Is Taimi getting sicker?

Is Taimi getting sicker?

in Living World

Posted by: Sister Saxifrage.7361

Sister Saxifrage.7361

Is it just me, or are there hints that Taimi’s degenerative condition is progressing? Her limp seems slower than ever in the lab, although that could be just that her avatar has gotten bigger (nice continuity on that, btw ANet). And she talks multiple times about being “so tired” – so tired it didn’t occur to her to run a key simulation about what would happen to Tyria if two of the remaining four (formerly six) pillars of its magical ecosystem were destroyed? So tired, yet she keeps working at breakneck speed… almost as if she feels she has very little time left? I also read an interesting theory on here that her new outfit is set up to inject her with blighting pod fluid.

It’s been really interesting having a disabled, chronically ill character in the story; I would love it if she stuck around while her abilities changed and she dealt with that, rather than neatly dying off at a specific threshold.

Is Taimi getting sicker?

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I put the tiredness down to over-working. I think in an earlier episode it’s stated she’s doing just that.

Knowing her lab and work could be found out at any time was likely the main reason for her working so hard and fast, alongside knowing that the Dragon threat has been increasing rapidly lately.

I doubt there is anything more than that tbh, although I think the blighting fluid angle has some basis and may factor in at some point.

Is Taimi getting sicker?

in Living World

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Yeah I think the tiredness is due to a lack of sleep.

Pretty much since the discovery of the Dragon Lab she’s been going between rebuilding and upgrading Scruffy, trying to catalogue and interpret all the data the Rata Novans left behind and specifically searching through the data for anything that can help us against the dragons. Oh and trying to hide all of the above from Phlunt, which means inventing reasons to stay in Rata Novus while pretending she’s just doing normal school work. And fighting off Chak invasions periodically. She mentions on a few occasions that she’s not been sleeping, or only sleeping extremely briefly.

Having said all that according to her Wiki page her illness may get worse as she gets older. Although we’ve never been given much info on it, I seem to remember her original explanation was literally just “You see these legs? They don’t work so good.”

(It just occurred to me that between that and the whole going straight from being a student to making world-changing discovery thing Taimi is a bit like a female Stephen Hawking…if he was a weird little grey alien.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”