Letters from friends. (suggestion)

Letters from friends. (suggestion)

in Living World

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I dont know how many people know this but in the time since Flame and Frost, you’ve been able to go out and visit Rox and Braham. As time as passed they have had some different dialog and a few spoken scenes play out to tell what they are up to.

It seems from talking to alot of people that many dont know it or never get out to visit them (after all the dialog isnt heaps).

This got me thinking that perhaps an extra bit to keep these notable characters in memory could be added in the form of letters from them letting us know what they are up to. Not very frequently but occationally just to let us know what they are up to in the background. It would also build that sense of knowing them.

For example, a letter from Rox venting to us her frustration at Frostbite breaking into the stores while she was away and touching on her discomfort of having to leave him behind at the Hatchery when she is called off on official duty. Or Braham telling us about how things are going at Craigstead and lementing over his love life problems. After all why wouldnt friends send each other letters?

This just seemed to me to be a good way to keep these characters in peoples memory and add to the feeling that they are off living their lives in the background. I also imaged it would be a rather low resource and easy thing to use to develop those characters and add a sense of persistant world.

Letters from friends. (suggestion)

in Living World

Posted by: MuxyKillin.7036


just for the lols but, from a logistic point of view, can you imagine the sheer ammount of paper and ink those two would need to use to mail everyone of us?

and now back to serious bsns… yes that would be a nice idea to have periodic mail or updates about hte major characters of past living story arcs.