LLama Drama

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anet, please make that silly Skritt appear more oftenly.
That Achievement is otherwise so annoying, to get, when ypou wait für hpours over hours over hours in that desert and you seem to be never at the right tiem at the right moment to get that skritt to transform you into a llama.

Or its already killed. before you got your chances to get morphed into it.

Either increase its event chance to appear somewhere on the map (and not just only at likely 2 places only)
Or change that event into somethign else, that doesn’t require of the player to wait stupidly around for several hours just to catch a single random appearing skritt, but instead has somethign ACTUALLY to do with the few LLAMAS that are on the map near the northen outpost’s pub

like that a giant attacks the pub and scares away tjhe llasmas there, we have to kill it and then search for the scared away llamas to bring them back and once we broght back enough Llamas after doign the event several times, we get that achievement…

Would make more fun at least, than waiting around stupidly for x hours just in hope, that this one silyl skritt appears somewhen somewhere in your near so that you can hunt it and hope again for it, that it will morph you in a llama, before you kill that skritt >.>

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

Question: Do you already have the other four Skritt Burglar transformation achievements in the game?

If your answer to that is no, then why are you so hung up on this one? Is it because it’s in a different tab than the other ones?

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Ive all the other skritt burglar achievements….
I’m Achievement Hunter with over 15k points.

This has nothing to do with it that this Achievement is in a different Tab…
This has just something to do with Achievement Design and waiting over hours for just a NPC to appear an a random time at a random spot is just ridiculous.
Even the other Skritt Burglars appeared more oftenly.

I think just that this Achievement could have been designed better in regard of waiting times in mind.
Or do you think waiting on so many random factors over hours is anyhow FUN???
You can’t even anyhow influence it that this event appears faster , what makes the whole thing even worser.

The map offers llamas, so why has it to be a random skritt burglar again, which offers to you nothing, when you kill it.
However, a new event involving killable giants that scare away those few llamas on the map (what would be a Llama Drama) would be awesome and the game would get finally a new and hopefully better source also for Giant Slayer together with that achievement, than the 1 Champ Giant Event in that Lvl 25 Map Diessa Plateau.

Must not even be a giant, could be also any other kind of just giant creature, whose kill would count as giant..just some kind of wild beast, that takes llamas for food xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I suspect the two easiest ways to get this achievement are:

1) Get lucky. Just happen to be in the right place at the right time so you’re there when the event happens.


2) Wait until there’s less people on the map and the chest locations have been mapped. At the moment it seems like as soon as the skritt burglar chest appears someone activates it, tons of people mob the event and it’s all over very quickly, then you have to wait for it to reappear.

But the map is permanent and later on there will be less people there so it will just be a matter of checking the chest locations, finding the right one and activating it yourself. That’s how I’ve done all the other skritt burglar achievements. (In this case I got lucky, he ran right past me.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


As far as I can tell, the skritt burgler in Dry Top spawns in the same place at exactly 40 minutes past every hour (at the exact moment the sandstorm starts).

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: Lonami.2987


I’ve found her 3 times just today. You need to explore a bit.

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M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I suspect the two easiest ways to get this achievement are:

1) Get lucky. Just happen to be in the right place at the right time so you’re there when the event happens.


2) Wait until there’s less people on the map and the chest locations have been mapped. At the moment it seems like as soon as the skritt burglar chest appears someone activates it, tons of people mob the event and it’s all over very quickly, then you have to wait for it to reappear.

But the map is permanent and later on there will be less people there so it will just be a matter of checking the chest locations, finding the right one and activating it yourself. That’s how I’ve done all the other skritt burglar achievements. (In this case I got lucky, he ran right past me.)

I was (1).
I suddenly saw a mob of players chasing a skritt below me and the event notification popped up. I was like, ‘holy crap, there’s a skritt burglar on this map’. I dropped down and immediately got transformed before I could even really attack it at all, reverted to normal and helped take it down. Didn’t even notice that I got an achievement at that time due to all the stuff all over the right side of my screen stretching down behind my minimap. It wasn’t until some hours later when I took a peek at the new achievements for Dry Top that I found out that there even was an achievement for that and that I had already gotten it.

So your (1) fits my completion of that achievement to a T.

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LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


You know she spawns form a chest that you have to physically open right? I sincerely hope you aren’t just wandering around hoping that she’s going to randomly appear, she only starts running around when someone opens the chest. (I assume you already know this since you’ve done the other burglar achievements, but it’s not clear from your dialogue).

LLama Drama

in Living World

Posted by: NTDK.4897


Just some advices I have:
-The “Chest” will spawn when sandstorm appears. (Its name is just “Chest”)
-It will spawn on ground level. So dont look anywhere that needs jumping.
-I see it near the Prosperity waypoint (south of quicksand, not the village) more often than the Moa’s area. So when the sandstorm about to appear, run around the wp while holding Ctrl. (or you can have a friend on Moa’s area)

And when chasing the Skritt, remember that you dont need to attack it at all and you will help keep it alive longer. You just need to run behind it.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]