(edited by Dondagora.9645)
LS Characters: Opinions
Rox – I like her personality, although I’m starting to wonder just what the heck it takes get into the Stone Warband.
Braham – Again like Rox, I like this character (although I do find the hair a bit silly) and enjoy the camaraderie between him and Rox. Wouldn’t mind either of them in a DE 2.0 should it form.
Ellen – A bit too white knight-ish to me, but I did like her handling of the remaining contracts on Southsun.
Moto – Honestly could care less about this character. To me he’s just a way for SAB to exist, which I thought didn’t need to actually be part of the Lore and could’ve stayed as just a fun minigame.
Canach – I would like to see him return someday as I enjoyed that while he was trying to do something good his methods were flawed. I wouldn’t mind seeing a redemption arc with this character as I found him to be one of the more grey characters and to me more interesting.
Mai Trin – Too me she was just a way for Anet to build up the threat of Scarlet. If more is done with this character it won’t bother me, but I’m not anxiously waiting to see her return either.
Evon – I found it confusing when they pretty much introduced him in a villainous manner during the Living Story. The short story made me appreciate this character more, but I don’t really find him all that interesting currently.
Marjory Delaqua & Kasmeer – Really I’m alright with these characters, but nothing really stands out besides Marjory’s introduction thinking back. I wouldn’t mind more interaction with them.
Faren – I thought I would add him in this since for my character the LS has been my introduction to this character. He’s alright, I like that the Queen’s Jubilee showed he had a heroic side to him. However he really does just give me this feeling of he’s just around to get himself into whacky adventures where we have to save him. If that remains his only reason then as long as he isn’t constantly thrown in for a gag then I’m ok with this character.
Scarlet – At this point I feel like it’s all down to her motivation. Her introduction during the Queen’s Speech left me with the Harley vibe that others have pointed out. The short story on Anet’s site though saved a lot of my interests in her character. I hope we find out more about her motivations sooner rather than later as I find her whole over-the-top, “Muahahaha I’m so evil and crazy!!” deal tiring. Doesn’t compare to the Lich, Shiro, or Varesh though in my book.
(edited by Exploding Acorn.3754)
Rox: Seemed interesting at first, for her weird eyes if nothing else, but now I don’t really care. Nothing really bad about her, but she’s just not memorable.
Braham: Like Rox, had interest and potential to me, but wrecked by being Eir’s son for no reason (they don’t even do anything with that plot point, and it’s bad fanfiction levels of insertion), and ultimately being as forgettable as Rox. Their weapon skins are more memorable than they are.
Ellen Kiel: Don’t care.
Evon Gnashblade: Don’t care.
Moto: Well, he did make the Super Adventure Box, which is fine when one doesn’t think about World 2. And he’s voiced by Steve Blum (I think), so there’s another point for him.
Canach: Has potential, but he’ll probably be forgotten.
Kasmeer: Introduced in Secret of Southsun and doesn’t really do anything besides hanging out with Marjory…
Marjory: …who also isn’t that memorable besides being the one that introduced the new kind of cut-scene. They have potential, but seem to have been forgotten for now. (Or they don’t feel like taking part and would rather express their forbidden love for one another in the secrecy of the Dead End.)
E: Don’t care.
Mai Trin: A boss that I never reached, so I don’t care.
Faren: He’s ok. Just don’t make him get captured all the time please?
Scarlet: Let’s see…
Graduated all 3 asuran colleges (or did special work to show she could)…
…Teamed up with the Inquest (when sylvari were considered little more than kindling to them, in Zojja’s words)…got kicked out of Rata Sum when caught instead of killed or locked up away somewhere by the Arcane Eye…
Studied under a master blacksmith, master sniper, and an asuran genius that created a machine that blocked her senses so her mind could go somewhere and nowhere at the same time, maybe it was the Eternal Alchemy, maybe it was the Dream, who knows?
Then she learns “everything” , kills her mentor just because, and decides making lore-breaking alliances and killing everyone else is fun, so…
Yeah. Stupid backstory, stupid motivation, good voice actress, bad character. And she’s supposed to be our Personal Nemesis. Really?
Rox- I love her personality and sense of humor, but her eyes still scare the crap out of me. Charr aren’t supposed to look like anime princesses.
Braham- Also great personality and humor. He amuses me very much XD
Ellen Kiel- I have no opinion. I wasn’t around for her election. She seems ok.
Moto-I… disapprove. The SAB is fun, but I don’t think it should be included as a part of GW2’s lore. Like, in the GW2 world, it shouldn’t exist in the eyes of the characters. It’s a bit too far-removed.
Canach-The only thing I cared about on Southsun was getting my tentacle backpack. No opinion.
Mai Trin-No opinion. The aetherblades amuse me though.
Evon Gnashblade- Again, I wasn’t around for the elections, but he’s a charr. I mean, c’mon. He gets awesome points just for that. I wish he’d won.
Marjory Delaqua- She seems pretty cool, but she didn’t make a huge impression on me one way or the other.
-Lady Kasmeer-I like her character, but her appearance bothers me. I don’t think its good for arenanet to sexualize the women in the game so much, and not the men. It sends out a message that women characters must please men sexually to be important, regardless of their other character roles. And that hurts women in real life.
-Scarlet Briar- I love her. She’s funny, and interesting. I think people are too h@rd on the character. (seriously? the words hard and on become “kitten”. Anet, you ENCOURAGE us to have dirty minds!)
-Lady Kasmeer-I like her character, but her appearance bothers me. I don’t think its good for arenanet to sexualize the women in the game so much, and not the men. It sends out a message that women characters must please men sexually to be important, regardless of their other character roles. And that hurts women in real life.
Are you referring to her swimsuit model or her actual outfit?
Did you forget Faren in the speedo? Twice? They actually brought it back for when he was captured.
Sexualizing the women so much? Can you please give some more examples of this sexualization in GW2? I’ve seen worse. Much worse.
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband] 8/10
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero] 8/10
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member] 8/10
-Moto[Inventor of SAB] Not a SAB player, no comment
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist] 3/10 hope never see again
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain] Missed this LS, no comment
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company] 5/10, medicore Charr
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective] 9/10 great cutscene
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble] 9.9/10 That’s just the beachwear!
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind 6/10 medicore, boring, forgettable, rubbish villian
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband] actually like rox alot wouldnt mind seeing more and learning more about
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero] same as rox wouldnt mind him getting a makeover
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member]detest her actually i think she too white knightish and needs a bit of bad side
-Moto[Inventor of SAB]dont know dont care
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist] id like to see more i think he has good in him but did things wrong. give him another chance
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain]nothing much didnt see enough to care
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company]id like to see more about him
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective]they had a nice cutscene but othwerwise dont care
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble]not much have i seen maybe they could develop her to compliment lord faren
lord faren add him in cause i mentioned him. i think hes growing as a character. he went to a party animal to a possible hero. i think in the human personal story maybe our chars had an influence on him thats why he tried to be a hero and found out maybe its not what its cuts out to be. i like him a lot and love to see more of him
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind]read the stuff about heard the interviews she still blah too unrelated to me. they should have introduced her earlier and maybe had us find her but see her rise to power now shes leader of everything and that just doesn’t do it to me. i would have loved if some action by our players would have caused her craziness but i have no connection to her so i don’t care
-Lady Kasmeer-I like her character, but her appearance bothers me. I don’t think its good for arenanet to sexualize the women in the game so much, and not the men. It sends out a message that women characters must please men sexually to be important, regardless of their other character roles. And that hurts women in real life.
Are you referring to her swimsuit model or her actual outfit?
Did you forget Faren in the speedo? Twice? They actually brought it back for when he was captured.
Sexualizing the women so much? Can you please give some more examples of this sexualization in GW2? I’ve seen worse. Much worse.
I’m referring to both. The difference between Faren in his speedo, and Kasmeer, is that Faren’s body is not overtly sexualized. Kasmeer has had her breasts enlarged, her torso and legs extended, and her face perfected to give her a level of sexual appeal to men, which Faren does not exhibit. Also, our society sexualizes the unclothed female frame far more than the male.
Other examples? The human and norn bodies in character creation. The humans look like anorexic supermodels—their bodies are both overtly sexualized, and they add to the problem of women’s bodies being made unrealistic in the media. Young girls are bombarded by images of female bodies like that, and they come to believe that’s what women are supposed to actually look like—and develop mental health issues. So any form of media that adds to the problem is a concern. The norn are much better in that they look healthy… but they’re still made to look sexy while the norn men aren’t.
Also, female armor options. Yes, this game is much better than most because we have the choice to dress in covering armor. However, you still see the double standard of an armor piece fully-clothing men, and giving women a bikini.
The watchknights. They are female-only, and were designed to titillate. I’ve typed out the issue above.
That said, you’re right. Guild Wars 2 is much better than most games, and it deserves recognition for that. However, it doesn’t make sense to say a problem is OK, just because the problem is worse somewhere else. That’s like saying we shouldn’t care when someone gets mugged, because other people are getting murdered elsewhere and murder is worse than mugging. In the same way, you can’t say the issues in GW2 don’t matter because the issues in, say, Tera, are worse. For a problem to be solved, whether it’s women in video games, or street violence, you can’t ignore the lesser evils and then expect it to get better.
Watchknights do not titillate. I agree with you on some female (especially light) armor (feathers, really?)
Moto seems like an extremely interesting character from the short story on the GW website. I wonder what happened to the real “princess”. To bad the lore isn’t in-game.
Rox Interesting character, ties to a DE member = feeling of continuity and belonging to GW story. They oversimplified her with the Tequatl update – srsly, is all that she does just to impress Rytlock?! But ok job overall. Thumbs up.
Braham Aside from a terrible, TERRIBLE haircut, I quite like him. As a good Norn he is making his own heroic saga, got a lot of potential, is responsible (Cragstead) and as Eir’s son, is tied to one of original GW2 characters which expands on the current story and gives us a feeling of continuity. A GOOD EXAMPLE of how living Story should work. Thumbs up.
Ellen Kiel Yes yes, she is a bit white knight-ish, goodie two shoes. However, she gets the job done. She stood up for LA more than once and deserves to have a seat on the council. (Sorry Abbadon fractal folkes, I also preferred that one over Thaumanova, but Ellen seems like a better choice than Evon storywise). She does need more character depth though. Thumbs up…sort of
Moto I have no interest in mini-games, so I haven’t paid any attention to SAB. n/a
Canach A GOOD EXAMPLE of an anti-hero. He had strong motivations and a hard life which led to some poor choices. There should have been a choice of joining him against the Consortium actually. However, his story should have been presented better IN GAME, random blog posts doesn’t reach majority of players, so the lore gets hazy here. Thumps up.
Mai Trin Since the very begining of Dragon Bash, she was the obvious villain-of the week, very poorly fleshed out at that. No good motivations or anything – as is currently the case with all Aetherblades. Meh.
Evon Gnashblade Maybe I just don’t fully know his background (don’t recall reading Evon blog posts) and the general idea of a robber baron that wants to buy his way into politics doesn’t real appeal to me that much. Meh.
Marjory Delaqua Very interesting character, got a lot of potential. I wonder why we haven’t heard from her during Queen’s Jubilee. That noir intro scene was very nice (reason why so many people are intrigued), but it was only one scene. We need this character _ as an actual part of the story much more_. She would have been ideal to look into Scarlet’s history with players and Emissary Vorpp… Hope to see more of her, in game. Thumbs up.
Lady Kasmeer Like Marjory, got potential but mostly cause of external story. Southsun dialogue was actually good to get to know her personality a bit. We need her IN GAME more. ok…
Mr. E [Mystery] Thus far, it seems like deus ex machina. Like it’s been voiced out on the forums many a time, the progression of the plot in LS is slow. Also, there are sooo many mysteries from GW1 and GW2 main plots that we don’t need so many more mysteries at this point. Kasmeer, Marjory and Ellen would do as our correspondents…Thumbs down.
Faren Good comic relief, they’ve certainly fleshed out his personality in game. Glad to see AN EXISTING character returning. Thumbs up.
Scarlet Briar Oh boy, too much to write here, just look at so many Scarlet-Sue threads. The character might have some potential (?) but has been extremely poorly presented. We don’t need a random blog post which doesn’t really give character depth, we need more lore presentation IN GAME. Thumbs waaaay down.
Key points: anything that was presented IN GAME is ok.
On the issue of Faren’s Speedo – if there are mostly kittenty options for female armor out there (cough Arah, cough CoE light armor cleavage, cough karma light), then us girls can have Lord Faren in a Speedo every now and again. Just sayin’…
[DV] – megaboss community
(edited by hedix.1986)
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband] – This plot device is shallow and it’s running thin now. It was fine for Flame and Frost but they went too far with Tequatl Rising. She shouldn’t have been there. Someone who has more insight or involvement (who can add more depth to the story) is a better fit and results in a stronger story. She is fun as a character.
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero] I like him. He’s heroic but he’s not qualified. He doesn’t hold a high position and he doesn’t have the respect of a lot of people but he does the right thing. He has an interesting backstory and his personality is fun.
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member] Worst thing to happen to GW2. Burn it with fire.
-Moto[Inventor of SAB] I think SAB is best left as an April Fools joke. Trying to squeeze a story out of it is like fitting a square peg into a round hole. They will get something but at the end of the day it’s time wasted on something that’s less interesting than most of the other stories they could have told. This kind of thing would be a minor quest in a traditional MMO but in GW2 it’s taking up a month’s (and likely several months when SAB returns) of story telling time.
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist] He’s great. They could have handled him better (and his black and white vision is hard to understand but you can put it down to sylvari naivety). He has a lot of potential for character growth and he could become one of the stronger Living Story characters. I’d like to see him get a redemption arch, if it’s handled right.
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain] Seemed unimportant. I am sick of human females though.
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company] He was far too cliche in his portrayal but it’s sad to see Kiel win over him. I wish they had written him with some sophistication or subtley instead of “this guy is bad, Kiel is good hurr durr”. I think he could be an interesting element in future stories given his flexible morality.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective] I liked her. There wasn’t a lot to her tbh but she seemed fine. She had a unique feel to her which was nice, the atmosphere of the pub was very immersive. Her motivations etc aren’t particularly interesting though.
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble] She’s fun enough. She hasn’t done enough to be annoying and she hasn’t done enough to be particularly interesting. The worst thign you can do is hog the spotlight and not do anything with it (looking at you Kiel and Scarlet) so Kasmeer has avoided this so far. The story is spreading really thin at this point so it’s hard to see if Kasmeer will matter at all in the future.
-Mr. E[Mystery] Who? But seriously, this is an issue I have with the story. This plot shouldn’t have gone untouched for this long.
-Faren[Faren] He’s hilarious. Technically not a Living Story character (he was from the human personal story) but he is one of the more entertaining characters in the story so far.
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind] The sooner we are done with her the better.
I really wish there was a Zephyrite character. Their story has been by far the most interesting story this year. The Zephyrite connection to glint and all the mystery surrounding their culture was the most compelling thing we’ve come across – best of all it’s completely unrelated to Scarlet (so far – the idea that it might be in the future depresses me). I can get excited about a connection to Glint or her offspring, nothing Scarlet is doing interests me. She seems to exist outside of the world and only appears when she wants to attack it. Everything she does is inconsequential once the new chapter starts.
Given how underutilised Kasmeer and Marjory have been, in addition to how localised and inconsequential Moto is, I think there are too many characters at this point.
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband] – I like Rox. Not sure why. Must be the eyes.
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero] – I like Braham. He had a good introduction being the one who went out to save the villagers that no one else would.
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member] – Kiel is the source of stability in the story. It’s good to have someone to stand with. She’s the good, noble character who will likely be faced with impossible moral choices.
-Moto[Inventor of SAB] – No real opinion of him.
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist] – My least favorite character. He was presented as a kitten in the story, then in game, he turned out to be an idiot. Hard to respect someone who acts tough but lacks the skills to back it up.
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain] – Like Canach in that she’s too big for her britches. However, this is a perfect role for a villain sidekick, so it works.
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company] – I like Evon. I’m glad he didn’t win the election because he doesn’t belong there. He much more interesting as the cunning businessman.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective] – How can you miscast a character in a video game story? Anet found a way. She’s setup as a hard-boiled detective but has none of the traits of one. I find it strange that people complain about Scarlet’s Sueness when Marjory is already practically perfect in every way and placed in such an envious role. Doesn’t help that someone who works on the “mean” streets looks like she just walked out of a Paris fashion show…with her partner…
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble] – That cut scene with Marjory ruined her for me. You have this gritty scene that ends with Kasmeer staring at you like a dufus. I’m not sure what the intent was, because that silly look on her face just ruined the whole moment.
-Faren[Faren] – Faren is great. He was part of my personal story, so I was glad to see him again. Never change, Faren.
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind] – I like Scarlet. She’s certainly not omnipotent, and it would be weird to have a major villain be a pushover. People seem to be projecting a lot on to her. However, she’s actually one of the best villains we’ve gotten. She’s entertaining and interacts directly with our characters. I much prefer her to the brooding, no personality beyond their role as something for you to hack away at villains that are common in so many games. If we’re going to have a mastermind, let’s have one with some flair. I actually look forward to seeing what she’ll do and say next.
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband] I like Rox a lot. I find her personality very engaging and I feel attached to this character. Especially when paired with Braham or when contrasting with Rytlock.
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero] I love this character too and how he failed to get the girl despite being such a good guy/hero. I like his strained relationship with Eir too.
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member] I find Ellen interesting. She’s so strait laced and yet is an important figure in a PIRATE city. I’d love to see the background on how she became that way. And there’s a ton of potential for that to develop during the ongoing Living Story. People are kitten her for not having depth but in a novel we’d barely have been introduced to her character at this point. Each update isn’t a chapter in a novel. It’s a single scene from a TV show. How much depth is she supposed to have at this point? She’s a character we’re supposed to see develop over time, not start out that way.
-Moto[Inventor of SAB] He stole a lot of concepts from my asura character. I know it’s coincidence but it still sucks.
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist] A passable villian.
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain] Needs more development, as do the Aetherblades in general.
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company] I love his personality. He has character and I hope to see him in the future as a sometimes ally and sometimes foe. Let him be unpredictable.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective] She could be an interesting character but needs more time in the spotlight.
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble] I don’t know if this character has a point yet. She has never done anything worthwhile so far.
-Mr. E[Mystery] If he returns then I’m interested in how that may develop. But there’s been no indication he has anything to do with anything yet.
-Faren[Faren] Faren is fantastic. Now I want to play the human story to see how he’s introduced. Just don’t overuse him.
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind] I like Scarlet but I think she’s better as a wildcard in a more layered story. I’m not sure she works as the sole focus of the Living Story. I wish they’d let her fade into the background and tell a wider story, then bring her back where I think she could shine.
Alright, let’s do this.
-Rox[Charr trying for Stone Warband]: I LOVE her personality, and the way she talks to Frostbite is really adorable without being stupid. Her interaction with Braham and how their friendship has evolved is really awesome, too.
-Braham[Upstart Norn Hero]: He is great, but I really don’t like the way he treats his mother. Maybe I just like Eir too much. I would like to see more stuff about him and would love to see him getting a bit closer to Eir. Still, I love Braham, and I am happy that he couldn’t get Otillia, he is too good for her. That selfish, cruel, awfully raised MONSTER of a woman thinks that she can dump him just like that? I want to kick her face.
-Ellen Kiel[Lionsguard Captain//Lion’s Arch Council Member]: I hate her, plain and simple. I am ok with characters that get credit for what I did and that’s why I don’t hate Trahearne anymore, but Kiel gets the credit for what other characters did, and that makes me mad. Yes, I am talking about Canach and Marjory here.
-Moto[Inventor of SAB]: I get that he represents the game developers that try to make something that they love but ended up having to deal with money-hungry companies, and I like that.
-Canach[Lone Guerrilla Terrorist]: My favourite one. Not exactly a villain, more like an anti-hero and certainly not a terrorist since his objective was not to cause chaos and terror, it was about getting revenge on the Consortium, killing the guy that was sending assassins after him (Noll) and freeing the settlers. His methods were bad and he should feel bad, but if we take into account that he was being hunt like an animal, starving, sleep deprived and completely alone, like a dev said, it makes sense. Take a person that can not think straight at the moment, put them on an island with their worst enemies, add a bunch of nightmarish, giant crustaceans and you will end up with a mess for sure. He has a lot of potential and I want to see him back in the story.
-Mai Trin[Aetherblade Captain]: She is alright for an evil sidekick, I guess. I liked how she made a Scooby Doo reference.
-Evon Gnashblade[Owner of Black Lion Company]: His short story was alright, but it didn’t make me care for him.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective]: Her short story was awesome, the cut scene was beautiful and she is simply great. I like her back story, I like the way she talks to other people and I love her hair. Really, I need that hairstyle.
-Lady Kasmeer[Partner of Marjory and Noble]: I would like to let people know that Kasmeer’s family doesn’t have much money like now, even though they are nobles, and that’s why she is working with Jory. I don’t really care about her, but I think that this might change. I mean, I don’t know much about her, and to me she sounded really fake on her short story and while talking to Faren, so I really can’t say that I know her.
-Mr. E[Mystery]: I am not sure if he will eventually go somewhere in the story or if he will just be “the guy that sent those letters” forever. I want to know who he is, and the participation on Jory’s short story plus the letters were not enough to make me decide if I like him or not.
-Faren[Faren]: Such a bright beacon of heroism, this guy. And also great for a laugh. Plus, he looks good on his speedo. I love him so much that all my human characters are nobles OCCly (not ICly, of course) just because I love to hang out with him. I don’t understand why people call him a coward. They probably never played the noble human personal story. He is really brave and have a huge heart, that dashing, adorable moron. I hope he never changes.
-Scarlet Briar[Crazy Omnipotent-ish Mastermind]: I’m not sure if I like her, to be honest. I like her short story and I loved her playhouse. I think she does have potential and I want to see where this is going.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
(edited by Gabby.3205)
Alright, let’s do this.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective]: Her short story was awesome, the cut scene was beautiful and she is simply great. I like her back story, I like the way she talks to other people and I love her hair. Really, I need that hairstyle.
It looks like we’ll be getting it tomorrow.
Alright, let’s do this.
-Marjory Delaqua[Old-School Necromancer Detective]: Her short story was awesome, the cut scene was beautiful and she is simply great. I like her back story, I like the way she talks to other people and I love her hair. Really, I need that hairstyle.It looks like we’ll be getting it tomorrow.
Ohh thanks for letting me know! I’m checking them on dulfy right now. Beautiful, really. I’ll provably changing my Canthan character (Jory’s hairstyle), my Sylvary (dat first one) and my Asura (I can’t chose! They are all pretty!). I was hoping for something different for my Norn, but these hairstyles really wouldn’t fit her, sadly. Oh well, we can’t have everything x)
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
The norn are much better in that they look healthy… but they’re still made to look sexy while the norn men aren’t.
I find this offensive. Just because Norn men don’t fit into the standard human proportions they’re not sexy? This is a very racist, human-centric, view of Norn.
The norn are much better in that they look healthy… but they’re still made to look sexy while the norn men aren’t.
I find this offensive. Just because Norn men don’t fit into the standard human proportions they’re not sexy? This is a very racist, human-centric, view of Norn.
This. Norn men are sexy. Well, I like them a lot. I mean, there are a couple of norn faces that are so dreamy! I am not a fan of piles of muscles IRL, but really, norn men can look so good!
Pretty much what you said, just because they are not everybody’s cup of tea, it doesn’t mean that they are not sexy. I think many human males look like teenagers :T
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”