I hate the Silverwastes

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Part 1

I log in.

I skip trough the login reward for which I have to view the daily achievments even tough I don’t want to, whatch it slowly going away.

I waypoint to the Silverwastes, with a deep sigh, mumbling to myself, attempt 32, be kind Rngeesus and finally give me a Coat.

On arrival I notice that the “Next pact assault will begin in 5 minutes”. Fair enough. I pop open LFG tool, see 5-10 ads for “WARRIOR ONLY 5KAP ZERK!!!” in General PvE tab, and keep looking for the magic SW x% to pop up. A 60% pops up, I’ll try to join – too late, I wasted an extra second scratching my left ear and the party got full. Soon enough SW 80% pops up, I actually manage to join the party, but as expected, the map is already full.

The 5 minutes have passed and Pact assault has begun. Another sigh. Well, might as well get this show rolling. I tag up, like I tagged up in the past for the last 100+ times. Indigo or Red, Indigo or Red, can’t decide it depends on my mood really, I am feeling indigo today, but by the end of the run I know I’ll feel red.

“Anyone feels like tagging up for other forts?” – As always, no reply. I manage to solo the mordrem at indigo whtihin 5 minutes, and the first fort is on a roll now. “Can we get some tags for amber/blue/red?” – dead silence.

Click, LFG tool open once again. I start to type: “SW – 0% – need 3 more comms please”. About 15 seconds pass and a sylvari ranger joins my party, taxies in on me, leaves my party immidately. My LFG is erased. So I open it once again and type: “SW – just started – blue/amber/red commander needed”. A mesmer joins, asura. Leaves party, my LFG is erased.

In the meantime Red gets take “by the Pact”, we have done our first defense in Indigo, being the only commander on the map, I have 2-3 people around me now. “Can anyone tag up for other forts?”

Blue and Amber still untaken, Red does it’s first defense, we have done our second defense at Indigo. LFG time. “3 commanders needed for SW please”. A bit tricky, I didn’t use % this time. No one joins. I re-edit the LFG to SW 15% cause I am starting to be lazy about it, and I don’t want to type the same sentence over and over. Surprisingly, a group of 4 joins instantly on me. My LFG is erased. All taxi in, all are at map entrance. They linger around a minute in my party, before they start leaving. They are still at the entrance, none moving.

Indigo and Red progresses, we are 35%. Someone took amber in the meantime. Blue is still being ravaged by mordrem. I open LFG, type “35% – 3 commanders please”. In no time, my party fills up, they taxi in, leave party whitout a word. I reopen LFG – “SW – need 3 more comms 40%”. Party is full, they leave. “SW 40% – 3 comms needed”. I get supressed.

For the next 5 minutes, the map progresses silently, blue gets taken, map is at 60% when I can speak again. I don’t even care about commanders anymore. I open LFG – SW 60%. A group of 3 join me this time, and a 4th random guy. All of them taxi in. Someone is requesting a kick for the 4th random guy. It is confirmed. Soon after, I get kicked from my party.

Map is at 70%, thankfully I cannot LFG in any more people. I try one last time in map chat: "From the 40-50 people that I taxied in with “commander needed” anyone willing to tag up?" To my surprise, I actually get a response: “this is chestfarm map noob”. A guy actually tags up for Red soon after. I thank him in map chat: thanks for pitching in.

80%. Map is full, yet I still got the same 3-4 people at Indigo as in the beginning. And we just lost Blue to the mordrem. 80% indicates that I should get my copypastes ready, that I have on a notepad. I paste in the tactics for indigo: “Indigo Breach Boss: 1. Please DON’T kill Poison bubbles, only when bosses are near it, they stun the boss, 2. Use RANGED when the two bosses meet, you’ll die melee, 3. Try to focus one boss at a time!”
I paste in the tactics for red: "Red Breach Boss: Feel free to use AoE! “No AoE at red” is a myth, it’s not true. The small husks only give it regeneration. Use poison and give it all you got!"
As usual 1 guy in map chat goes “lol no aoe at red”. I try explaining: “the small husks don’t matter, it’s only regen, and you lose more DPS if you just spam 1”. Another guy goes: “bubbles heal it”. “true, but bubbles pop anyway after time, you just have to kite it away”. First guy again: “LOL NO AOE RED!!!”

I calculate. Amber defense should have about a 2 minutes timer, so breach in 2 minutes. Map chat: “breach ~2 mins”. In my mind this makes the AFK guys at spawn move, but that maybe just happening in my head, what I do notice is that people actually arrive at my fort, indigo.

(edited by Bubi.7942)

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Part 2

We jump in the breach, at least, most do, 2 guys walk in and die. I turn south and search for a poison bubble to pop. I pop it open, boss charges in it, it’s stunned. I summon an iZerker and 2 iDuelist using my Signet of the Ether. I place a Time warp. DPS is looking okay despite the 5-6 guys still at the breach entrance ressing the 2 guys who died or just AFKing.

The 2 bosses are nearing, they will collide in 5 seconds. I use /s aka local chat: “go ranged, quick”. Out of the 12 guys I have there 2 goes ranged, the rest dies at the bosses. Some new guys jump in the breach, and start ressing the dead. No one waypoints. With my 2 faithful guys, we do our best to stun the bosses, while others are being ressed, of course, they go down again in the next 2 times the bosses meet. My “please stayed at ranged when the bosses are together” seems to have no effect.

1 minute left. Silver is at 5%, we can kill it, but gold is almost full, not a chance. I see a warrior using hundred blades on bubble, that is nowhere near the bosses. I accept my fate.

Breach failed. Gold Teragriff and Copper Husk survived. Map chat goes wild “kittennoobs worst breach i’ve seen”. First guy retruns “I SAY NO AOE REDkittenTROLL COMMANDER”. I am unsure if he means me or the actual commander at Red. I am mad enough now to reply, altough I know I shouldn’t: “let me guess, 10 rangers stood at the ledge spamming 1 in AFK mode even tough the boss was out of range?”. “kittenTROLL” – I now know at least he meant me.

Vinewrath is coming up. I get ready my copypaste messages that I have made for it. The lane phase starts and out of the 15 people I have in my lane at least 7 are AFK. No matter, it’s doable anyway. We escort the siege, and engage on the Troll. People hide behind the honeycomb, and stay there troughout the fight. I see a lot of autoattacks, but some are just standing in the stack. “Please use skills to do damage” – I type that with a bit of sarcasm. Troll walks up to the Vinewrath, people are still autoattacking from the same spot, even with non-stop red text saying “obstructed”. Troll is at 10%, we got 30 seconds left. We get all boons from another lane and we manage to kill the troll with 10 seconds to spare. Luckily, no brain or tactics were required.

I paste my message for the Tresher: “Vinewrath boss#2 (tresher): Use reflection if it spins in the middle! Kill pustules -> touch white circles they leave behind for a buff. Get in the white cone shape when boss goes to the Vinewrath!” A guy goes: “shut up everyone knows what to do”. Tresher fails.

We manage to defeat the Vinewrath in the end, with little hopes I arrive at the chests. No Coat. Again. I get a Twister in a Jar from one of the Bandit chests. Deep inhale, slow exhale. Repeat.

“Let’s try to do a Labyrinth” – as I have 8-9 greater keys stacked up. “Please do the event at – I link in the Labyrinth POI – so the waypoint opens”. Around 20-30 people arrive at the Labyrinth. Exactly 1 does the event with me.

We are done with the event, 1 minute left of tier1 of the Labyrinth, chests opened: 79/100. We might just get to tier 2, I am starting to doubt my own memories of tier 3.

I rush the middle, to open the big chest as many times as I can to advance the tier. 4 guys are lying dead on the chest. I skew the camera all over the place, but cannot click on the chest. I have to revive, the WP is open by this point. Suddenly a Guardian leaps in with a Wolf following him, I swiftly invis with my torch, but the guardian is running straight at me. We both down and die.

I log out.

(edited by Bubi.7942)

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Flarefox.9713


this is Anet’s philosophy “play how you want” in effect.

wonderful thing isn’kitten

Moral of the story: your average online player base in any game sucks.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Drede.4701


Was kinda looking forward to part 2, I assume it ends with a not so triumphant teragriff fang or maybe tendon? Yea I have to agree with Flarefox’s moral though. I like this map a lot, but sometimes the AFK drives you nuts.

The many different ways I can spell Regnilond xD
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

If you expect anything, and I mean anything more than lots of drool on the keyboard from your average fellow player in an MMO you’re likely in for a disappointment.

Moral of the story is, play with your guildmates. They at least will try to do their best, because they know a guildmate of theirs is watching and counting on them.

One – Piken Square

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Heibi.4251


Sounds like so many other events all around GW2. Megadestroyer is very similar. 50 people all stand at the WP while a few other people do the pre-events. I’ve had it where I’m the only one doing a pre there. Or I get up there and no one is even doing it. Basically I put the players in the category of lazy bums(can’t truly call them what I want to on this forum). Luckily my guildies and I have a get it done attitude and try to do all the pre-events.

I have an idea ANeT could use – the more pre-events you do the bigger your reward. Like how about only rares if you accomplish “x” number of pre-events. If you do no pre-events it’s all blues.

Leader of Central Anime(CA)
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: NoobOnSteroid.7192


I’ve said it before, the entire event cycle takes way too long. I did the exact same thing the OP did yesterday after the patch hit, starting in a practically empty map. We did manage to succeed at the breach, and Vinewrath went down in 3 fights (one per boss). The entire cycle from start to Vinewrath kill took around 1h15m. So honestly I don’t blame people for jumping to 60%-80% maps. The first 40 minutes of a Silverwastes map is the most boring, repetitive gameplay you can get. Every fight stays the same, each time you do it: you do the same combat/repair cycle half a dozen times.

Once I have my bioluminescent armor pieces, I’ll most likely never come back …

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Gudy.3607


I have an idea ANeT could use – the more pre-events you do the bigger your reward.

I’ve had thoughts along those lines myself. And with the Perseverance buff, there’s already a mechanic in place to do this, you’d just need to extend it to 10 or 15 stacks.

There’s one wee little problem, though: it would encourage people to port in at 80% as before, only then they’d be rushing all over the map in large groups, tagging (and upscaling) every event they can find in order to build up event credits. So it would still do nothing for the first 80% of the meta event.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Sorry, Bubi, but I think you’re getting the reward you deserve each and every time. If you’ve not realized by now that your behavior borders on the insane (as in expecting a different result from the clearly selfish and uncaring masses of fellow players every time you tag up) then you’re the one to blame.

That’s one of the reasons I don’t play much anymore myself. While individuals can be clever and caring, people are dumb as pig kitten and twice as selfish.

Funny story though. +1

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081

Gobble D Goop.4081

i really am getting annoyed by the people that join at 80% and call other people that have been there the whole time useless. I mean really. They only invested 10 minutes on the map. If you are on an NA server and play about an hour after the daily reset, then i can join you in the pointless quest of trying to get a map from 0 to done if you want. I might even use a tag if need be.

Habitual Warrior-Ranger
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I’ve said it before, the entire event cycle takes way too long. I did the exact same thing the OP did yesterday after the patch hit, starting in a practically empty map. We did manage to succeed at the breach, and Vinewrath went down in 3 fights (one per boss). The entire cycle from start to Vinewrath kill took around 1h15m. So honestly I don’t blame people for jumping to 60%-80% maps. The first 40 minutes of a Silverwastes map is the most boring, repetitive gameplay you can get. Every fight stays the same, each time you do it: you do the same combat/repair cycle half a dozen times.

Once I have my bioluminescent armor pieces, I’ll most likely never come back …

Hmm … the reason people jump is because it takes so long but the reason it takes so long is also because people jump around.

It might be better to make it so that events in the beginning give more progress but the ones near the end give less. Just to get things going without actually shortening things. This is based on having seen it go from 50% to breach an a very short amount of time.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Walhalla.5473


What I see is, that a SW Map on 0 – 20% will progres very slowly, because no one is willing to work for the Map to Progress, and if a map is under 20% it looks to the Players like it will take too long, not many people are willing to join a map with less than 20%
But at 20% People are going into the Map via LFG, and the Progress is going faster. and at 30% it doesn’t take even a second before the Group fills up. But when the Events are over everyone seems to be jumping to a new Map, instead of working together to Progress faster. The Result is a slow progressing SW Map, which takes ages to go to the 20% but then you can fill the map very fast, and Progress is going to be really fast.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


If you are starting from 0% the fastest way to get the percentage up is to Fort hop. In other words, cap a Fort, leave it to the Mordrem and while the Mordrem are attacking go cap another Fort, moving in circle. This works especially well if no one else is capping Forts and is my usual MO.

As for the Labrynth, people don’t realize or remember that the best chance of getting Carapace armor boxes, if you still need them is at Tier 3.

As for those that say once they get their Lumi armor they’ll never come back, then you’re choosing to leave the best loot map that is currently around. I’m not interested in the Lumi armor and I’ve completed the Carapace set. I still do SW every day and when I have excessive Crests I go and buy the Loot bags for 96c plus 10 crests, filling up T5 and T6 mats that way, without much effort.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Azrael.4960


I am immensely glad to say that I’ve rarely found this on the EU servers. You’ll get the odd AFKer who is standing on a nice little rock off to one side.

I dunno if it’s just the times I log in or the general attitude of players in the EU servers but there is a hell of a lot less of this than the NA servers, or so it seems. People stream in and position themselves correctly, on the whole follow the commanders, etc.

There just seems to be a much better attitude in EU

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Bandit.8279


Zaklex is on the money. I try to do SW once a day. I roam going where I might be needed and along the way farm nodes and chests. The loot is crazy good. On top of that soloing veterans and taking part in defenses can be very challenging and fun.

I had over 4k crests in my bank the other day and purchased the two ascended Sinister accessories for my necro and spent the rest on loot bags and more keys. The zone has a lot to offer even w/out the final events.

Edit: That was an enjoyable read!

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast

(edited by Bandit.8279)

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Juba.8406


i imagine you a charr looking just like Evon Gnashblade xD

thank you for the good read.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Caerbanog.3410


“Red No Aoe” guys are everywhere.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Xiem.4719


Don’t forget about “blue no cc” ;]

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Avster.1935


At first I was going to say “sigh another post of I don’t like X, again!” …but then after reading your post, I feel like I got frustrated on your behalf.

The AFKs at spawn are really awful :|

Evelyn Whitehawk | Exalted Legend | Demons’s Demise | I Transmuted My Legendary Medium Coat

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


It could be worse.

I get game crashes in the vine wraith fight at least 30% of the time. If RNGeesus had not favored me with his coats, I’d be raging.

The SW is truly the best $$ farm in the game right now, but, if anything, the quality of players is as bad as ever as the hardcore grinders have already moved on.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I do LOVE Silverwastes, I like the scavenger hunt for Luminescent armor and I do like the grind for Carapace armor. I find it fun to participate and slowly go towards a goal.

HOWEVER, I do agree that the AFKs and the people porting to 75+% maps ruin it for everybody. I can’t even do the rare bosses because the low % maps never get up to Tier 3 because nobody is there. I often tag up at 0-15 % to try and capture / defend keeps, but we always lose them at Tier 2 because I am often alone to defend it (sometimes there’s 1 or 2 other people) but not enough to protect the NPC for 5 mins. Then the Breach happens with mostly Tier 1 keeps. I hate it.

It’s really annoying. I hate the “taxi” mechanic and it should just disappear. You should only be able to taxi if you have friends / guildies / etc. in that other map, otherwise it sucks for everyone else (though people could cheat by adding taxi people in friends list so there should be a “protection” like no taxi for a friend recently added).

Remove the taxi, and people will be more interested in doing the kitten events that leads to the Breach and assault because they won’t be able to easily jump to the Breach everytime. Breach shouldn’t happen without Tier 3 keeps. You should need to hold them all at Tier 3 to do the Breach, so that encourages people to do the kitten events and hold them BEFORE the Breach occurs.

However, the AFKs are still a problem. ArenaNet should really do somethings against people in a map that do not participate in anything. Like, you could be mining or killing random mobs, or doing the Jumping Puzzle, I don’t care, just don’t stay in the starting area / at Waypoints during 40 minutes please.

This is a big issue because of the maximum population on maps. I wouldn’t mind AFKs if they wouldn’t take away precious spots for people that DO want to participate.

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


when I said on map chat that “no aoe” and “no cc” are myth a guy said “block this troll”… sigh…

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


……i really have no idea what the color codes have to do with anything, it’s just a color……

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Walhalla.5473


when I said on map chat that “no aoe” and “no cc” are myth a guy said “block this troll”… sigh…

I understand where the No AEO Myth comes from. People are looking on the Text and the Text just says. " Heals Allies when killed". The Fact that the Bubbles heal the Boss for 2% when they die near him doesn’t really help either and it looks like AOE is killing the Bubbles on the Boss. But now, everyone should know that this Myth is busted. It’s not like the times where for example a Myth like " Mew under Truck" from Pokemon Red and Blue could survive long. In the times of such games, most People didn’t have Internet, but now the Internet is completely normal and Sites like the Guild Wars Wiki can debunk such “No AOE” Myths really quickly.

But what I don’t understand is. Where the kitten did the No CC on Blue Myth comes from?

I hate the Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


Well, that made me sad. I expected you to be another mouthbreather due to the title, OP, but your story made me doubt my past actions. I usually don’t bother with low level SWs, and I always leave taxis quickly so someone else can take that spot. Perhaps it would be for the best if you took a break from SW or even the game, you seem a bit stressed out. Everything will most likely still be here the way it was when you left, unless we beat Mordy in that time.

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /