amounts to just teasers and hype for the new expansion. There are some good boss fights in there however.

And “season one” amounts to festival content, the worthwhile content of which will be recycled in future festivals or in the expansion. The season one multiplayer instances are now fractals, and the best of the season one group events like the marionette will be guild events.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Meari.9078


When the game was originally sold, it was promoted as a ‘pay once for the game’ and no paying for any other game content, unless you wanted extras (skins, toys). This is game content. its the continuation of the game, that is why OP is upset, and I agree. As for those saying ‘you only had to log in once in the 2 week period’ yeah, I’m guessing you’re young or you have no idea what its like to be hospitalized for a month or more. Sometimes people simply can’t, it isn’t always that simple. I log in almost every day and I still am missing the 1st 2 parts of season 2. The point is, I (we) bought a game that is supposed to be a ‘buy the game once and never pay again’ but it isn’t.

So I guess you’re pretty upset about the expansion?

Would you be upset if season 2 was temporary like season 1?

An expansion is not the same as original in game content. An expansion is like a 2nd book in a series, you know you have to pay for that. But in game content that is part of the original game? What if you bought a book and “you only have 2 weeks to read it or you have to pay extra for the final chapter?” Same idea. You bought something that is supposed to include everything, but oops! No sorry, you now have to go pay for this particular part because God forbid, you had something happen in your life, where you had to put it aside for a bit.

Gamer’s expect to pay for expansions. We know this from playing other MMORPG’s. All games are different but there isn’t any that have a ‘limited time’ on game content. You buy the game & if anything is added (updates etc) its already been paid for. If the personal story is main part of the game, the entire content for it should be available from that particular episode’s release, onward. You may not mind paying for the extra episodes, but many people do. People crapping on others, because they express their unhappiness with something about the game, seems to be the de rigueur on this forum. “oh well, you had 2 weeks” “well if you didn’t sign up for the newsletter, its your own fault for missing out” is missing the OPs (and my) point.

(edited by Meari.9078)

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


When the game was originally sold, it was promoted as a ‘pay once for the game’ and no paying for any other game content, unless you wanted extras (skins, toys). This is game content. its the continuation of the game, that is why OP is upset, and I agree. As for those saying ‘you only had to log in once in the 2 week period’ yeah, I’m guessing you’re young or you have no idea what its like to be hospitalized for a month or more. Sometimes people simply can’t, it isn’t always that simple. I log in almost every day and I still am missing the 1st 2 parts of season 2. The point is, I (we) bought a game that is supposed to be a ‘buy the game once and never pay again’ but it isn’t.

So I guess you’re pretty upset about the expansion?

Would you be upset if season 2 was temporary like season 1?

An expansion is not the same as original in game content. An expansion is like a 2nd book in a series, you know you have to pay for that. But in game content that is part of the original game? What if you bought a book and “you only have 2 weeks to read it or you have to pay extra for the final chapter?” Same idea. You bought something that is supposed to include everything, but oops! No sorry, you now have to go pay for this particular part because God forbid, you had something happen in your life, where you had to put it aside for a bit.

Gamer’s expect to pay for expansions. We know this from playing other MMORPG’s. All games are different but there isn’t any that have a ‘limited time’ on game content. You buy the game & if anything is added (updates etc) its already been paid for. If the personal story is main part of the game, the entire content for it should be available from that particular episode’s release, onward. You may not mind paying for the extra episodes, but many people do. People crapping on others, because they express their unhappiness with something about the game, seems to be the de rigueur on this forum. “oh well, you had 2 weeks” “well if you didn’t sign up for the newsletter, its your own fault for missing out” is missing the OPs (and my) point.

After you buy a book, are new pages added? You may not have been playing the game at the beginning but all of season 1 was essentially temporary content. If you were not on then you missed it. Season 2 can be considered the same except you now have the option to purchase the episodes at a very cheap cost if you were unable to make it when they were first available. You can also consider the living story episodes as DLC’s which many console games do.

You buy the game for all of the content that is already contained within the original game. You do not get anything extra for free. Servers are not free. Developing content is not free. Maintaining the game is not free. I know this term gets thrown around but it’s entitlement to think that you get this for free.

Would the OP have made this thread had there not been an option to purchase season 2 episodes? Probably not. It appears that they played season 1 and knew that it was temporary. They likely assumed that season 2 would be the same as it wasn’t announced until after season 1, or right around then, that season 2 would be more permanent.

What I see their issue is that they’re upset that those that were on when the episodes were first available get to play them for free whereas they didn’t. They completely forget that if there was no option to purchase missed episodes, they would have lost out on that experiencing content anyway. Their position has not changed if they choose not to purchase an episode.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


An expansion is not the same as original in game content. An expansion is like a 2nd book in a series, you know you have to pay for that. But in game content that is part of the original game? What if you bought a book and “you only have 2 weeks to read it or you have to pay extra for the final chapter?” Same idea. You bought something that is supposed to include everything, but oops! No sorry, you now have to go pay for this particular part because God forbid, you had something happen in your life, where you had to put it aside for a bit.

I know, right. It’d be like if there was a TV show that was broadcast, and they basically said “You have to be around for this exact hour to watch it, or otherwise you have to wait and pay for the DVD.”

Of course, LS isn’t part of the original game. It occurs after the completely-concluded story of the war against Zhaitan. The LS, both seasons, is in fact a new story, setting up the war against Mordremoth (which will be continued in HoT).

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Lynne.8416


If you play the game regularly (ie at least log in once every two weeks) then you do not have to pay for living story content.
If you play the game for short periods of time every 3-4 months, then you will need to pay for the living story content.
Do I agree with this philosophy? No, since the game IS buy to play. However, IF you were regularly playing (or at least keeping up with game information) then you would have had fair warning that this was occurring, and should have either a) decided to just uninstall and never play the game again, or b) find a way to workaround the issue.

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Duke Nukem.6783

Duke Nukem.6783

200 gems is not a big deal and u kno what? u only had to log in for a second, its not like you have to do it at that itme….btw the story is TERRIBLE

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: MachineManXX.9746


Serious question to the OP.

Would you rather the season updates be temporary, and if missed, be gone forever, or ..
Would you rather have the option that if you missed it, for whatever reason, have the option to purchase with gems?

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: DjZeBeR.3549


I agree, I’ts stupid that we have to pay 200 Gems to play each chapter. Some people don’t live by their computer and wouldn’t have the time to sign in. If it was free for that day of signing in then it should be free forever.

Without music life would be a mistake!

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I agree, I’ts stupid that we have to pay 200 Gems to play each chapter. Some people don’t live by their computer and wouldn’t have the time to sign in. If it was free for that day of signing in then it should be free forever.

Each episode was free if you logged on to the game once, for a few seconds, within a 2 week period and some were free for a month, iirc, so it wasn’t just one day that it was free.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)