LADY Kasmeer Meade
My guess is that Kas was doing some kind of very important secret work for queen Jennah and Countess Anise to get her title back. During this time Kas may have found out that Jennah and Anise were really the gods Ilya and Lyss or together Lyssa. At this time she may have also learned other stuff from the gods that caused her extreme shock from seeing balthazar, hiccups, and need to leave the scene early. I think something else is definitely going on with her behind the scenes. At this time its just pretty much impossible to pin down exactly what.
Schrödingers Clone: PvP Mesmer
It’s worth noting that in the HoT first instance (the prologue in the Silverwastes), she is also Lady Kasmeer Meade, before losing the title again for the rest of HoT. Because of that, I’d been waiting for her to show up to see what name she was using.
There is a converstation between Kasmeer and Anise at the end of Party Politics in LS2 where she is invited to be part of Jennah’s entourage at the council in the Grove, and Anise mentions it would make a good opportunity for her to plead her father’s case. Reading between the lines, she was being offered a chance to re-earn her title by making herself useful to the Queen. Maybe that has now played out off camera.
She was helping interrogate the ministers.
She was helping interrogate the ministers.
TIL catching out nobility in lies is Lady-like behavior.
She was helping interrogate the ministers.
TIL catching out nobility in lies is Lady-like behavior.
Nobility != ministers. There’s an overlap, sure, but would you really want Lord Faren to be part of running Kryta?
She was helping interrogate the ministers.
TIL catching out nobility in lies is Lady-like behavior.
Nobility != ministers. There’s an overlap, sure, but would you really want Lord Faren to be part of running Kryta?
Catching people in lies is Lady-like behavior? (fixed)
She was helping interrogate the ministers.
TIL catching out nobility in lies is Lady-like behavior.
Nobility != ministers. There’s an overlap, sure, but would you really want Lord Faren to be part of running Kryta?
Catching people in lies is Lady-like behavior? (fixed)
Much better – we’ll make a Lady of you yet.