Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I found the below article to be very interesting. The author hits some of the issues I found with Destiny’s Edge and speculates about Marjory/Kasmeer plus Rox/Braham. I found it a worthwhile read, and think ANet could do worse than pay attention.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Destiny’s Edge doesn’t need to be replaced and the four characters mentioned in that article don’t need to be constantly appearing in the Living Story. If Destiny’s Edge was actually brought forward in the story (instead of sitting in timeline limbo) they could continue to develop them into strong and enjoyable characters for future stories. Tyria as a world is so much bigger than just Kasmeer, Marjory, Rox and Braham. Making everything about them will have similair issues to making everything about Scarlet.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


I don’t think the article is saying Destiny’s Edge should be replaced, it’s saying that ArenaNet should take care not to repeat the same mistakes with the new group as it did with the old.

That said, pulling DE out of limbo and generally adopting a different policy for the PS stuff than the “Let’s make it all frozen in time and never progress anything involved with it so that a new player who signs up in five years time can still feel that they can do PS and LS without any time warps, despite how GW1 players were perfectly happy to accept that they go back in time occasionally!” policy they do now. Part of the problem with DE is that we haven’t had much opportunity to see them working together after the reconciliation – they might be able to claw back a bit of respect if we have some opportunity to see them being awesome post-Zhaitan rather than our main impression of them being, as the article observes, bickering children.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


That was my take as well, draxynnic. I appreciate flawed characters. However, I appreciate the flaws more if they’re not all I see. The behavior of the individuals in Destiny’s Edge makes me wonder why their respective races respect them, never mind placing them in positions of authority.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

The main problem with Destiny’s Edge, was that they were created to be the main characters of a book. But this is a game, not a book, and we are it’s main characters. Or at least, we should be. The sooner the writers realize this, the more I will enjoy the story.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


My only concern is that the new crew is being written by the same people who write Scarlet.

Actually, I have an itch telling me that our Villain Sue will be “cured” of her insanity and brought into the fold. They are lacking a sylvari, after all.

I should be writing.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


My only concern is that the new crew is being written by the same people who write Scarlet.

Actually, I have an itch telling me that our Villain Sue will be “cured” of her insanity and brought into the fold. They are lacking a sylvari, after all.

I don’t follow LS very well but I remember a Sylvari called Canach, I’d rather see him fill this role if this must come to pass.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


My only concern is that the new crew is being written by the same people who write Scarlet.

Actually, I have an itch telling me that our Villain Sue will be “cured” of her insanity and brought into the fold. They are lacking a sylvari, after all.

I don’t follow LS very well but I remember a Sylvari called Canach, I’d rather see him fill this role if this must come to pass.

I’d rather see Canach, also. The new crew includes 3 females, and needs another male. Not to mention how many people seem to want to see the last of Scarlet.

Interesting Character Analysis on Massively

in Living World

Posted by: Grump.7069


The new crew also lacks an asura, don’t see people call for an asura to join em, so a sylvari isn’t required either.