Living Story declared itself an expansions worth of content, and it has proven that is exactly what A-net had in mind.
But one has to wonder… what other new ways could one implement this episodic format into a new method of adding features “Later” down the road.
The answer:
Expansion Content unlocked via “story driven” alterations.
Ideas in mind:
So, over time, the races of Tyria who are currently active, and against the Dragons, Scarlet and the machinations of evil, are great, but their secondary allies seem reluctant to help them.
Over the course of the story, I propose the idea of eventually “unlocking” new races/professions by having living world evolutions that lead towards these eventual new transformations.
Our estranged Tengu Xenophobes, over the course of an entire season of Living World, the A-Net team could focus on eventually making this race both playable, and adding new zones to include playability for them.
In the meantime, while we are in those zones, seeing them being made for the first time, we venture into these foreign lands seeking to gain new allies, learn new professions (classes) and attain new skills (weapons, abilities, even crafting based).
The adventures would act as a story suffusion while A-net focuses on the features and races for a later “eventual” update, this means, initially, we see a race as is, e.g. Largos, or Tengu, while over time, A-net starts working entirely on content devoted to adding new features to that race.
As updates go on, we notice the Tengu get new models, female and male, giving them identity, we unlock Dominon of Winds, venture into it for the first time, before it becomes a leveling zone, and help the Tengu fight off unwanted threats.
At the climax of that story arc, we are given a chance to make an agreement with their race to join the Races of Tyria in their fight with the dragon, with this season closed, they become a playable race, and can be unlocked (Via doing the living world content associated with them, or naturally, by paying for the unlock).
The Tengu are an example, other races being Largos, Kodan, Stone Dwarves and my own personal favorite, the prospect of REDEEMED (possibly even not redeemed) Mursaat (if they still roam Janthir somehow).
I don’t think the idea of denying new playable races and customizations for players is a good idea, I believe they should concentrate on expanding the world around us, rather than revisiting old places.
Its a case of “how can I miss you if you don’t go away?” If you’re always giving us Lions Arch, or some new content in an old world setting, then really its not new, its just refreshing what was already there.
I, for one, would like to see old content get revamped “later” rather than sooner, so that a few years down the line when we finally miss the old stuff and want to see rekindling it could be done as an entire season rather than being bits and pieces now and here.
The problem being, its unwanted bits and pieces, for a world we never really wanted to see change (just yet).
Living Story is admirable, I understand the approach, but I don’t agree with the delivery, I would much rather see this “expansions worth of content” be literally just that, new features, new races, new professions, over the course of living world evolution.
I’m not asking for you to literally spend a month doing one content update then add a new race on the spot, I’m asking an entire season to be devoted over the course of a year, possibly even a year and a quarter, to adding “one” new race, or “one” new class a year, to the game.
That would allow time for testing, equally allow development for story to make a logical, direction so that eventually we “unlock” these races rather than “suddenly playable races”.
Personally, I feel this pace would work more favorably, and I hope A-net is listening.
Thank you for reading, I am curious, how do you all feel about this approach to adding new content?